
Sister Laura of the Angels of the Crucified Jesus and Sorrowful Mary
I was born in Leon, Nicaragua on May 13th, 1967, Feast of Our Lady of Fatima. The Lord blessed me with such loving, wonderful parents, who were devout Catholics. Carlos Manuel, my only brother is a year older than I. I always had a great love for both of my parents. Even though, as a little girl, I was always closer to my dad, I loved both of my parents equally. They only had 2 children, but together we made up for about 11 kids. We never lacked anything in our lives. In Leon, the city I was born in only had two all-girls Catholic Schools run by Religious Sisters, the Purity of Mary and the Assumption of Mary. I had the privilege of attending the Assumption of Mary School. I loved my school. While I attended school, I had two Mother Superiors (Mother Maria and Mother Dolores). Both were very special and marked my heart forever. They were different, yet they were both kind and very loving with me. That was my first experience with religious life. Till this day, I give infinite thanks to God and my parents for allowing me to go that school, where I was able to experience first-hand the positive impact a consecrated soul can have in the life of a child. When I was 8 years old, I received my First Holy Communion in the school chapel with all my classmates.

Ever since I was small, I was always an A+ student. I had a beautiful childhood, loved sports and loved to read. I was always very social, so I had many friends and still do (most of them since childhood). When I was little I was captivated to see how the religious sisters in my school lived, since they had their living quarters right behind our school chapel. So, I used to sneak in behind to try and peek to see how they lived. Never got a chance, one of them would always find me and very lovingly take me back to the other side of the school. It was all a mystery.

As a family, we would go to Mass every Sunday, even when we were on vacation. My mom taught me how to pray, and although I used to find it amusing, I know God was already working within me since such an early age. Every December 7th, in honor of the Immaculate Conception, there was a Marian Tradition in Leon, we would go from house to house and sing songs to the Blessed Mother. This foster and deepened my love for the Blessed Virgin Mary. My mom tells me, that as a single woman, she used to go to daily Mass, no wonder she is so devoted to God. My parent’s example of life and love for our Church is something I will always be thankful for.

When I was 4 years old, my dad suffered a massive heart attack. Thank God and the Blessed Virgin Mary (he was very devoted to her), he survived. I grew up knowing that my dad had heart problems. Everywhere we went as a family, I remember we use to take an oxygen tank (just in case something would happen to my dad). My mom lived her entire life committed to my dad and us. Carlos and I grew up in a very loving environment, but at the same time we were very much aware that we had to take care of our dad’s health. During his lifetime, my dad had 2 open-heart surgeries with 5 bypasses each. He was a living miracle and a man of steadfast faith, who loved the Eucharist with all his heart.

Due to the civil war in my country, my entire family left Nicaragua, when I was 9 years old. We came to the United States. Never, did I ever remotely think that I would become a religious sister. In 1986, my mom invited me to go to a youth retreat, I did not want to go at first, but finally I went with two of my best friends. This was the turning point in my life, this retreat marked my life forever. I was 18 years old. For the first time ever, I had a personal encounter with Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior, and gave Him my heart and my entire life. I experience so much love from the Lord, and I cried intensely. In the days that followed, my life was not the same. I began to become more active in my home parish, Saint Louis. I started going to daily Mass, visiting the Blessed Sacrament, and reading the Bible. I became an active member of their youth groups.

When I was the Youth Leader of the Charismatic Renewal, I ran into my cousin and he invited me to go to the Ark of the Covenant (a covenant community of lay members). There was Mother Adela, who I had not seen since I had left Nicaragua as a little girl. She used to live on my same block in Leon. I consider it a great blessing from God to have known her all of my life. I knew this is where God wanted me. I entered to be a member of this community and to live their commitments faithfully. Mother Adela was the one who would form us, guide us and teach us. Her challenging teachings evident love for the Blessed Virgin Mary are unforgettable. The solid religious formation I received in the Ark of the Covenant is what (till this day) I consider solidified my vocation. Belonging to this community fostered a deeper love for Jesus, Mary, and the Church. The spiritual bonds which were formed are indelible. Ana Margarita (presently known as Sr. Ana, the Vicar of our community), Maria, and Carmen were also part of our group. There were not religious sisters at the time, and they called themselves single-for-the Lord. From that moment on, I never separated from them, this was back in 1986.

My first thoughts of a religious vocation (or should I say the first seed planted in my heart by the Lord) occurred in college, when I was 21, while staying with SCTJM for a one week retreat discerning my state in life. These considerations were greatly overshadowed by my joy of being in college and partying. Actually I wanted to enjoy life to the fullest, so I thought.

After the retreat with the sisters, Sister Ana asked me what I thought the Lord was saying to me. I had to give her an answer, it was part of the process, so I told her I think he is calling me to married life. I was too young to seriously discern such an important, life-changing decision. I was more concerned about finishing my business career. In retrospect, I chose it because it was more appealing and it seemed the most natural choice at the time. Also, because the notion of religious life was relatively new and unknown for me. It was not my time yet.

