V Edition                             December 1999

Heart to heart  
"The Advent of the Great Jubilee"
Mother Adela Galindo, Foundress, SCTJM

© Only for personal use

Dear Brothers and Sisters:

This is not an Advent similar to others we have lived before, for we are preparing ourselves for this year’s Christmas and, at the same time, our entrance into the Great Jubilee of the Year 2000.

I am experiencing a profound joy in my heart similar to the one experienced by the shepherds when they heard the Angel of the Lord announcing to them, “Do not be afraid; for behold, I proclaim to you good news of great joy…For today…a savior has been born for you who is Messiah and Lord.” (Lk 2:10-11). When I read this passage of Scripture my heart is moved. Our joy is found in the fact that the grace of salvation has been given to us freely, and it is precisely this grace which the Lord desires to make present once again in humanity during the Jubilee.

Throughout this holy year we are to direct our gaze to the Incarnation. Two thousand years ago God became man in the womb of the Blessed Virgin by the power of the Holy Spirit and dwelt among us. The reason for the Jubilee is the mystery of the Incarnation. We are full of joy because God has come in search of man, to bring us back to Him, to give us redemption, to open the gates of Heaven, and to give us the capacity to live as sons and daughters of God. What joy!

Who is like our God? Is there any other god that has humbled himself to become like his creatures? Is there any other god who was born in a stable and died on a Cross? Only our God, my brothers and sisters, only our God is love. How can we not rejoice during this Jubilee? We must be conscious and clear, however, of the joy that comes from the experience of salvation; it is the joy of a profound conversion of heart.

This Jubilee year is an immense opportunity for humanity. It is a year of grace, of much conversion, a year of mercy and forgiveness. In this year we will have the opportunity, given to us by Holy Mother Church, to receive the Jubilee Indulgence. How deeply the Holy Father desires that humanity receive forgiveness, grace and mercy! His desire is so great that he has made great concessions so that everyone will have the opportunity to receive this indulgence. It seems that the Holy Father, with a prophetic vision, is inviting us to bring about a universal forgiveness by our prayers, penance, generosity and reconciliation.

Cardinal Etchegaray, the president of the Committee for the Jubilee, has told us that the true Holy Door, through which the love of God comes forth, is the Heart of the Son, pierced on the Cross. (“Tertium Millennium” N.2/April 1998). In “the hour” of salvation (Jn 5:24), the veil of the sanctuary of Jerusalem was torn (Mk 15:38), and redemptive graces were poured forth through the Christ’s wound immediately after His Heart was pierced (Jn 19:34). In this Jubilee, at the same time the Holy Father will open the Holy Door on the night of December24th, the Heart of Christ will open itself to pour out great graces on humanity.

My brothers and sisters, we are living historic moments; so few have had the grace we are having. We are the people of the Third Millennium; we are the protagonists of the Great Jubilee of Grace, Forgiveness, Mercy and Hope.

The Heart of Jesus is open to pour forth abundant graces of conversion; it is only necessary that our hearts also be so in order to receive these graces. We have to prepare our hearts by entering into the great mystery of the Incarnation: God has become man, has dwelt among us, and has given us His life, His grace, His Blood and His Body; He has given us His Heart.

I want to ask you to live this Advent conscious that we are preparing ourselves for the Great Jubilee, for that moment in which we are to direct our gaze to Christ. He is the only Savior of the world, the only Way, the only Truth, the only Life.

I invite you to enter into the mystery of the Incarnation and to meditate daily on the Scriptures of one of the Gospels by following the life of Christ, His love, His words, His works, and His sentiments. I also exhort you to contemplate daily the Child Jesus. If it is possible, try to place an image in a central place in your home where you can, in prayer, contemplate the mystery of the love of the Incarnation. It would be so beautiful to maintain this image of the Child Jesus in your homes throughout the Jubilee Year.

May we all, in this Jubilee of the Year 2000, open our hearts wide to the Redeemer. May the Blessed Mother – who through her Fiat at a specific moment in time brought the Savior of the world to us, thereby transforming history and the human heart – guide and teach us in this historic moment to open our hearts to all of the saving works of Christ, so that we too can cooperate in the transformation and conversion of humanity today.

May this Millennium be of the Two Hearts!

In the Love of the Pierced Hearts,

Mother Adela Galindo, Foundress SCTJM

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