Sacred Liturgy - Easter Sunday

Plenary Indulgences for the Seasons of Lent and Triduum

Every Friday of Lent: Recitation of O Good and Sweetest Jesus after reception of the Eucharist before an
image of the crucified Christ.

Holy Thursday: Praying the Tantum Ergo after the Mass of the Last Supper.

Good Friday: Participating in the Veneration of the Cross.

Holy Saturday: Renewing your baptismal vows at the Easter Vigil Mass (renewing your baptismal vows
on the anniversary of your baptism may also earn a plenary indulgence). Attending any Mass of

First Communion (Easter Vigil Mass is a First Communion Mass) may likewise earn a plenary
indulgence. Only one plenary indulgence may be won per day.

Stations of the Cross: This always merits a plenary indulgence, no matter the season. It must be
performed before 14 stations, lawfully erected, with devout meditation on the Passion of Our
Lord and movement from one station to the next. If the crowd is large, the leader at least must
move from cross to cross.

Also See:
The Enchiridion of Indulgence >>>
Indulgences and Our Spiritual Life - USCCB >>>

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