Sin -
Either the sin committed by Adam as the head of the human
race, or the sin he passed onto his posterity with which every human
being, with the certain exception of Christ and his Mother, is
conceived and born. The sin of Adam is called originating original
sin (originale
originans); that of his descendents is originated original sin (originale
originatum). Adam’s sin was personal and grave, and it affected
human nature. It was personal because he freely committed it; it was
grave because God imposed a serious obligation; and it affected the
whole human race by depriving his progeny of the supernatural life
and preternatural gifts they would have possessed on entering the
world had Adam not sinned. Original sin in his descendants is
personal only in the sense that the children of Adam are each
personally affected, but not personal as though they had voluntarily
chosen to commit the sin; it is grave in the sense that it debars a
person from the beatific vision, but not grave in condemning one to
hell; and it is natural only in that all human nature, except for
divine intervention, has it and can have it removed only by
supernatural means.
Modern Catholic Dictionary, Eternal Life Publications
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