Pope Benedict XVI- Angelus

Regina Caeli Message
On Jesus' Return to the Father
"St. Peter’s Square Is Like a 'Cenacle' Open to Heaven"

H.H. Benedict XVI
May 4, 2008

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Today the solemnity of the Ascension of Christ into heaven is celebrated in Italy and in various other countries. The book of the Acts of the Apostles places this mystery of the faith 40 days after the Resurrection (cf. Acts 1:3-11) and it is for this reason that the Vatican and some countries already celebrated the Ascension on Thursday.

After the Ascension the first disciples remain together in the cenacle around the Mother of Jesus in fervent expectation of the gift of the Holy Spirit promised by Jesus (cf. Acts 1:14). On this first Sunday of May, the month of Mary, we too relive this experience, more intensely feeling Mary's spiritual presence. And today, St. Peter's Square is like a "cenacle" open to heaven, filled with the faithful, many of whom are members of Italian Catholic Action, whom I will address after the Marian prayer of the Regina Caeli.

In his farewell discourses to the disciples, Jesus greatly insisted on the importance of his "return to the Father," the crowning of his entire mission: Indeed he came into the world to bring man back to God, not at the level of ideas -- like a philosopher or a master of wisdom -- but in reality, like the shepherd who wants to bring his sheep back into the sheepfold.

This "exodus" to the heavenly homeland that Jesus experienced in the first person, he went through completely for us. It was for us that he came down from heaven and for us that he ascended into heaven, after having been made like us in all things, humiliated unto death on a cross, and after having touched the abyss of the maximal distance from God. It was precisely because of this that the Father was pleased with him and exalted him (Philippians 2:9), returning to him the fullness of his glory, but now with our humanity.

God in man -- man in God: Now this is not a theoretical truth but a real truth. For this reason, Christian hope, founded in Christ, is not an illusion but, as the Letter to the Hebrews says, "in him we have an anchor of our life" (Hebrews 6:19), an anchor that penetrates heaven, where Christ has gone before us.

And in every age, what does man need more than a firm anchoring of his existence? Here again is the stupendous meaning of Mary's presence among us. Turning our gaze to her, like the first disciples did, we are immediately directed to the reality of Jesus: The Mother points to the Son, who is no longer among us physically but awaits us in the Father's house.

Jesus invites us not to stand there staring into the sky, but to be joined together in prayer, to invoke the gift of the Holy Spirit. Only to those who are "reborn from above," that is, by the Spirit of God, is the entrance to the Kingdom of heaven opened (cf. John 3:3-5), and the first one "reborn from above" is precisely the Virgin Mary. Because of this we turn to her in the fullness of Easter joy.

[Translation by Joseph G. Trabbic]

[After the Regina Caeli the Holy Father greeted the pilgrims in several languages. In English, he said:]

I greet with joy the English-speaking pilgrims who have come here today, particularly the members of the Neo-Catechumenal Way from Mumbai in India. In the course of this week we will pray with the whole Church for the coming of the Holy Spirit. May all of you receive abundant blessings of peace and joy.

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