
Sister Laura of the Angels of the Crucified Jesus and Sorrowful Mary
I was born in Miami, Florida, my parents are Cuban and I am the oldest of four. My parents got divorced when I was 5 yrs old; my father remarried and had my two brothers. Despite the divorce and obvious inconveniences we (the children) were raised together. In terms of religion, I grew up saying I was "Catholic," not knowing what that really meant and certainly not going to Mass regularly - we went to Mass on Palm Sunday, Easter and as the years went by we started to go on Christmas eve.

We tried many times to attend CCD but something always interfered. It was early in 1997 that after attending my first retreat that the Lord touched my heart in such a way and I left the retreat knowing I had to do my First Communion and Confirmation as soon as possible and I did.

Years later in 2005, on Palm Sunday, was the first time I ever saw the sisters or any sister that I can recall, I saw them and thought nothing of it…but somehow that year was different for me. I had started to go to Mass more often although not regularly, I was beginning to be more open, more aware of spiritual realities that without understanding, I understood.

I was invited to a Eucharistic Cenacle, led by the sisters. I remember thinking it was beautiful but nothing extraordinary, in truth when it was over I simply wanted to leave as quickly as possible. One of the sisters suggested I go to another Cenacle so that she might pray for/over me. This was frightening to me, for a moment I thought that being a nun could be contagious and wanted nothing to do with it. After struggling and debating with this for a few days, I agreed to go, when the time came I stood up and she prayed for me. I was very moved, I felt something I could not and cannot describe… during the week that followed I somehow sent word thanking the sister for her prayers, I do not remember exactly how but a little over a month later I found myself in the convent sitting in her office for spiritual guidance.

The meeting with the sister was very fruitful for my life and gave me much direction. Early the following January sitting under a tree in my lunch break, skimming through one of the books the sister had given me to read and praying my version of the Rosary (since I did not really know how to pray it), I felt, perceived, sensed, heard, from above me a voice that said I should be a nun. Instantly I became very angry and upset and yelled back up at the voice, "Is this what you want of me?!" still upset, I drove back to work and after a while that interior storm was gone…I was calm and continued my day as if nothing had happened.

The following Sunday at Mass the priest spoke about vocations, I thought “how odd,” but still did not say anything to anyone. At work that week, a co-worker looked at me and said, "you should be a nun," I was stunned and surprised but continued to ignore the seed that I was beginning to realize, but not admit to myself or anyone, had been planted. The thoughts came pouring in, was I really called to religious life? Was that really the purpose of my life? Etc…

I finally admitted to a friend that I thought I should be a nun, she must have understood the seriousness of what I was going through because she simply and wisely answered that the Lord would let me know His will; shortly after I admitted to the Sister that was guiding me. She told me she did not know if I did in fact have a vocation, but that I was not alone, that she would pray with and for me to help me discern God's will. I drove home in tears, with the music as loud as I could stand in an attempt to drown out all that was going through my head and heart. Two weeks later driving home from work, I was having a conversation with the Lord and told Him that I would do whatever He wanted but that He needed to realize who He was calling, He needed to know that I was weak and wretched and that I could not do it, without His help. (This is still my prayer today).

I began a discernment process with the community, my life was changing more importantly my perception of things and life in general was changing, I was changing…and I knew in the depths of my heart that I would never be the same whether I entered religious life or not. A priest advised that I visit with other communities, so I made the arrangements, but I knew that my call was to the Servants of the Pierced Hearts of Jesus and Mary. The time that followed was very difficult and painful and at the same time very beautiful. The Lord granted the many little and big signs of confirmation I requested, I could not write them all nor describe them. Amidst the questions, doubts, fears, times when I thought I was going insane there were beautiful moments of communion with Him, moments of clarity, and moments of excitement at the thought of giving my life completely to Him.

I had the blessing of paying off all my debt, of having some left money left over for any lose ends and the blessing of joining the sisters along with my family on a Pilgrimage to holy sites in May/June of that year. After which, my discernment process went into a more formal process with the sisters - there began a time of learning of us getting to know each other. I still had many doubts and fears, times when I wanted to enter immediately and begin my formation and other times when I simply wanted to get away from it all. By the grace of God, I fulfilled all the requirements asked of me and along with two other candidates was given the entrance date of March 25, 2007 and so my religious life began. The journey has not been easy but it has been beautiful beyond words…I pray to always be faithful and grow old in this community, my life given totally to Him…

“All for the Heart of Jesus through the heart of Mary.”

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