Pope Benedict XVI- Addresses |
Message to Charismatic-Communities Conference
"Each Christian Must Become Christ's Follower"
H.H. Benedict XVI
November 5 , 2006
Translation of the message sent in Benedict XVI's
name by Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, Vatican secretary of state, to
the 12th international conference organized by the Catholic
Fraternity of Charismatic Covenant Communities and Fellowships.
His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI sends cordial greetings to
the members of the numerous communities born of that "current of
grace" which is the Catholic Charismatic Renewal, as they assemble
in Cachoeira Paulista, Brazil, to reflect on the theme "New
Communities for a New Evangelization." He is also pleased to greet
the many bishops present who have met to reflect on the theme "Charism
and Institution: Co-essential."
As His Holiness said to the members of ecclesial movements and new
communities gathered in St. Peter's Square on the vigil of last
Pentecost: "Anyone who has come across something true, beautiful and
good in his life -- the one true treasure, the pearl of great price
-- hastens to share it everywhere, in the family and at work, in the
contexts of his life" (Homily at first Vespers of the solemnity of
Pentecost, 3 June 2006). Was it not such a new, spontaneous and
joy-filled witness which then became proclamation, a missionary
impulse inspired by the Holy Spirit that led many lay faithful to
undertake a more committed Christian life within their communities?
As a result, the Pope also said in St. Peter's Square, they can
"collaborate even more, very much more, in the Pope's universal
apostolic ministry, opening the doors to Christ. This is the best
service that the Church can offer to men and women, and specially to
the poor to help the life of each individual; a just social order
and peaceful coexistence among nations find in Christ the
cornerstone on which the genuine civilization, the civilization of
love, can be built" (ibid).
To speak of the new evangelization also means to speak about those
who will carry it out, namely, individual Christians, those who have
themselves encountered Christ, for "being Christian is not the
result of an ethical choice or a lofty idea, but the encounter with
an event, a person, which gives life a new horizon and a decisive
direction" ("Deus Caritas Est," No. 1).
In order to give life to the world, that true life which is in Jesus
Christ, each Christian must become his follower, must make him
Master and Lord of his life, must enter into profound communion with
him and become familiar with his thoughts, as we find them in the
sacred Scriptures. It was precisely to reflect together on how to be
disciples of Jesus in our own time that the movements and ecclesial
communities of Latin America gathered on 9-12 March last, in Bogota,
That meeting pointed to several urgent priorities calling for broad
cooperation: Christian formation, a powerful proclamation before the
world, a consistent missionary style, a concern for the poor, the
suffering and the outcast. A passionate commitment to facing these
challenges will surely contribute to the renewal of the Church,
particularly in Latin America. As we look forward to the fifth
General Conference of the Latin American episcopate, due to meet in
Aparecida in May 2007 on the theme "Disciples and Missionaries of
Jesus Christ" so that in him the peoples may have life, the Holy
Father expresses his hope that the present meeting, through the
exchange of experiences, reflections and new proposals, will
contribute effectively to the preparation of that significant
ecclesial event.
Entrusting the work of the conference to the intercession of Mary,
Mother of the Church, particularly venerated in Brazil as Our Lady
Aparecida, His Holiness sends to all present his special apostolic
With personal good wishes for the success of this initiative, I
Yours sincerely in Christ,
Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone
Secretary of State
[Translation issued by the Canção Nova Community; adapted]
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