Pope Benedict XVI- Angelus |

Angelus Message
"On Mary the Patroness of Bavaria"
H.H. Benedict XVI
September 10, 2006
Dear Brothers and Sisters!
Before concluding our Eucharistic celebration with the solemn
blessing, let us recollect ourselves by praying the Angelus. In
reflecting on the readings of the Mass, we have realized how
necessary it is – both for the lives of individuals and for the
serene and peaceful coexistence of all people – to see God as the
centre of all there is and the centre of our personal lives. The
supreme example of this attitude is Mary, Mother of the Lord.
Throughout her earthly life, she was the Woman who listened, the
Virgin whose heart was open towards God and towards others. The
faithful have understood this since the earliest centuries of
Christianity, and therefore in all their needs and trials they have
confidently turned to her, imploring her help and her intercession
with God.
As a witness to this, here in our Bavarian homeland there are
hundreds of churches and shrines dedicated to Mary. They are places
to which countless pilgrims come flocking throughout the year, to
entrust themselves to her maternal love and concern. Here in Munich,
in the heart of the city, rises the Mariensäule, before which,
exactly 390 years ago, Bavaria was solemnly entrusted to the
protection of the Mother of God, and before which yesterday I
implored once more the blessing of the Patrona Bavariae upon this
city and upon this land.
And how can we not think in a special way of the shrine of Altötting,
where I shall go tomorrow on pilgrimage? There I will have the joy
of solemnly inaugurating the new Adoration Chapel which, precisely
in that place, is an eloquent sign of Mary’s role: she is and
remains the handmaid of the Lord who does not put herself at the
centre, but wants to lead us towards God, to teach us a way of life
in which God is acknowledge as the centre of all there is and the
centre of our personal lives. To her let us now address our Angelus
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