Pope Benedict XVI - on Priesthood

The priesthood: Gift and Mystery

"In Jesus, person and mission tend to coincide: all Christ’s saving activity was, and is, an expression
of his “filial consciousness” which from all eternity stands before the Father in an attitude of loving submission
to his will. In a humble yet genuine way, every priest must aim for a similar identification."
(Letter of Pope Benedict Proclaiming the Year for Priests, June 16, 2009)

Documents, Letters, and Addresses on the Priesthood

"As Priests, the One Legitimate Ascent ...
Is Not That of Success But That of the Cross"

Papal Reflection on Opening of Academic Year of Pontifical Universities

Lectio Divina to Roman Seminarians
"The Christian Life Begins With a Call and Always Remains a Response"

March 4, 2011

"For Us God Is Not Some Abstract Hypothesis"
October 18, 2010

Letter of H.H. Benedict XVI Proclaiming the Year for Priests

Holy Father Proclaims Year for Priests
Address to the Congregation of the Clergy

Homily for the Inauguration of the Year for Priests by H.H. Benedict XVI

"With a Mother's Hand She Will Guide You to the Heavenly Homeland"
June 21, 2009
"The Priest is a Slave of Christ"
 June 24, 2009
"A Priest Who Was Completely Identified With His Ministry"
 June 28, 2009
"Resist Being Conformed to the Mentality of This World"
June 29, 2009
"One Who Prays Is Not Afraid; One Who Prays Is Never Alone"
July 1, 2009
"Priests Become Instruments of Salvation"
July 26, 2009
"A Precious Opportunity to Deepen our Knowledge
of the Value of the Mission of Priests"
 August 2, 2009
On Mary, Mother of Priests
August 12, 2009
Pope's Response to Questions from Priests of the Diocese of Albano
August 31, 2006
Question and Answer Session With Parish Priests
February 26, 2009


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