Pope Benedict XVI - Addresses 2010

Papal Addresses

Look at the One they Pierced!


December 22 - "The Theme for This Year: How Do We Preach the Gospel Today?"
Address to Roman Curia

December 2 - "A Truly Catholic Theology...is Necessary Today More than Ever"
Address to International Theological Commission
November 28 - "We Ourselves are the First to Need Re-evangelization"
Address to New York Bishops
November 25 - "God is Known through Men and Women who Know Him"
Address to Pontifical Council for the Laity
November 19 - Greeting on Christian the Christian Vocations
Address to Priests, Seminarians, Religious, and Laity
November 19 - "I Have Often Joined the Word Hope to the Word Africa"
Address to Benin Authorities
November 18 - "God Our Father Redirects Us...for He Does Not Wish Us to be Lost"
Address at Cotonou Cathedral
November 18 - "God Trusts in Man and Desires His Good"
Address at Arrival in Benin
November 4 -"As Priests, the One Legitimate Ascent ...
Is Not That of Success But That of the Cross"
Vespers Address at Beginning of Academic Year of Pontifical Universities
October 15 - "The Relationship between Family and Work"
Address to Centesimus Annus Foundation

August 21 - "Spread throughout the World the
Profound and Joyful Experience of Faith"
Farewell Address to Spain

August 21- "Your Life Will Achieve Fulfillment in Ways You Cannot Imagine"
Address to World Youth Day Volunteers
August 20 - "Let No Adversity Paralyze You"
Address to Youth at Prayer Vigil
August 20 - "The Lives of These Young People Surely Touch Human Hearts"
Address to Youth with Illnesses and Disabilities
August 20 - "Good things Bring Us Together"
Address to WYD Organizers
August 19 - "The Cross was Not a Sign of Failure,
but an Expression of Self-Giving in Love"
Reflection at the Way of the Cross
August 19 - "You Provide a Splendid Service to the Spread of Truth"
Address to Univesity Professors
August 19 - "We Need that Radicalism to which Your Consecration Bears Witness"
Address to Young Women Religious
August 18 - "Build Your Lives on the Firm Foundation which is Christ"
Response to Youth Welcoming Ceremony
August 18 -"You Have Responded in Great Numbers
to the Lord's Call to Come and Meet Him"
Greeting to Youth at World Youth Day
August 18 - "Discover of the Living God Inspires Young People"
Words Upon Arrival in Madrid for World Youth Day
June 4 - "Rooted in Christ, You will Fully Become
the Person You Are Meant to Be"
to Croation Youth
May 30 - "Love is God's Gift to Humanity"
to Indian Bishops on their Ad Limina Visit
May 30 - "To Proclaim Jesus Christ...Seems More Complex Today"
to the New Council on Evangelization
May 28 - "Being Catholic means being Marian"
Address to Men's Marian Sodality of Regensburg
May 27 - "Charity is Understood Not Merely as Generic
Benevolence but as Self-Giving"
to Caritas
May 19 - "How Can We Remain Indifferent to Such Love"
to the Teresianum
April 7 - "Each Bishop...is Called to Be a Minister of Unity"
to Syro-Malabar Bishops on Their Ad Limina Visit
March 25 - "How Many Conversions...Began in a Confessional"
to Participants in a Course by the Apostolic Penitentiary
February 7- "To Educate is an Act of Love"
to Members of Education Congregation
February 1- "The Abundance of Vocations is an Eloquent Sign of Ecclesial Vitality"
to Latin American Vocational Congress
January 10 - "Religion Does Not Represent a Problem for Society"
to Diplomatic Corps

Archive of Addresses from 2010...

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