Lenten Letter written by Mother Adela,
Foundress of SCTJM and FPH
February 20, 2010
Feast of Blessed Jacinta and Francisco
© Only for personal use

Dear brothers and sisters:

The Lord in His infinite wisdom has allowed that I write this letter precisely on the feast of Blessed Jacinta and Francisco, little hearts called to offer themselves as living sacrifices of love and reparation to the Hearts of Jesus of Mary. Such a heroic vocation can only flow from a particular contemplation of the high price that these Two Hearts have paid for us. A price that identifies itself with the singular mission of each one. The price that the Heart of Jesus, Redeemer of Men, pays so highly is the price of the Love of God made Man which culminates in a visible manner on the Cross, in the offering of His Blood, of His Body, of His Life, and of His Heart, to save mankind, to give back to humanity the greatness and the beauty of his original dignity: restore the beauty of the image and likeness of God in our souls and to open for eternity the gates of Our Home: the House of the Father. The price that the Heart of Mary, Mother of the Redeemer, pays so highly is the price of maternal suffering, is maternal cross, is maternal piercing….It is love totally united to the love of the Heart of Her Son, it is love that in Him and with Him, is all for the Father and all for mankind.

The Hearts of Jesus and Mary, the Heart of the Redeemer and the Heart of the Mother of the Redeemer, have loved us to the extreme, the extreme proper to the Redeeming love of God made Man and of the Maternal love of the only creature conceived Immaculate. They have loved us to the extreme, and this means that the redeeming love of Christ, love whose power is the strength of His Mercy, and the maternal love of Mary, whose power is the strength of her immaculate maternity, has no limits, does not know limits, does not originate in limits, is not defined by limits, and does not limit itself when humanity does not receive their love, or even when it despises it, rejects it, ignores it….or simply, it does not treasure it, does not take care of it, does not carefully keep it and wastes it. The love of the Hearts of Jesus and Mary is a love that “bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things….” (1Cor 13:7). It is merciful love, it is pure love, it is unconditional love, it is faithful love, it is a love that gives itself and gives itself unreservedly. It is simply and certainly love.

I think that a grace that the Blessed Jacinta and Francisco, together with the Servant of God Sister Lucia, received as a fruit of the Apparitions of our Lady of Fatima, was that of profoundly contemplating this mystery of the love and the suffering of the Hearts of Jesus and Mary. The mystery of love that always pays so high a price for the beloved, the mystery of love that is not loved, the mystery of love that is not received with gratitude and reverence….the mystery of the thorns that surround these Hearts representing the sins of humanity, the hardness, the lightness, the ingratitude, the rebelliousness, the arrogance, the insolence, the indifferences, the superficiality… the abuse of His love and the wasting of His grace which costs so much….Oh how much is the love of Their Hearts wasted! how much is love wasted! how much each gift which comes from love is wasted!.

With this sense, with this contemplation of the love which is wasted, I think that the Lord himself has introduced us to this Lent. In the Cenacle of the 29th of January
we received a prophetic word, very profound and painful, at least I can say that it was for my heart. It was the night when the Lord guided us to contemplate the force of love which springs from His Heart each time that He communicates to us a grace, a word, a gift, a calling, each time that He plants a seed in the soil of our hearts…But He also showed us His suffering when that seed has not been received with love and responsibility, when we do not treasure it, when we do not guard it with care, when we receive it superficially, when we do not cooperate with its growth, but rather we let it asphyxiate amongst the thorns of our lightness, pride, comfort, slowness, or lack of generosity. Yes, let us contemplate the suffering of the Heart of Jesus for all the gifts of his love that have been wasted, asphyxiated, drowned, or not developed, for the lack of responsibility and care for the soil of the heart. Along with the suffering of the Pierced Heart of the Redeemer, from where all the graces and gifts spring, we could also contemplate the maternal suffering of the Virgin Mary…How can we not be deeply moved before the image that we received of the wounded and bloody hand of the Virgin Mary, being cut amongst the thorns of our hearts, trying to preserve the seed planted by her Son? How can we not be deeply moved before that maternal love that pays any cost, that risks everything, does not spare on suffering and battling “with her wounded heel,” to preserve all the graces, the gifts, the seeds that have been planted in our hearts? How can we not feel the responsibility proper to one who loves, of not allowing the seed to be asphyxiated, oppressed, dried by the superficiality of the soil, and does not give fruit due to the lack of fertilizer and fruitfulness of the soil? Love cannot be wasted! So much love cannot be taken so lightly! So much love cannot be used and thrown away! So much love should be loved and responsibly cared for and allowed to grow!

