H.H. Benedict XVI

Latest News

Greeting of Cardinal Stanislaw Rylko to Youth

English-Speaking Pilgrims Paying Tribute to Blessed John Paul II

Cardenal Ryłko to Youth: World Youth Day is Decisive for Your Future!

Río de Janeiro will Host WYD 2013


H.H. Benedict XVI

Holy Father's Farewell Address to Spain

"On Life After World Youth Day" - Angelus Address on August 21, 2011

Papal Address to World Youth Day Volunteers

Pope's Greeting to Youth at Prayer Vigil

Holy Father's Address to Youth with Illnesses and Disabilities

Holy Father's Address to WYD Organizers

Holy Father's Reflection on the Way of the Cross

Holy Father's Words to University Professors

Holy Father's Address to Young Women Religious

Holy Father's Response to Welcoming Ceremony

Holy Father's Greeting to Youth

Address of the Holy Father upon Arrival in Madrid

Q- & A- with the Holy Father on Plane to Madrid

Pope Benedict Asks Prayers for the Success of WYD



Holy Father's Homily at Closing Mass

Papal Homily at Mass with Seminarians

Homily of Cardinal Rouco at Opening Mass of WYD



Intimacy with Christ is Not Based Solely on Feelings says Archbishop Chaput

WYD Teaches Media Lessons
By Fr. Thomas Rosica *

World Youth Days: Schools of the New Evangelization
By Fr. Thomas Rosica



Pope Benedict XVI Arrives in Madrid for World Youth Day


Pope Weighs in on Spain's Economic Crisis on Plane to World Youth Day


World Youth Day 2011 in Madrid Kicks Off


What is World Youth Day?



Official WYD Site

"Witnesses to Love" Blog WYD 2011