Pope Benedict XVI - Messages



Papal Messages
Message for the 21st World Day of the Sick
"Go and Do Likewise (Lk 10:37)"
Lenten Message 2013
Believing in charity calls forth charity
“We have come to know and to believe in the love God has for us” (1 Jn 4:16)
Message for 47th World Communications Day
"Social Networks: Portals of Truth and Faith, New Spaces for Evangelization"
Message for the 50th World Day of Prayer for Vocations
"Vocations as a Sign of Hope Founded on Faith"
Message for the 46th World Day of Peace
"Jesus Beatitude Tells Us That Peace is both a Messianic Gift and the Fruit of Human Effort"
Message for World Youth Day 2013
"Accept Christ's Love and You Will be the Witnesses so Needed by Our World"
Easter Urbi et Orbi Message 2012
"The Signs of the Resurrection Testify to the Victory of...Love Over Hatred"
Message for 27th World Youth Day 2012
"Rejoice in the Lord Always" (Phil 4:4)
Message for World Day of Prayer for Vocations 2012
"The Source of Every Perfect Gift is God who is Love"
Lenten Message 2012
"Let us be concerned for each other,
to stir a response in love and good works
Message for World Missions Day 2012
"Faith is a Gift that is Given to Us to be Shared"

46th World Communications Day 2012
"Silence and Word: Path of Evangelization"

World Day of the Sick 2012
"He Who Believes is Never Alone"
Christmas Urbi et Orbi Message 2011
"Only the God who is Love, and the Love which is God,
Could Choose to Save Us in this Way"

World Day Prayer for Vocations 2011
"Proposing Vocations in the Local Church"

Lenten Message 2011
"Lent: The Time to Rediscover Our Baptism"

World Mission Sunday
"As the Father Has Sent Me, So I Send You"
Urbi et Orbi Christmas Message 2010
"May the Birth of the Savior Open Horizons of Lasting Peace"
World Day of the Sick 2011
"The Cross is God's 'Yes' to Mankind"
46th Italian Catholic Social Week
"Pursue Together the Good of the Country and of the Whole Human Family"
Urbi et Orbi Message and Blessing
"Easter is the true salvation of humanity"
10th International Youth Forum
"Christ Has Revealed to Us the Face of God That Is Love"
World Youth Day  2010
World Day of Prayer for Vocations 2010
Lenten Message 2010
Urbi et Orbi Christmas Message 2009
World Day of Peace 2010
Easter Urbi et Orbi 2009
World Day of Prayer for Vocations 2009
Lenten Message 2009
For 43rd World Communications Day 2009
World Day of Peace 2009
Urbi et Orbi Christmas Message 2008
World Mission Sunday 2008
Message to Australia and Youth Pilgrims - WYD 2008
World Day of Prayer for Vocations 2008
Lenten Message 2008
World Day of the Sick 2008
World Day of Peace  2008
World Youth Day 2008
Urbi et Orbi Christmas Message 2007
World Youth Day 2007
Youth in Loreto 2007
World Day of Prayer for Vocations 2007
Lenten Message 2007
World Youth Day 2006


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