Here began the struggle which I had to deal with for so many years of my life. I sincerely thought my heart was available for whatever God wanted from me, so I was open to both vocations: marriage and religious life. Deep down inside, I honestly desired and wanted the two. Needless to say, this produced a continual inner struggle within my heart, on the one hand, I felt so attracted to marriage, and on the other, I felt that God was asking me to give myself entirely more intimately to His Son, Jesus Christ. My heart was divided. Not knowing clearly what God wanted from me caused me a great deal of suffering. Part of me yearned to follow the Lord more intimately, and the other part of me wanted to continue in the world’s affairs.

On March 19th, 1990, Feast of Saint Joseph, during my stay with the Sisters, they received permission for the first time to have the Blessed Sacrament exposed in their convent. I treasure this moment as a great detail of love from the Lord. What a privilege to have been there, without knowing that one day I would become part of this congregation.

When I used to spend quality time with the Lord in the Blessed Sacrament, I would ask Him to help me discern which one of the two was my true vocation. Truthfully I wanted to do His will, no matter the cost. It was a real struggle within me, for deep down inside the call to both vocations was strong, so I felt been pulled in both directions. The world was pulling me one way, and the Lord the opposite way. Later on in life, I understood and discovered, that in order to become a religious sister, you have to be totally open to married life. It makes total sense, after all you are to become the Spouse of Christ and be married to Him forever.

In the midst of all this, I continued with my normal, everyday life, working, studying, and regularly helping the Sisters in everything I could. Therefore, until today, I thank God for keeping me close to the Sisters for so many years. I am humbled and extremely grateful to the Lord for this gift. I would actively participate in most of their retreats, either by helping them sell their religious articles, or by videotaping their talks and events. I also had the gift from heaven of travelling with them on many pilgrimages. Everything that was humanly possible, and that I was able to do for the Sisters in order to help them advance in their mission for God, I did. I had the blessing and honor of sharing with them so many special moments of our community. Moments, which I treasure very close to my heart. Being able to share with them so many unforgettable experiences, made me extremely happy. I felt as if I was one of them, but without the habit. Everyone would consistently ask me, “if and when I was going to become a religious sister”, and I would always give them the same answer: “I love them with all my heart, but I don’t think I have the calling”. However, something always stayed within me, something which I cannot explain with words. Something, which I, myself didn’t understand.

I began to run away from my vocation, for many reasons, but I have to say the main reason was fear. Fear to leave my life completely behind, just as I had planned it, and fear of the unknown. So, I decided to ignore the call. I figured if I ignore it, it will eventually go away. It never went away. As a matter of fact, the more I evaded it, the stronger and more persistent it became, but I decided to dim it, anyways. However, it was pointless, because it was constantly on the back of my mind, and it would never leave me alone. I perceived as if the Lord was tapping me on the shoulders and saying: “It is with you, I am calling you," and I kept saying: “no, it is not with me, anybody else, but me”.

During college, I was a business student who worked-out at the gym for 3 hours everyday. I also played tennis. I had a pretty active social life. Business was my passion. I had already planned out my life and a religious vocation was nowhere in the radar. I wanted to have a successful business career and a family of my own, so that my kids would grow up to be for the Lord. By the Mercy of God, I always kept myself close to His Church. I remained active in my local parish as a Lector, Eucharistic Minister, Young Adults Prayer Group Leader, etc. My personal relationship with Jesus and Mary was there all the time. It was my love for them what gave me strength during all this time of struggles.

Even though, my heart was torn in half (at least it felt that way), the thought of leaving everything the world had to offer to follow Christ in a more radical way was not part of my immediate plan. The desire to own my business or work in the Marketing Department of a Fortune 500 company was on high-gear. I was very independent of an individual and too involved in the business world to consider any other options. My life was set, so I thought.

After college, I attended graduate school at FIU (Florida International University) where I completed my Bachelors Degree with a double major in Marketing and Management. Despite a demanding schedule at work, my first priority was spending time with the Lord in the Blessed Sacrament, my family and friends. Just like any other single woman, I also dated. In many ways my plans were pretty much set in motion. I was living a pretty normal life, always staying close to the Sisters, (little did I know that one day I was going to become one of them). In hindsight, having kept myself close to the Lord all those years is what kept me active and alive in my faith.

During my lifetime, I received so many different business awards, plaques of recognitions of achievement, leadership awards, commendations, etc, yet deep within me, I had this overall emptiness which only God could fill. From the depth of my heart, I knew I had to leave everything the world had to offer to follow Jesus Christ more closely, but I was still not totally convinced of my calling.

In August of 2005, Year of the Eucharist, my dad died from the heart. For the first time ever, I experienced what it meant to be “pierced”. I perceived a sword piercing my own heart thoroughly, it was very painful and acute. I felt my heart been ripped inside of me. The loss of a parent is indescribable. There are no words to explain what losing my dad meant for me. I am comforted knowing that I was able to tell him how much I loved him, and that I was planning on marrying Jesus (don’t know where this came from), but I had to tell him. I just had this sense of urgency to tell him while he was alive. My dad gave me His blessing, this was 6 months before he passed away. After my father’s death, I was no longer the same. I was extremely close to him (always daddy’s little girl), and I had never experienced the excruciating pain of losing a parent. This was one of the most difficult times of my life. Grieving his loss was not easy, yet knowing He was with the Lord in heaven, gave me the strength that I needed it at the time. I needed to be strong for my mom and my brother.

