Sr. Maria Lucia of Jesus and of the Immaculate HeartVisionary of Fatima, 1907-2005 |
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"Jesus wants to use you to let others know and love me. He wants to establish devotion to my Immaculate Heart in the world." ![]() |
Lucia Dos Santos was born on March 22nd, 1907, also in Ajustrel. At the age of nine, she was sent with her cousins, Francisco and Jacinta Matos to shepherd the sheep as usual. It was then that they received the visit of the Virgin in Cova de Iria. Lucia entered the Sisters of St. Dorothy in 1921. She was with them in Tui and Pontevedra, Spain. In both cities she had important visits from Jesus and Mary. She received the Promises of the First Saturdays, the Vision of the Blessed Trinity and the petition to consecrate Russia in 1929.In 1946 she returned to Portugal, and two years later entered the Carmel of St. Teresa in Coimbra, where she professed her vows as a Carmelite in 1949.
The Virgin told Francisco and Jacinta that they would go to heaven soon, but Lucia was to stay on earth to propagate Her messages. This is precisely what happened. The Pope beatified Francisco and Jacinta Marto during the Jubilee Year 2000 in Cova de Iria, the sanctuary of the apparitions. Many people were present on one of the coldest days registered in Fatima. Next to Pope John Paul II stood Sister Lucia. Sister Lucia wrote two volumes of her " Memoirs" and the " The Callings of the Fatima Messages." She died on February 13th, 2005 during the novena of Blessed Francisco and Jacinta, in her dear Carmel, where many believe that our Lady still visited her and where Pope John Paul II also visited.
Interview with Sister Lucia
March 8, 1998
The monthly Catholic Portugese magazine "Christus," published in Lisboa by an editorial group "Seminary," printed the first interview ever given by Sister Lucia on March 3rd, 1998 . She was the only survivor of the three visionary children to whom our Lady appeared in Fatima, 1917.
Sister Lucia was almost 90 years old at the time of the interview. She was living in the Carmelite Convent of Coimbra for half a century and had conversed with Cardinals Anthony Padiyara of India and Ricardo Vidal of the Phillippines. Conversion of Russia
In the interview granted by Sister Lucia, she was explicit in her allusions about the consecration and conversion of Russia.Sister Lucia did not exclude any important facts. When Our Blessed Mother asked the three children to pray for this intention, she did not know what Russia was. "We thought it was a very bad woman." With time Sister Lucia began to understand the cruelty and the dramatic history of the people of Russia.
She herself outlived communism and witnessed the dissolution of the Soviet block. Could this event be interpreted as a sign of Russia’s conversion? To this question, Sister Lucia refered to the man in Russia who "without knowing it, was God’s instrument for the conversion." - Gorbachov? - Yes.
The Third Secret
Many people associate the apparitions of
the Virgin at Fatima with the enigma of the third secret. To the
question if the secret had to do with Second Vatican Council, the
religious limited her response: "I cannot respond." When she was
asked where the third secret is apocalyptic she clarified: "Our Lady
did not say it was in the Book of Revelation." But if she does not
want the third secret of Fatima to be known, can the Pope make it
known? The sister responded with simplicity that the Pope can reveal
it if he wishes, "but I recommend for him not to reveal it. If he
decides to, I recommend for him to be very prudent."
The interview asked is was still having
apparitions of Our Lady. Sister Lucia responded, " How curious . . .
. I cannot say."
Hell- The Virgin also spoke about hell, a theme
that had been popular before and was now absent. Sister Lucia’s
words were very clear: "Hell is a reality. It is a supernatural fire
and not physical. It cannot be compared to fire that burns wood or
She offered advice to priests on this topic: "Continue preaching
about hell because Our Lord himself spoke about hell, and it is in
Sacred Scripture. God does not condemn anyone to hell. God gave men
the liberty to choose, and God respects this human liberty."
Atheism and materialism Sister Lucia recognizes, "atheism is a greater instrument utilized by the devil in our days. It is a grave sin against God that rejects His own existence and allows the practice of a variety of diabolic acts like abortion." As well, she said, "Communism ended, but materialism continues...People should desire more the things of God instead of first desiring the material things." Final Message The Cardinals asked her if she wanted to conclude with anything in particular, a message for the world today. She responded: "He who is not with the Pope is not with God; and he who wants to be with God has to be with the Pope."
The Final Moments of Sr. Lucia (of Fatima) Narrated by her Carmelite Superior,
Sr. Maria Celine of Jesus Crucified, of the Coimbra convent
ROME, SEPT. 25, 2007 ( When Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone's book about the last Fatima visionary was presented, guests got a chance to watch a video about Sister Lucia's final moments, related by her Mother Superior.