It is my profound sentiment in this Lent, that each one of us according to the demands of love and responsibility of his/her own vocation, may dispose ourselves to be a good, generous, available, deep, and fertile soil so that no “seed” which comes from the love of the Heart of Christ falls amongst thorns, stones, superficial or light soil….May his Mercy, manifested in a torrent of continuous graces and words, teachings and opportunities to serve, be well received with great gratitude and responsibility. This Lent should be for us a time to work on the soil of the heart, eliminating the thorns, removing the rocks, putting more soil and fertilizing the soil with virtues and penances so that it may resemble more the Heart of our Mother, a soil where the “seed” was fully received, carefully treasured, and fully fertile.

I would like to invite you to dedicate yourselves to work on the soil of your heart using the following guidelines (you should seek its personal application and many more which are necessary for the conversion and transformation of your soil).

A path of love and responsibility
1. Knowledge of the personal soil: A profound examination of conscience based on the full knowledge of our soil (heart) and how we have taken care of all the gifts we have received personally and in the life of the Family.

2. Place 7 Pillars based on this examination: Write 7 concrete virtues (honesty, prudence, docility, etc.) which will purify the soil and will demolish the thorns and stones. Offer them to the Lord, put them into practice, and keep a small count in writing of how we live them daily and how we fail them.

3. Before the Eucharist, pray for the soil of our heart: For those whom it will be possible, at least for 15 minutes, I invite you to go at least three times a week to the Blessed Sacrament, to offer our love, consolation, and reparation to the Pierced Hearts, particularly for the “seeds” that we have not taken care of or pondered more deeply into, and that, therefore, have not given its proper fruit. Before the Eucharistic Heart, let us ask the Lord, that all of us may be a true Marian, pure, healthy, generous, available, strong, and fertile soil.

4. Fasting and penances to remove the stones from the soil: Fasting, lived with the interior and exterior dispositions, is a powerful weapon to purify the heart of bodily attachments, attachments of the will, attachments of the appetites and affective disorders, attachments to the “I”; it also has a very powerful value of reparation and protection. There are many seeds, many graces that have been wasted, there are also many graces for which we must prepare the path of own heart. There is much that the Lord wants to do in each of us and we must overcome the opposition of the three enemies of the soul: the devil, the flesh, and the world… We must fast and go into battle in order to remove the thorns and the rocks from our hearts and to be able to give total liberty for grace in our hearts.

5. Silence to receive the seed and keep it: In a world filled with so much noise, beginning with our own interior, we need some time where we create a space of silence for God, his Word, his Voice….I recommend to you and according to your possibilities, since I understand that parents with small children cannot make large scale choices in this area, that you take some extra time during the day to have silence. Perhaps it may mean cutting down a few hours of TV or of speaking on the phone….Each one of you knows where your noises are….Try to give yourselves more silence so that your souls can learn the powerful language of silence that forms and transforms the human language, that purifies it, elevates it, sanctifies it, and gives it order. The language that comes from listening to God speak to our hearts is the language that is transformed into a fundamental means for the edification of the civilization of love. Keep silence and avoid words that do not edify, that do not elevate, that do not open the space for sincere dialogue… the vain words and the words that do not reveal the dignity of the human person. A silence that allows us to listen, contemplate and guard the mystery of love of the Pierced Hearts.

6. Contemplate the Merciful Love, to treasure it and not waste it: The Mercy of God, of which the Virgin Mary is a maternal reflection, has no limits; thus it is our responsibility to not waste it, to not play with it, to not abuse it, but rather to allow that Mercy to become the greatest treasure of our hearts and turn us into channels of Mercy. I would like to invite you, since this Lent prepares us for the pilgrimage to the legacy of John Paul II and to Divine Mercy Sunday, that you have as spiritual reading for this lent the Encyclical Dives in Misericordia, by John Paul II, and the Diary of Saint Faustina. That way, all of us can walk together towards the Pierced Heart of Christ, fountain of Mercy, contemplating the great price that Mercy costs, and how much the Virgin Mary knows this great price that her Son paid.

7. Do not allow Our Mother to cut her hand as she protects the seed: I would like to invite you to renew your consecration to the Virgin Mary so that you can give her full freedom to guard, teach, correct, and work on the soil. Also, I invite you to pray the Holy Rosary daily in reparation for all of her maternal sufferings, especially when the “seed” that her Son plants in our hearts does not find the soil prepared, the soil ready to receive it and the soil ready to give much fruit.

Dear brothers and sisters, my words are simply a small fruit of a soil that desires to live so that the Love of the Pierced Hearts is not wasted….Love cannot be wasted! It is our gift and our task to make a home where love is received, is cared for, is fertile. May we in this Lent console and repair the love that has been wasted, and may we do so with love and responsibility, truly preparing, purifying, and fertilizing the soil of our hearts.

May we all be an offering of love and consolation to the Pierced Hearts of Jesus and Mary.

Mother Adela,
Foundress SCTJM and FPH


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