God is so awesome, He never gave up on me. What great love and patience the Lord had shown with me. The Lord knew that if I was to respond to his loving call in a profound way, I needed to be totally convinced. So, He patiently waited for me, until my dad’s passing. God knew I had to experience what it was like to be “pierced” with my own dad’s death, in order to fully understand what my true vocation was - to be a “servant” of the Pierced Hearts of Jesus and Mary.

Finally, the day of absolute conviction came. It was during the month of May, 2006, during a pilgrimage in Krakow, Poland, at the Divine Mercy Shrine, while attending Mass, I became totally convinced in a profound way that I was called to be a religious sister. It was definitely a moment of a particular grace. For the first time in my life, I felt I needed to respond. I knew I couldn’t run anymore, I had been running away from the Lord for too long. I perceived the Lord telling me: “How much longer do I have to wait for you”. And, I said, “No more, Lord”, and I surrendered. Jesus finally proposed to me one more time, this time I was able to hear him loud and clear, so I joyfully accepted his invitation. My immediate plans were suddenly on hold, but this inner conviction of my vocation grew stronger as the days went by, however, I did not tell a soul. This was something between the Lord and I. Upon my return from the pilgrimage, a day did not go by when I did not feel that I needed to respond to the Lord. I needed to give Him my final answer. He had been waiting for me for such a long time, I couldn’t possibly continue to run away from his call, neither did I want to. My mind was already made up. I was confident the Lord was calling me to religious life, to give up everything I had to follow Him. My heart was finally ready to give my Merciful Lord, the “so-long awaited yes”, He had so much yearned for.

Consequently, I entered into a formal discernment process with the community. During this time, my personal prayer life expanded in a way I could have never expected. Eventually I came to understand (not fully) God’s perfect plan for my life. Slowly but surely my own plans were shattered right in front of me, but it didn’t matter anymore. My eyes were set on an even greater goal. They were focused on Jesus and on loving Him with all of my heart. All I wanted to do was to give my life to Him totally and exclusively.

The insight in pursuing a religious vocation became clear to me. Nothing else made sense. I realized that since all eternity, it was God who had chosen me, not I. And, this made all the difference in the world. Becoming aware of this revealed truth, was an absolute eye-opener, totally liberating, for I knew I had to answer out of love for Him. How could I not respond to so much love?

Prior to entering religious life, I was employed for the Consumer Lending Division of one of the largest banking and financial services organizations in the world. People still ask me, why after been such a successful business executive did I make the decision to leave everything behind to become a religious sister? The answer is very simple – “because He asked me to”.

In hindsight, no one is more shocked with my decision than I am. For I never imagined I would be entering a convent. Changing from the Business World into Religious Life is absurd in the eyes of the world, but not in the eyes of God. Definitely, God has an incredible sense of humor, and He knows when and how to use it.

In everything, God has been extremely generous to me and has blessed me with the gift of having such beautiful, loving parents who were married for 50 years, a wonderful brother, amazing friends, excellent health, professional and financial success. Who am I to deserve so much love from my Lord? The Lord has giving me so many talents, which are now being used to advance his Kingdom.

My final and irrevocable answer to His amazing love took many years, but the Lord is faithful, and He knew what it would take for me to surrender, my father had to go to heaven before I would ever even seriously consider a religious vocation. He knew that as a daughter I had to be with him until the end. He, who had suffered (precisely) from heart disease for more than 33 years, and had given his entire life for our family. Nonetheless, Jesus was preparing my heart. He knew when it would be the perfect time to respond. I would eventually answer His call, it was just a matter of time, and by the grace of God, here I am.

My heart was made for loving Him exclusively. Everything is His doing. He took the initiative. God made me an offer I couldn’t refuse. He asked me to marry him, and I accepted. He has called me by my “name” and I am all “His”. His love conquered my heart and soul, and I fell in love with Jesus Christ. I praise Him for allowing me to be a part of his plan and to be able to ( in a minimal way) help him with the salvation of souls. He has set me apart, to be a witness of His love to this world. What an amazing journey it is to follow in Christ’s footsteps! I have the most awesome Spouse, and I couldn’t be happier. Every step towards this end was well worth it.

I will always be extremely grateful to the Lord for giving me the undeserved gift of my vocation and for allowing my heart to say: “Let it be done to me according to Your Will”. God’s greatest gift to us, is our lives, and we only have one opportunity to live it, why not live it for Christ?

I am a chosen daughter of the Father and the Blessed Mother. I am fulfilled in my religious vocation and would not change it for the world. On December 12, 2009, Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, by the grace of God, I solemnly professed my first religious vows in this beautiful congregation which I love with all of my heart, “Servants of the Pierced Hearts of Jesus and Mary”.

“All for the Heart of Jesus through the heart of Mary.”

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