Pope Benedict XVI- Angelus

Angelus Message
On the Way of Peace
"The Place Where We Find Ourselves Is Permeated With Symbolism"

H.H. Benedict XVI
June 15, 2008

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Before concluding the celebration, I would like to express my gratitude to those who prepared it with such care and animated it with music and song. I thank those who organized my trip and continue to be of assistance so that it goes well: I think of the different local officials, the security, the volunteers and of you, dear citizens of Brindisi. I invite all of you, as I do every Sunday to join with me in praying the Angelus.

The place where we find ourselves -- the port -- is permeated with symbolism. Every port speaks of welcome, of rest, of security; it speaks of the shore that was longed for after the sea voyage that was perhaps long and difficult.

But it also speaks of departure, of projects and aspirations, of the future. The port of Brindisi especially plays an important role for communication with the Mediterranean Sea and the East; because of this, there is a base of the United Nations here that has a vital humanitarian purpose.

From this suggestive place, not far from Calimera -- the city known as Italy's "hello" -- I want therefore to renew the Christian message of cooperation and of peace between all peoples, especially between those nations who crown this sea, ancient cradle of civilization, and those of the Near and Middle East.

I would like to renew this message in the words that I used two months ago at the United Nations in New York: "The action of the international community and its institutions, provided that it respects the principles undergirding the international order, should never be interpreted as an unwarranted imposition or a limitation of sovereignty.

"On the contrary, it is indifference or failure to intervene that do the real damage. What is needed is a deeper search for ways of pre-empting and managing conflicts by exploring every possible diplomatic avenue, and giving attention and encouragement to even the faintest sign of dialogue or desire for reconciliation."

From this limb of Europe that stretches out into the Mediterranean, between East and West, we turn once again to Mary, Mother who "shows us the way" -- "Odegitria" -- giving us Jesus, the way of peace.

We invoke her with all the titles with which she is venerated in the shrines of Puglia, and especially here, in this ancient port, we pray to her as "port of salvation" for every man and for all of humanity.

May her maternal protection always defend your city and region, Italy, Europe and the whole world against the tempests that threaten the faith and true values; may she permit the young generations to take to the sea without fear, to face the voyage of life with Christian hope. Mary, port of salvation, pray for us!

[Translation by Joseph G. Trabbic]

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