Pope Benedict XVI- Angelus |

Angelus Message
80th World
Mission Sunday: "Arises From the Heart"
H.H. Benedict XVI
October 22, 2006
Dear Brothers and Sisters:
Today we observe the 80th World Mission Sunday. It was
instituted by Pope Pius XI, who gave a strong impulse to the
mission "ad gentes," and in the Jubilee of 1925 promoted a
grandiose exhibition which later became the present
Ethnological-Missionary Collection of the Vatican Museums. This
year, in the usual message on the occasion of this Day, I
proposed as a theme "Charity, Soul of the Mission." In fact, if
the mission is not inspired by love, it is reduced to
philanthropic and social activity. For Christians, however, the
words of the Apostle Paul are applicable: "The love of Christ
impels us" (2 Corinthians 5:14).
The charity that moved the Father to send his Son into the
world, and the Son to give himself for us unto death on the
cross, that same charity has been poured by the Holy Spirit into
the hearts of believers. Every baptized person, as a shoot
united to the vine, can cooperate in Jesus' mission, which is
summarized thus: to take the good news to every person that "God
is love" and, precisely for this reason, wills to save the
The mission arises from the heart: When one pauses to pray
before a crucifix, looking at that pierced side, one cannot but
feel within oneself the joy of knowing that one is loved and the
desire to love and to make oneself an instrument of mercy and
reconciliation. It is what occurred, exactly 800 years ago, to
the young Francis of Assisi, in the little church of San Damiano,
which was then dilapidated. From the cross, now kept in the
Basilica of St. Claire, Francis heard Jesus, who said: "Go,
repair my house, as you can see it is in ruins."
That "house" was above all his own life, which had to be
"repaired" through an authentic conversion; it was the Church,
not the one made of bricks, but of living people, which always
needs purification. It was also the whole of humanity, in whom
God wills to make his dwelling. The mission is always born from
a heart transformed by the love of God, as witnessed by
innumerable histories of saints and martyrs, who in different
ways have spent their lives at the service of the Gospel.
Therefore, the mission is a source in which there is room for
all: for those who commit themselves to realize the kingdom of
God in their own homes; for those who live their professional
work with a Christian spirit; for those who consecrate
themselves totally to the Lord; for those who follow Jesus the
Good Shepherd in the ordained ministry to the People of God; for
those who go specifically to proclaim Christ to those who do not
yet know him. May Mary Most Holy help us to live with new drive,
each one in the situation in which Providence has placed him,
the joy and courage of the mission.
[Translation by ZENIT]
[After the Angelus the Pope greeted pilgrims in seven languages.
In Italian, he said:]
I am delighted to send cordial greetings to Muslims throughout
the world who during these days are celebrating the end of the
month of the Ramadan fast. I wish all serenity and peace!
Contrasting dramatically with this festive atmosphere is the
news that comes from Iraq on the most serious situation of
insecurity and cruel violence to which very many innocent people
are exposed just because they are Shiites, Sunnis or Christians.
I perceive the profound concern felt by the Christian community
and a wish to assure them that I am close to them, as well as to
all the victims, and pray for strength and consolation for all.
I invite you, moreover, to join me in my prayer to the Almighty
that he may grant the faith and courage necessary to religious
and political leaders, local and worldwide, to support those
people on the path of reconstruction of the homeland, in the
search for a shared balance, in mutual respect, with the
awareness that the multiplicity of their components is an
integral part of their wealth.
[Translation by ZENIT]
[In English, he said:]
I am happy to greet all the English-speaking pilgrims and
visitors present for this Angelus. Today is Mission Sunday, a
day of reflection on the call to spread the Good News to all
people. Let us support, with our recognition and our prayers,
the men and women who leave home and family to preach the
Gospel. And may our own faith in Christ be renewed! I wish you
all a blessed Sunday
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