Theology of the Heart- Life of the Saints


Father Jerzy Popieluszko was born on September 14, 1947 in Okopy, Poland. He entered the Seminary founded by Saint Maximilian and was interrupted by military service. On more than one occasion he was mistreated for living out his faith. After his priestly ordination, he was assigned to live and work in the Church of Saint Stanislaw Kostka. In October of 1984, Father Jerzy Popieluszko was kidnapped in Bydgoszcz and later assassinated by the secret service for his support of the Solidarity Movement. This association, in addition to being a labor union, was also a social movement which (using peaceful means) fought to accomplish reforms and the independence of Poland. Father Popieluszko preached and lived in defense of human rights and freedom. He preached “non-violence,” Christian unity, the triumph of moral good over the forces of evil and communist oppression. In 1997, the Roman Catholic Church started the process of his beatification and by 2008 he had Servant of God status. On December 19, 2009, it was announced that Pope Benedict XVI had approved the decree of beatification. He was beatified on June 6, 2010.

"How to Raise a Saint and a Martyr" - Interview with Bl. Jerzy's Mother....

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