Words of Institution

Wisdom, Book of - Last of the seven sapiental books of the Old Testament, written in Greek by a Jew of Alexandria, ca. 100 B.C.; it is called deuterocanonical because it was not included in the Jewish canon of the Bible.  In Syriac, it is called “The Book of the Great Wisdom of Solomon”; thus, the author presumes to speak in the name of Solomon, though he appears to address those Jews so enamored of Greek science and philosophy that they were tempted to abandon the ancient practices of their religion from the time of Solomon.  Absent from earlier Jewish thought, but important for Christian theology, are these tenets of the book of Wisdom:  God can be naturally known to exist by pondering the origin of the universe; the human soul is immortal and survives the death of the body; and with God there is divine wisdom, through which He made the universe.  The author takes a transcendental view of the world.  The first wisdom is in God; human beings participate in wisdom; and the first manifestation of wisdom is their recognition of God.
© Fireside New American Bible


Will of God - In spiritual theology the manifest designs of God for a person’s whole life or for any part of that life, which the person is to accept though not naturally appealing, or surrender though naturally desirable, or do whether he or she likes it or not. The will of God can be known to some extent by the light of natural reason, more fully and with greater demands on human generosity through revelation, and most clearly from the teachings of the Church that Christ founded precisely to lead the human race to its final destiny. Moreover, frequent prayer for divine guidance, daily reflection on one’s moral conduct, and when necessary the counsel of a prudent adviser are part of God’s ordinary providence in showing his will to those who seriously want to serve him as they should.
© Modern Catholic Dictionary, Eternal Life Publications


Will - The power of the human soul, or of a spiritual being, which tends toward a good or away from an evil recognized by the intellect. It is basically a rational appetite with several functions, namely the ability to intend, choose, desire, hope, consent, hate, love, and enjoy.
© Modern Catholic Dictionary, Eternal Life Publications


Words of Absolution - The essential words pronounced by a priest when he absolves a penitent in the sacrament of penance, namely, “I absolve you from your sins, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.”
© Modern Catholic Dictionary, Eternal Life Publications


Words of Institution - The words of Christ at the Last Supper, recorded by the synoptic Gospels (Matthew 26:26-29; Mark 14:22-25; Luke 22:19-21); and St. Paul (I Corinthians 11:23-29). Their essential features are: 1. Christ separately consecrated bread and wine; 2. over the bread he said “This is my body” and over the wine “This is the chalice of my blood”; 3. the elements of bread and wine were thus changed into the living Christ; 4. he empowered the Apostles and their successors to perform the same consecrating action; 5. he bade his followers to partake of the Eucharist; 6. at the Last Supper, Christ offered his life to the Heavenly Father, but the actual death resulting from the sacrifice was to take place on the following day on Calvary.
© Modern Catholic Dictionary, Eternal Life Publications


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