The Heart of John Paul II- General Audiences on God the Father

H.H. Pope John Paul II


Catechesis on the God the Father by Pope John Paul II, given at a series of General Audiences
from December 16, 1998 through December 1999.


A Pilgrimage to the Father's House - December 16, 1998

God Gradually Reveals His Fatherhood - January 13, 1999

God Shows Himself a Father to Israel - January 20, 1999

The Merciful and Forgiving Love of the Father - February 17, 1999

Jesus' Experience of God as Father and His Intimate Relationship with Him - March 3, 1999

Jesus' Relationship with the Father, Which Reveals the Mystery of the Trinity - March 10, 1999

Jesus' Living Knowledge of God the Father - March 17, 1999

God the Father's Providential Love - March 24, 1999

God the Father's Love is Demanding - April 7, 1999

Christian Response to Modern Atheism - April 14, 1999

Dialogue is Part of Church's Saving Mission - April 21, 1999

Collaboration of Christians and Jews Should Proclaim God's Saving Plan for all Humanity - April 28, 1999

Dialogue with Muslims: "Together with Us Adore the One, Merciful God" - May 5, 1999

Dialogue with the Great World Religions - May 19, 1999

Humanity's Journey to the Father - May 26, 1999

Passing Through Death to Meet the Father  - June 2, 1999

The Merciful Nature of God's Judgment - July 7, 1999

Heaven: A Living, Personal Relationship with the Holy Trinity - July 21, 1999

Hell: Personal and Free Rejection of the Father' s Love - July 28, 1999

Purgatory: Purification in Preparation for Full Beatitude - August 4, 1999

The Christian Life: A Pilgrimage to the House of the Father - August 11, 1999

Conversion and Deliverance from Evil - August 18, 1999

Conversion and the Meaning of Personal and Social Sin - August 25, 1999

Conversion and the Recognition of Historical Sin - September 1, 1999

Conversion, Forgiveness, and the Father's Mercy - September 8, 1999

Reconciliation and the Journey to the Father - September 15, 1999

Reconciliation is the Father's Gift - September 22, 1999

Jesus: the Great "Indulgence" of the Father - September 29, 1999

The Father: Mystery of Infinite Charity - October 6, 1999

Love of God and True Christian Charity - October 13, 1999

Love of God Entails Love of Neighbor  - October 20, 1999

Love of God and Preferential Love for the Poor  - October 27, 1999

The Time of Jubilee - November 3, 1999

The Fatherhood of God and the Dignity of Women - November 24, 1999

Rediscovering the Family in the Light of Divine Fatherhood - December 1, 1999

God the Father: Source Upon Which We Build a Civilization of Love - December 15, 1999


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