"With this strong desire, and supported by the aid of divine providence ... I have the intention to undertake an apostolic journey before holy Easter to Mexico and Cuba to proclaim the word of Christ and strengthen the conviction that this is a precious time to evangelize with a solid faith, a lively hope, and an ardent charity."

Official program of the Holy Father's visit to Mexico

Missal for the Apostolic Journey

Meeting of H.H. Benedict XVI with journalists during the flight to Mexico (March 23, 2012)

Welcome Ceremony at the Guanajuato International Airport (León, March 23, 2012)

Greeting of children in the Plaza de la Paz in Guanajuato (León, March 24, 2012)

Holy Mass in Bicentennary Park in León (León, March 25, 2012)

Praying the Angelus (León, March 25, 2012)

Celebration of Vespers with the bishops of Mexico and Latin America in the Blessed Mother of Light (León, March 25, 2012)

Farewell Ceremony at the Guanajuato International Airport (March 26, 2012)


Pope Expresses Wish to Confirm Believers in Their Faith, Kathleen Naab

Pope's Highlights from Mexico Visit

Lombardi: Hope is at the Heart of the Pope's Visit to Mexico

Papal Visits to Mexico and Cube seen as a 'Return to America'

Live Transmission through EWTN

Official Page of the Visit to Mexico: www.benedictomexico.mx


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