Pope Benedict XVI- Addresses |
Papal Address to Turkey's
Religious Affairs Director
We "Belong to the Family of Those Who Believe in the One God"
H.H. Benedict XVI
November 28, 2006
ANKARA, Turkey, NOV. 28, 2006 (Zenit.org).- Meeting today
with Ali Bardakoglu, chief of Turkey's Religious Affairs
I am grateful for the opportunity to visit this land, so rich in
history and culture, to admire its natural beauty, to witness for
myself the creativity of the Turkish people, and to appreciate your
ancient culture and long history, both civil and religious.
As soon as I arrived in Turkey, I was graciously received by the
President of the Republic and the Government Representative. It was
for me also a great pleasure to greet and meet his Excellency the
Prime Minister Erdogan at the airport. In greeting them, I was
pleased to express my profound esteem for all the people of this
great country and to pay my respects at the tomb of the founder of
modern Turkey, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk.
I now have the joy of meeting you, the President of the Religious
Affairs Directorate. I offer you my sentiments of respect, in
recognition of your great responsibilities, and I extend my
greetings to all the religious leaders of Turkey, especially the
Grand Muftis of Ankara and Istanbul. In your person, Mr President, I
greet all the Muslims in Turkey with particular esteem and
affectionate regard.
Your country is very dear to Christians: many of the earliest Church
communities were founded here and grew to maturity, inspired by the
preaching of the Apostles, particularly Saint Paul and Saint John.
The tradition has come down to us that Mary, the Mother of Jesus,
lived at Ephesus, in the home of the Apostle Saint John.
This noble land has also seen a remarkable flowering of Islamic
civilization in the most diverse fields, including its literature
and art, as well as its institutions.
There are so many Christian and Muslim monuments that bear witness
to Turkey's glorious past. You rightly take pride in these,
preserving them for the admiration of the ever increasing number of
visitors who flock here.
I have set out upon my visit to Turkey with the same sentiments as
those expressed by my predecessor Blessed John XXIII, when he came
here as Archbishop Giuseppe Roncalli, to fulfill the office of Papal
Representative in Istanbul: "I am fond of the Turks, to whom the
Lord has sent me … I love the Turks, I appreciate the natural
qualities of these people who have their own place reserved in the
march of civilization" (Journal of a Soul, pp. 228, 233-4).
For my own part, I also wish to highlight the qualities of the
Turkish population. Here I make my own the words of my immediate
predecessor, Pope John Paul II of blessed memory, who said on the
occasion of his visit in 1979: "I wonder if it is not urgent,
precisely today when Christians and Muslims have entered a new
period of history, to recognize and develop the spiritual bonds that
unite us, in order to preserve and promote together, for the benefit
of all men, 'peace, liberty, social justice and moral values'"
(Address to the Catholic Community in Ankara, 28 November 1979).
These questions have continued to present themselves throughout the
intervening years; indeed, as I indicated at the very beginning of
my Pontificate, they impel us to carry forward our dialogue as a
sincere exchange between friends. When I had the joy of meeting
members of Muslim communities last year in Cologne, on the occasion
of World Youth Day, I reiterated the need to approach our
interreligious and intercultural dialogue with optimism and hope. It
cannot be reduced to an optional extra: on the contrary, it is "a
vital necessity, on which in large measure our future depends"
(Address to representatives of some Muslim Communities, Cologne, 20
August 2005).
Christians and Muslims, following their respective religions, point
to the truth of the sacred character and dignity of the person. This
is the basis of our mutual respect and esteem, this is the basis for
cooperation in the service of peace between nations and peoples, the
dearest wish of all believers and all people of good will.
For more than forty years, the teaching of the Second Vatican
Council has inspired and guided the approach taken by the Holy See
and by local Churches throughout the world to relations with the
followers of other religions. Following the Biblical tradition, the
Council teaches that the entire human race shares a common origin
and a common destiny: God, our Creator and the goal of our earthly
pilgrimage. Christians and Muslims belong to the family of those who
believe in the one God and who, according to their respective
traditions, trace their ancestry to Abraham (cf. Second Vatican
Council, Declaration on the Relation of the Church to Non-Christian
Religions "Nostra Aetate" 1, 3). This human and spiritual unity in
our origins and our destiny impels us to seek a common path as we
play our part in the quest for fundamental values so characteristic
of the people of our time. As men and women of religion, we are
challenged by the widespread longing for justice, development,
solidarity, freedom, security, peace, defense of life, protection of
the environment and of the resources of the earth. This is because
we too, while respecting the legitimate autonomy of temporal
affairs, have a specific contribution to offer in the search for
proper solutions to these pressing questions.
Above all, we can offer a credible response to the question which
emerges clearly from today's society, even if it is often brushed
aside, the question about the meaning and purpose of life, for each
individual and for humanity as a whole. We are called to work
together, so as to help society to open itself to the transcendent,
giving Almighty God his rightful place. The best way forward is via
authentic dialogue between Christians and Muslims, based on truth
and inspired by a sincere wish to know one another better,
respecting differences and recognizing what we have in common. This
will lead to an authentic respect for the responsible choices that
each person makes, especially those pertaining to fundamental values
and to personal religious convictions.
As an illustration of the fraternal respect with which Christians
and Muslims can work together, I would like to quote some words
addressed by Pope Gregory VII in 1076 to a Muslim prince in North
Africa who had acted with great benevolence toward the Christians
under his jurisdiction. Pope Gregory spoke of the particular charity
that Christians and Muslims owe to one another "because we believe
in one God, albeit in a different manner, and because we praise him
and worship him every day as the Creator and Ruler of the world."
Freedom of religion, institutionally guaranteed and effectively
respected in practice, both for individuals and communities,
constitutes for all believers the necessary condition for their
loyal contribution to the building up of society, in an attitude of
authentic service, especially toward the most vulnerable and the
Mr President, I should like to finish by praising the Almighty and
merciful God for this happy occasion that brings us together in his
name. I pray that it may be a sign of our joint commitment to
dialogue between Christians and Muslims, and an encouragement to
persevere along that path, in respect and friendship. May we come to
know one another better, strengthening the bonds of affection
between us in our common wish to live together in harmony, peace and
mutual trust. As believers, we draw from our prayer the strength
that is needed to overcome all traces of prejudice and to bear joint
witness to our firm faith in God. May his blessing be ever upon us!
[Original text: English]
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