inistry of Intercession for Priests


The Servants of the Pierced Hearts of Jesus and Mary
pray for the intentions and petitions of all Priests

To hold the priestly hearts with marian hearts
We, the Servants of the Pierced Hearts of Jesus and Mary, would like to offer to all the priests of the world, a simple gift of our hearts: to make available for all priests the possibility of presenting to us all the intentions of their hearts, lives, ministries, parishes and families. Many of the priests already do so, and all these intentions are constantly before the Blessed Sacrament and are presented in Holy Mass, Lauds and Vespers, Community Rosary, Chaplet of Mercy, special Holy Hours of intercession for priests, in the Mass in our Eucharistic Cenacles, as well, are part of our fastings and our daily offerings of love.

We desire with this simple offering to our priests to live an essential element of our marian charism; to hold in our hearts, prayers and sacrifices, the lives and ministries, joys and sufferings, holiness and elevation of the priestly hearts. We, the Servants are called to be living images and presence of Our Lady in the Heart of the Church, particularly being totally available with marian hearts, to love, hold, serve, form and elevate the petrine-priestly principle in the life of the Church (our forth vow).

We have made an email available:  
priestintentions@piercedhearts.org to which all priests could send us their intentions. A sister will be printing daily the intentions received and will immediately place them before the Blessed Sacrament (exposed all day) in the Chapel of our Mother House. All the sisters in the different convents will be daily praying for these intentions and will entrust them to the Eucharistic and Priestly Heart of Jesus through the Immaculate and Maternal Heart of Mary. With profound love and gratitude for the gift of your priesthood.

May Love always triumph!

Mother Adela, sctjm
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