"The Year of Faith It will be a moment of grace and commitment for an ever fuller conversion to God,
to strengthen our faith in him and to proclaim him with joy to the people of our time."
(Homily of H.H. Benedict XVI during the Holy Mass for the New Evangelization, October 16, 2011)

New Cycle of Weekly Catechesis by the Holy Father

February 13 - On Lent>>>
February 6 - God, Creation, and Free Will>>>
January 30 - On God the Almighty Father>>>
January 23 - On Abraham's Faith>>>
January 16 - The Face of God Revealed in Christ>>>
January 9 - On the Incarnation>>>
January 2 - On the True Origins of Jesus>>>
December 19 - On the Faith of Mary, the Virgin Mother of Christ>>>
December 5 - On the Beauty of God's Plan of Salvation>>>
November 28, 2012 - On Bearing Witness to the Christian Faith>>>
November 21, 2012 - On the Splendor of God's Truth>>>
November 14, 2012 - On Finding Pathways to God>>>
November 7, 2012 - Rediscovering a Taste for the Joys in Life>>>
October 31, 2012 - No One Can Have God as Father Who Coes not Have the Church as Mother>>>
October 24, 2012 - On the Nature of Faith: Faith...is a Confident Trust in a 'You' that is God >>>
October 17, 2012 - On the Year of Faith: With Faith, Everything Changes in Us and For Us >>>

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