Pope Benedict XVI- Angelus |

Angelus Message
On Day of Prayer for Peace in the Middle East
H.H. Benedict XVI
July 23, 2006
Dear Brothers
and Sisters,
Thanks to you
all for such a warm and cordial welcome. Thank you, Your Excellency
[Bishop Giuseppe Anfossi of Aosta], for your kind words, in which
you mentioned that last Thursday, in the face of the worsening
situation in the Middle East, I had convoked for this Sunday a
special day of prayer and penance, inviting Pastors, faithful and
all believers to implore the gift of peace from God.
I strongly renew
my appeal to the Parties in conflict to immediately adopt a
ceasefire, to permit the sending of humanitarian aid and to seek new
ways with the support of the international community to begin
I take this
opportunity to reaffirm the right of the Lebanese to the integrity
and sovereignty of their Country, the right of the Israelis to live
in peace in their State and the right of Palestinians to possess a
free and sovereign Homeland.
Furthermore, I
am particularly close to the defenceless civilian populations,
unjustly stricken in a conflict of which they are no more than
victims: both those in Galilee who have been forced to live in
shelters and the great multitude of Lebanese who are once again
seeing their Country destroyed and have had to leave everything to
seek safety elsewhere.
I raise a
heartfelt prayer to God so that the aspiration to peace of the vast
majority of the population will be realized as soon as possible
through the unanimous commitment of those in charge.
I also renew my
appeal to all charitable organizations to convey to those peoples
the material expression of common solidarity.
Yesterday, we
celebrated the liturgical Memorial of St Mary Magdalene, a disciple
of the Lord who plays a lead role in the Gospels. St Luke lists her
among the women who followed Jesus after being "healed of evil
spirits and infirmities", explaining that "seven demons had gone
out" from her (Lk 8: 2).
Magdalene would
be present beneath the Cross with the Mother of Jesus and other
women. In the early morning on the first day after the Sabbath she
was to be the one to discover the empty tomb, beside which she stood
weeping until the Risen Jesus appeared to her (cf. Jn
20: 11).
The story of
Mary of Magdala reminds us all of a fundamental truth: a disciple of
Christ is one who, in the experience of human weakness, has had the
humility to ask for his help, has been healed by him and has set out
following closely after him, becoming a witness of the power of his
merciful love that is stronger than sin and death.
Today, we are
celebrating the Feast of St Bridget, one of the women Saints whom
John Paul II proclaimed Patroness of Europe. St Bridget travelled
from Sweden to Italy, lived in Rome and also went on pilgrimage to
the Holy Land. With her witness she speaks of openness to different
peoples and civilizations. Let us ask her to help humanity today to
create large spaces for peace. May she obtain from the Lord in
particular peace in the Holy Land, for which she felt such deep
affection and veneration.
I also entrust
the whole of humanity to the power of divine love, as I invite
everyone to pray that the beloved populations of the Middle East may
be able to abandon the way of armed conflict and, with the daring of
dialogue, build a just and lasting peace. Mary, Queen of Peace, pray
for us!
After the
To the
English-speaking people here today, especially the group of
Missionary Sisters of Mary from India, I extend cordial greetings.
In this beautiful region we are able to admire the splendour of
God's creation and to give thanks for his many gifts to us. Let us
remember in our prayers those less fortunate, especially those who
are suffering at this time as a result of the tragic conflicts in
the Middle East. I invoke God's Blessings of joy and peace upon all
of you, and upon your families and loved ones at home.
I wish you all a
good Sunday!
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