to gaze through the eyes of our lady’s heart
Words of Mother Adela in the first Profession of the four novices
on the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe
December 12th, 2009
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“My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my savior” (Luk 1)… these powerful words of Our Lady are the words we experience in our hearts today, they express our profound gratitude to the Father for the gift of the sisters hearts who have given a response of love to God’s love by saying as Our Lady, “ Fiat”…. Love is revealed through the fiat of the human heart. Only a total, unconditional, unreserved and faithful fiat, becomes the most luminous sign and eloquent witness to the authenticity of love.

Love is the force behind every Fiat, and every Fiat reflects with a particular splendor the power of love. All of us are eye witnesses of the choice of love and for love, that these four sisters have made today. Our eyes have contemplated….we have seen, we have heard, we have touched….we have been witnesses to the power of love, love that endures all things, all that believes all things, love that hopes all things…. Love that makes the human person capable of giving his or her own life. The choices of love, that the sisters and each one of us make at every moment- even those that we may consider them to be very small- they really are, and become, in the eyes of many a luminous sign of hope and a path of love…. we are to be a living sign of the power of love, of responsible love that proclaims by its choices, that love is possible.

We, the Servants, have been called by the Father, to be living images and presence of Our Lady’s Heart in the Heart of the Church. What a sublime vocation, it is the foundation of all the elements of our charism and way of live. Many times we find ourselves asking: “how could it be that the Mother of Our Lord has come to visit our home, our hearts”…. We humbly and responsibly understand that by the grace of the birth of our charism, a particular visitation, a particular communication from Our Lady’s Heart has been entrusted to us, as a gift that we are to receive with gratitude and responsibility and that we are to allow it to form us and mold us into a simple reflection of her Image. Today, is a great feast for the Church of America… and also for our congregation: in the image and the maternal presence of OL of Guadalupe we contemplate all the particular elements that form and shape our charism. We gaze at Her, at OL of Guadalupe, to discover and deepen in a particular way, our marian identity and mission.

You sisters, have made your first profession on Her feast day. You are called to be humble and authentic reflections of her Heart. You must gaze at Our Lady to learn to gaze with the eyes of her Heart. This is the theme of your profession…“ to gaze through the eyes of Her Heart”… I ask myself if the theme chosen for your profession is indicating a particular grace being given to you, to enflesh the charism by being a living reflection of the eyes of Our Lady…
You must learn to gaze as She gazes… She gazes with Her Heart.. with the purity of Her Love… she gazes and contemplates all things through God’s love, finding God’s face and presence, His Will in everything.. She gazes with a pure heart. She gazes and keeps in her heart all the treasures that are entrusted to her. She gazes with love and responsibility.

“Mary lived with her eyes fixed on Christ” taught John Paul II in his Apostolic Letter on the Holy Rosary. You must learn to live like Her with your eyes fixed on Christ… John Paul beautifully teaches us about the gaze of Our Lady in number 10. She always gazed at Jesus… You must learn to gaze with the eyes of Her Heart! “The eyes of her heart already turned to Him at the Annunciation…when she conceived Him by the power of the Holy Spirit…. Then through her interior gaze, in the months that followed she began to picture his features. When she gave birth to Him in Bethlehem, her eyes gazed tenderly on the face of Her Son, as she held him in her arms.. wrapped him in swaddling cloths and laid him in a manger (Luk 2:7) Mary’s gaze, ever filled with adoration and wonder, would never leave Him. You must learn to gaze with the eyes of Her Heart! At times, Our Lady, gazed at Jesus, with a questioning look, as in the episode of the finding in the Temple. She always had a penetrating gaze, capable of deeply understanding Jesus, even to the point of perceiving his hidden feeling and anticipating his decisions, as at Cana. Learn, sisters, to gaze through the eyes of Her Heart! At other times it would be a look of sorrow, especially beneath the Cross, where her vision would still also be, that of a mother giving birth, for Mary not only shared the passion and death of her Son, she also received the new son given to Her… and received us all. On the morning of Easter her eyes would be a gaze of radiant joy of the Resurrection… Life has conquered death! You must learn to gaze with the eyes of Her Heart! And on the day of Pentecost, she gazed filled with fire, it was an ardent gaze with the outpouring of the Holy Spirit”. And in Heaven, Our Lady keeps gazing immersed in the contemplation of the Blessed Trinity, gazing as a beloved daughter of the Father, as Mother of the Son and as a Spouse of the Holy Spirit.. In heaven She gazes at the Blessed Trinity and gazes at us… her children.. that is why we pray in the Hail Holy Queen “Turn then, most gracious Advocate, thine eyes of mercy toward us, and after this our exile, show unto us the blessed fruit of thy womb, Jesus”… Her eyes are fixed on Christ, and also on her children… The living image of Our lady of Guadalupe testifies to this maternal, penetrating gaze, having miraculous imprinted mages of people in both of her eyes.

Learn, dears sisters, to gaze with the eyes of Our Lady’s Heart for no one has devoted herself so intensely and so constantly to the contemplation of the face of Christ, of the Heart of Christ, of His Words, actions and gestures, more than She, who was given the incomparable grace of being immaculate: totally pure and undivided in love, totally poor and dispossessed of her own, totally obedient and available to the designs of God’s love.. Her gazing was penetrating and piercing, because she gazed with the luminosity of her purity, of her immaculate love. Learn to see the mysteries of God and the realities of men through the eyes of her who was closest to God made man, and when you are surrounded by darkness and you must face it and gaze at it, do not ever allow it to stain the purity of your heart.

May your gaze impregnated by the gaze of the Immaculate One be always fixed in God’s Eternal love.. and thus make yourselves totally available to be instruments for the triumph of kingdom of love.
May you as St. Juan Diego respond and live the vocation to carry the image of Our Lady across the mountains of the human heart, with the dispositions of Juan Diego: promptitude, diligence, responsibility in the fulfillment of duties and accountability. Juan Diego gazed at our Lady… he learned to gaze as she gazes, and in his tilma, her image was painted… his living image became visible to all.

Mother Adela Galindo, Foundress SCTJM

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