Pope Benedict XVI- Regina Coeli |

Regina Coeli
On Our Lady of Consolation
"From Her We Can Always Learn How to Look Upon Jesus"
H.H. Benedict XVI
May 2, 2010
As we come to the conclusion of this solemn celebration, we offer a
prayer to Mary Most Holy, who in Turin is venerated as the principal
patroness with the title Blessed Virgin of Consolation. To her I entrust
this city and all those who live here. O Mary, watch over the families
and the workers; watch over those who have lost faith and hope; comfort
the sick, those in prison and all who suffer. O Help of Christians,
sustain the young people, the elderly and persons in difficulty. O
Mother of the Church, watch over her pastors and the whole community of
believers, that they may be “salt and light” in the midst of the world.
The Virgin Mary is she who more than any other contemplated God in the
human face of Jesus. She saw him as a newborn when, wrapped in swaddling
clothes, he was placed in a manger; she saw him when, just after his
death, they took him down from the cross, wrapped him in linen and
placed him in the sepulcher. Inside her was impressed the image of her
martyred Son; but this image was then transfigured in the light of the
Resurrection. Thus in Mary’s heart was carried the mystery of the face
of Christ, a mystery of death and of glory. From her we can always learn
how to look upon Jesus with a gaze of love and of faith, to recognize in
that human countenance, the Countenance of God.
To Mary Most Holy I entrust with gratitude those who worked to make my
visit possible as well as the display of the Shroud. I pray for them and
that these events might bring about a profound spiritual renewal.
[Translation by Joseph G. Trabbic]
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