I Edition August
Heart to heart
Importance of Having Doctrine and Devotion"
EDITORIAL Mother Adela Galindo,
Foundress, SCTJM
© Only for
personal use
Dear Brothers and Sisters:
With great joy we are presenting to you one of
our newest apostolic projections – the
Newsletter, “Hope of Humanity.” This newsletter
is dedicated to proclaim the truths of our
Catholic faith and to promote a solid devotion
to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary. We have
entrusted the fruit of this new apostolate to
the intercession and protection of Saint
Maximilian Kolbe, on whose feast we are
publishing our first edition. We have felt most
enthusiastically that the Lord is calling us to
utilize all the means of communication that are
available to evangelize and to lead many hearts,
in a simple way, to the knowledge of the truth
that is taught to us by the Church, to a
profound devotion to the Heart of Jesus and the
Immaculate Heart of Mary, and to the experience
of the living action of the Holy Spirit.
Our mission of evangelization is sustained on
two pillars: doctrine and devotion.
These two elements – even though today they are
much forgotten and rejected– are essential for
acquiring a solid and healthy spiritual life.
Doctrine illuminates our minds with the truth,
and devotion moves our hearts to love by
directing our affections and sentiments towards
God. Devotion without doctrine runs the risk of
being like the man that constructs his house on
sand; when the trials, rains, and winds come,
the house falls (Mt 7,26-27). Doctrine without
interior devotion runs the risk of becoming a
cold faith, in which we give God our intellect
but not our hearts.
In the historic moment in which we live, where
error has subtly entered into all spheres, we
have the great responsibility of forming
ourselves seriously in our faith so that in
every moment, circumstance, and place we know
how to “give a response to all those who ask the
reason for our hope” (cf. 1 Pt 3,15), to those
who reject or deny truth, to those who are
seeking it, or even to those who run in fear of
the commitment it requires. To transmit the
Truth is a work of mercy because the truth frees
hearts from lies and free people from the
practical consequences of lies – consequences
that destroy lives, relationships, families and
However, just as teaching the truth of our faith
is so urgent in our times, in the same manner,
it is urgent to reveal the love of God for us
and our love for God. The human heart bears
deeply within it a desire for God, which
nothing, absolutely nothing, can satiate except
for God himself. Love is the only thing that
moves the human heart, and the world needs
precisely to find the love that it has
forgotten, the love that it has put aside,
believing that it could live without it. At this
time many may feel empty, without purpose, and
without direction because they have gone after
other loves and have abandoned the one, true
Love. As Jeremiah 2,13 tells us, “they have
forsaken me...They have dug themselves cisterns,
broken cisterns, that hold no water.” Today’s
world needs to find men and women who are
enflamed with the love of God and who joyfully
live all Truth He teaches us. I invite you to
take time to study daily the Catechism of the
Catholic Church and to grow in a life of total
dedication, love and unconditional service to
the Lord. May the light of our love and faith
shine in a world so in need of it!
I thank you for all your prayer and support that
made this project a reality. In the name of all
the Sisters I present to you this Newsletter,
and we intercede before the Lord for fruits of
conversion and sanctification in your lives. May
the graces that flow from the Pierced Heart of
Jesus pour forth abundantly upon each one of you
through the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
In the Love of the Pierced Hearts,
Mother Adela, SCTJM
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