All for the Heart of Jesus through the Heart of Mary!

Saying “yes” to God - allowing love to triumph!
Sr. Silvia Maria Tarafa, SCTJM
For private use only -©

How does one say “yes” to God, when one does not understand what He’s asking, when one does not have an attraction to what He’s asking, when one does not see where that “yes” is going to lead?
The last time we gathered in cyberspace, I shared on “how one becomes a religious sister.” Today I sensed the Lord wanted me to share a few thoughts on just simply saying “yes” to God regardless of what He’s asking.

It seems that our fallen human nature wants to live our lives doing our own thing. We spend our lives living out our own plan before we finally realize one day that our plan is not all that great; actually, it is sterile, and often even hurtful to our person. At best, our plan leaves us empty, for it is not the purpose for which God created us.  Once we’ve hit ourselves in the head often enough following what we think is best, the Holy Spirit tries to help us realize that there must be something more than what we are experiencing.   So what’s missing?

Unlike us, Mary never set out to do “her own thing.” Rather, her entire life was a total abandonment to God and His plan for her life. Hers was a receptive heart. From the moment of her conception (which was immaculate), She gratefully received this gift of grace by surrendering to God and to His plan – with her whole person. The Father, who will not be outdone in generosity, responded to her total abandonment by sending His Son from His Bosom to Her womb, making Her the Mother of God. Even with this lofty plan, Mary still did not fully understand what it would mean to be the Mother of the Messiah “of Sorrows.” And yet, She still said – yes. It is also unlikely that Mary was attracted to Simeon’s word that Her Son would be a sign of contradiction and that a sword would pierce her own soul.  And yet, She still said – yes. And as she stood at the Foot of the cross watching the Word (Her only Son) be silenced, it is unlikely that she knew exactly where all of this violence was leading.  And yet, Mary did not allow these human realities to stop her faith in God. She, though not understanding, though not being attracted and though not knowing what was happening – in faith, She still said, “yes,” “fiat,” “amen,” “let it be done to me (and to my Son) according to Thy Word.” By Her faith-filled, total self abandonment to the Father’s will, she allowed Love to triumph!

So what do you think might be missing in us that keeps us from allowing love to be victorious in us? I think we simply do not trust God enough.  As we approach Advent, why don’t we ask the Holy Spirit to help us imitate Mary’s audacious trust in God’s goodness, so that we too might abandon ourselves to Love without reserve –  and allow Love to triumph in us!


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