Mother Adela,
Only for
private use -©
Read publicly to the pilgrims in the
Sanctuary of Divine Mercy in Krakow, Poland. September, 2003.
Oh Jesus, your Pierced Heart is the
Ocean of infinite Mercy from which your Blood and Water so
generously emanate over us – Your Blood that set us free from our
sins and You Water that purifies and enlivens our hearts. You are
the open fountain of Salvation in which we desire to submerge
ourselves, so that we may be transformed by the redemptive power of
Your Mercy.
Jesus, in this image of Your Merciful Heart revealed to Saint
Faustina, You have offered us a vessel through which we can come to
the fountain of Mercy to receive without limit your abundant graces
of conversion, healing and redemption.
Oh Jesus, I trust in You! To You I
entrust my entire life, my heart, my fears, my fragilities, my
dreams, and all the sufferings of my body as well as the most
intimate sufferings of my heart and soul.
I trust in You, oh Divine Mercy! You, Who see my weakness with
compassionate eyes; You, Who lift up my misery with the power of
Your Love; You, Who give life to my unfruitfulness and Who trust in
me in spite of my failings.
In You, I trust! You Who calm the
tempests of the soul and the great storms that violently assail the
ship of our lives, families, communities, nations and the entire
world. In You, Jesus, I entrust the past that in so many ways
crushes us; the present that causes much anxiety; and the future
that often times we face with anguish.
Oh, Merciful Heart! In your Sacred
Wound we hide, finding our refuge and our rest… our everlasting
peace. In the unfathomable Ocean of Your Heart, we sinners submerge
ourselves today, awaiting with confidence the greatest gift of Your
Love for humanity: Your Mercy.
Spanish Version
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