"The task of Cardinals is to help the Successor of Peter to carry out his ministry of strengthening the brethren in the faith and of being a principle and source of the unity and communion of the Church. "
(H.H. Benedict XVI, Solemnity of the Epiphany of the Lord, Angelus January 6,2012)

What is a consistory?
What is a cardinal?
Homilies of H.H. Benedict XVI
Our Task: to Bear Witness to the Joy of Christ’s Love
«Tu es Petrus, et super hanc petram aedificabo Ecclesiam meam».
Hailing the Church's Newest Princes
Churches Assigned to the New Cardinals
New York Archbishop Gives Cardinals a 7-Point Evangelization Plan


What is a cardinal? Pope begins meeting with College
of Cardinals
How many Cardinal Electors are there and where are they from? Cardinal Timothy Dolan brings excitement on New Evangelization to Vatican
Pope creates 22 new cardinals and calls for canonization of 7 saints Benedict XVI welcomes 22 new cardinals
Pope to new cardinals: "The Church does not exist for her own sake" New cardinals, old friends, and best wishes by all in the Vatican halls

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