At Friday's presentation of "L'Ultima Veggente di Fatima" (The Last Fatima Visionary), written by the Pope's secretary of state, those in attendance saw a video reporting on the Convent of Coimbra, in Portugal, where Sister Lucia lived for the last 57 years of her life.
The visionary occupied the same cell during all those decades, and from there "she flew to heaven," said the superior of the Carmelite community, Sister Maria Celina of Jesus Crucified.
First impression
Recalling her first impressions of Sister Lucia, the superior said, "When I entered, it took me eight days to recognize Sister Lucia. When one of the sisters asked me: 'Mother, should I bring you a piece of bread to eat tonight?' I said to myself that this could not be Sister Lucia. And yet it was her."
Sister Maria Celina recalled how the visionary would stand at the end of the path leading to a statue of the Blessed Virgin, and scold her cousins who also witnessed the apparitions, "You went to heaven and left me here alone."
The superior said that Sister Lucia always denied any talk of a "fourth secret of Fatima." Sister Lucia would say of people who spread rumors of the alleged secret that "they are never satisfied; that they should do what Our Lady asked, that this is the most important thing. When someone would say: ‘Sister Lucia, they say there is another secret' […] she would look at them ironically. 'If there is one,' she would say, 'I wish they would tell it to me: I know of no other secrets.'"
Sister Maria Celina said that the visionary was never satisfied with the image made of Our Lady.
"The image of Our Lady was not how she wanted it," the superior said. "Sometimes she seemed ugly to her because it did not correspond to her exact memories; it was not what the artist derived from her description. It is somewhat like what happened with St. Bernadette."
Joyous nun
Sister Maria Celina described Sister Lucia as a woman religious who "emanated joy."
"I lived with her for 28 years and I saw a person who, the older she got, the more she developed an evangelical childhood," she said. "She seemed again to be the child who had the apparitions in the Cova de Ira. The heavier her body became, the lighter her spirit became."
Speaking of Sister Lucia's last hours, the superior said: "When she needed assistance we placed her bed at the center of the cell and we were around her, together with the bishop of Leiria-Fatima. I was kneeling down next to her. Sister Lucia looked at everyone and then looked at me at the end. It was a long look, but in her eyes there was a deep light, which I carry in my soul.
"I pray to her always and I know she prays for us. There are things that have no need of words: A gesture or a thought is sufficient. Sister Lucia had a hearing problem. Now she doesn’t anymore. Now she understands everything without words."
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Message of John Paul II at the Funeral of Sr. Lucia
February 16, 2005
Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, Archbishop of Genova (Italy), the
correspondent sent especially by Pope John Paul II, presided over
the funeral Mass.
Venerable Brother Albino Mamede Oleto, Bishop of Coimbra:
With profound emotion I learned that Sister Maria Lucia of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart, at the age of 97 years, was called by the heavenly Father to the eternal dwelling of heaven. She has thus reached the end to which she always aspired in prayer and in the silence of the convent.
The liturgy has reminded us in these days that death is the common heritage of the children of Adam, but at the same time it has assured us that Jesus, with the sacrifice of the cross, has opened to us the gates of immortal life. We recall these certainties of the faith at the moment we give our last farewell to this humble and devout Carmelite, who consecrated her life to Christ, Savior of the world.
The visit of the Virgin Mary, which little Lucia received in Fatima together with her cousins Francisco and Jacinta in 1917, was for her the beginning of a singular mission to which she remained faithful until the end of her days. Sister Lucia leaves us an example of great fidelity to the Lord and of joyful adherence to his divine will.
I remember with emotion the various meetings I had with her and the bonds of spiritual friendship that, with the passing of time, were intensified. I have always felt supported by the daily gift of her prayer, especially in the harsh moments of trial and suffering. May the Lord reward her amply for the great and hidden service she has done to the Church.
I love to think that the one who has received Sister Lucia in the passing from earth to heaven has been precisely She whom she saw in Fatima so many years ago. May the Holy Virgin accompany the soul of this devoted daughter of hers to the happy encounter with the divine Spouse.
To you I entrust, Venerated Brother, the task of expressing to the nuns of the Carmel of Coimbra the certainty of my spiritual closeness, while, for their interior consolation in the moment of separation, I impart an affectionate blessing, which I extend to the families, to you, Venerated Brother, to Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, my special envoy, and to all the participants in the sacred rite of suffrage.
Vatican, 14 February 2005
John Paul II