Pope Benedict XVI- Angelus

Angelus Message
On the Birth of Mary
"We Celebrate Her Birth Today As Devoted Children"
H.H. Benedict XVI
September 7, 2008

Dear Brothers and Sisters!

At the end of this solemn Eucharistic celebration, I wish to renew my greeting and gratitude to all. Above all I wish to greet and thank the Honorable Silvio Berlusconi, president of the Council of Minister; the Honorable Doctor Giovanni Letta, undersecretary, and all the civil and military authorities here present for their reception. Finally, we wish to turn our gaze again to the "sweet Queen of Sardinians," venerated on this hill of Bonaria.

How many illustrious personages have come to render her homage in the course of the centuries! How many of my predecessors wished to honor her with particular affection! Blessed Pius IX decreed her crowning; St. Pius X, some 100 years ago, proclaimed her patron of the whole of Sardinia; Pius XI conferred on the new church the title of minor basilica; Pius XII, 50 years ago, rendered himself spiritually present here with a special message broadcast live by Vatican Radio, and, in 1960, Blessed John XXIII sent a letter for the reopening of the shrine for worship after its restoration.

The first Pope to return to the island after 1,650 years was the Servant of God Paul VI, who visited the shrine on April 24, 1970. And, on Oct. 20, 1985, our beloved John Paul II also paused for prayer before the sacred effigy of Our Lady. In the footsteps of the Popes who preceded me, I have also chosen the Shrine of Bonaria to carry out a pastoral visit that ideally intends to embrace the whole of Sardinia.

To Mary we have renewed the entrustment of the city of Cagliari, of Sardinia and of every one of its inhabitants. May the Holy Virgin continue to watch over one and all, so that the patrimony of the evangelical values will be transmitted integrally to the new generations, so that Christ will reign in families, in communities and in the different realms of society. In particular, may Our Lady protect all those who, at this time, are in most need of her maternal intervention: the children and young people, the elderly and families, the sick and all those who are suffering.

Conscious of the important role that Mary plays in the life of each one of us, we celebrate her birth today as devoted children. This event constitutes a fundamental stage for the Family of Nazareth, cradle of our redemption, an event that touches all of us, because every gift that God has given her, the Mother, he has given thinking also of each one of us, her children. Hence, with immense gratitude, we ask Mary, Mother of the incarnate Word and our Mother, to protect every earthly mother: those that, together with their husbands, educate their children in a harmonious family context, and those that, for so many reasons, find themselves alone in facing such an arduous task. May all be able to carry out with dedication and fidelity their daily service in the family, the Church, and society. May Our Lady be sustenance, comfort and hope for all!

Under Mary's gaze, I wish to remember the dear people of Haiti, harshly tried in past days in the wake of no less than three hurricanes. I pray for the victims, unfortunately numerous, and for the homeless. I am close to the whole nation and I hope that it will receive as soon as possible the necessary aid. I entrust all to the maternal protection of Our Lady of Bonaria.

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