Pope Benedict XVI - Homilies



December 24 - Christmas Eve Homily
"A Child, in All its Weakness, is Mighty God"
October 16 - Mass for the New Evangelization
Announcing the Year of the Faith
September 11 - Closing Mass of Eucharistic Congress
"A Eucharistic Spirituality is a Real Antidote to Individualism"
August 20 - WYD Mass with Seminarians
"We Have to Be Saints"
August 15 - Solemnity of the Assumption
"The Things of God Merit Haste"
June 29 - Solemnity of Sts. Peter and Paul
"It Is Only in the Unity Represented by Peter That We Truly Lead People to Christ"
June 23 - Corpus Christi
"Christ...in Eucharistic Communion, Transforms Us Into Him"
June 12 - Pentecost
"God is Reason, God is Will, God is Love, God is Beauty"
April 24 - Easter Vigil
"The Church...Brings Man Into Contact with God"
April 21 - Last Supper
"At His Final Meal, More Than Anything Else, Jesus Prayed"
April 21 - Chrism Mass
"It Is Not Only We Who Seek God: God Himself is Searching for Us"
April 17 - Palm Sunday
"To the 'Heights of God' He 'Wanted to Lift Every Human Being'"
March 9 - Ash Wednesday
"Let Us Begin This Lenten Itinerary Confident and Joyful"
February 2 - On the Day for Consecrated Life
"A Life Dedicated to Listening and to Proclaiming His Word"
January 25 - Close of Prayer for Christian Unity Week
"We Are Still Far from that Unity for Which Christ Prayed"
January 9 - Baptism of the Lord
"He, Who Is Without Sin, Lets Himself Be Treated as a Sinner"
January 6 - Solemnity of the Epiphany
"They Were Men 'in Search' of Something More"

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