Words in First Profession of Vows
Mother Adela, SCTJM
August 22, 2008- Queenship of Mary
For private use only -©


Dear Priests – living images and presence of the spousal love of Christ’s Heart, who surrenders Himself for His Bride the Church, and who loves Her to the extreme of allowing Himself to be pierced to give Her life. Thank you for loving us with a Josephite, Priestly and Petrine heart. Priests, be who you are!

Dear Deacons – visible image of the Servant Heart of Christ who came to serve and not to be served, and who loves His Church, serving Her generously and unconditionally. Thank you for serving us with so much love and dedication. Deacons, be who you are!

Dear Religious – Servants of the Pierced Hearts of Jesus and Mary – dear daughters, called to be a living image and presence of Mary’s Heart, making your feminine, spousal and maternal hearts available to enflesh our Marian charism in the Heart of the Church. Daughters, be who you are!

To all the Religious who are present, representing so many charisms – like jewels that adorn both the Blessed Mother’s and the Church’s crowns, living images of the Marian Heart in the life of the Church: thank you for your fiat. Religious, be who you are!

Dear Seminarians – who have heard the beatings of Christ’s Heart calling you to follow him more closely and so have confidently launched out to follow in His footsteps on the road of formation in His Heart’s School of Love. Seminarians, be who you are!

Dear Apostles of the Two Hearts, lay branch of our Spiritual Family – to you, sons and daughters who have embraced the Charism of being ardent witnesses of love in the heart of the world, thank you for being a faithful and firm pillar over which the monstrance of our Religious Congregation and the hearts of the priests in this extensive family are sustained. Apostles, be who you are!

To the entire Family of the Pierced Hearts – in all its branches and spread out in so many places, called to be a living icon of the Holy Family, be who you are: path of love and sign of hope in the Heart of the Church!

To all our brothers, sisters and friends who accompany us – thank you for loving this work born of the Wound of the Pierced Heart of Christ and the Maternal Womb of the Blessed Mother. Thank you for the many different ways in which you manifested your confidence that this small seed would grow and that it will continue to grow to become the tree that the Lord desires it to be in the Heart of the Church. Thank you for your prayers, offerings, sacrifices, gifts and services with which you sustain us. Friends, be who you are!

Dear Sisters, today we have all been witnesses of your “fiat”- of your personal response of love to God who is Love. Love is always a concrete option, a fundamental option that, as His Holiness Benedict XVI has told us, gives a new horizon and decisive direction to the human heart.

Today, united fully to the Blessed Mother’s Heart, you have given your fiat to love the Heart of Jesus with total spousal dedication. You have given yourselves: to have Him as your sole treasure, to detach yourselves from all that opposes love and all that weakens poverty of heart, to fulfill His will in everything and to totally dispose yourselves to be image and presence of the Heart of Mary in the Heart of the Church – living with humility and simplicity Her mysteries and Her spiritual maternity.

This “fiat,” this “Let it be done in me,” with which you sealed your Formula of Profession and which simultaneously – with your Marian availability – summarizes all your life’s offerings, has resounded in this Parish, in our Family, and mystically in the Heart of the Church your Mother, into a beautiful hymn of love: “Here I am the handmaid of the Lord, let it be done to me according to your word.”

The fiat that you have given today is an option of love. It is a fundamental response that requires the totality of your human and feminine “I” and it visibly and concretely manifests your consent, your receptivity, your response, your surrender, your total abandonment to God’s love and to His designs.

Dear sisters, your fiat is a response of faith that requires from each one of you a perfect cooperation with grace and a perfect Marian receptivity to the action of the Holy Spirit, so that each word and each desire of love that God has over you and over our Congregation can be enfleshed.

Love is a choice; it will always be a choice! Love is a choice from a heart that is totally free of itself and of its own projects in order to give itself without reservation, without conditions. Love is an option from a heart that generously disposes itself to remain faithful on the path it has undertaken.  Love is a choice and it will always be an option! Love is an option from a heart that maturely disposes itself – with joy and determination – to take on all the responsibilities that love requires and demands.  Love is a choice from a heart that, when to be coherent with the Gospel of Love requires difficult decisions to be made, disposes itself to not run away, but rather to courageously stand at the foot of the Cross. Love is an option from a heart that with valor disposes itself to remain firm and solid when it is directly beaten by different storms. Love is a choice and it will always be a choice! It is a response of love of the human heart to Him who has loved us first.

Dear daughters, the greatest freedom of the human heart lies in its capacity to give itself to the love of God – totally, generously, unconditionally and without reservation. Each time that the human heart makes choices of love, it wins a triumph for the reign of love, as the Servant of God, John Paul II tells us: “to serve is to reign.”

Each time that love triumphs, the City of Love is built, the civilization of love and life is edified. Today you, with your fiat – united to the Heart of Mary – have given a triumph to love!

All for the Heart of Jesus through the Heart of Mary!

firma fundadora ingMay love always triumph!

Mother Adela, Foundress SCTJM

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