XVIII Edition May
Heart to heart
"Marian Consecration"
EDITORIAL Mother Adela Galindo,
Foundress, SCTJM
© Only for
personal use
Dear Brothers and Sisters:
We are in the month of May, the month of Our Blessed Mother Mary,
and in the Year of the Holy Rosary, a year of particular grace when
we can experience the powerful intercession and maternal mediation
of Mary. This year is like a Marian crowing of the Jubilee Year. It
is common in the Church to prepare Jubilee Years with a Marian year
and, also, to crown them with another one. (RVM, 3) This crowing is
a way in which we bring to their fullness and zeal, with strength
and ardor, all the graces that have been received, placing them
under the maternal care of the Immaculate Heart.
Who better than the Blessed Virgin, the treasurer and Mediatrix of
all graces, to dispense and protect them? At the conclusion of the
Jubilee Year, in the Apostolic letter, “Novo Millennio Ineunte,” the
Holy Father exhorted us to contemplate the Face of Christ, and in
this Year, by means of the Apostolic Letter, “Rosarium Virginis
Mariae,” he invites us to do this from the Heart of Mary, from the
perspective of Her whose Heart was completely united to the life and
saving mission of Christ. The Pope sends us forward, to enter into
the “school” of the Heart of Mary, so that there we can grow and be
formed in the two great oars of the ship of the Church of this Third
Millennium: holiness and mission.
To enter into the School of the Heart of Mary is precisely to do the
act of total consecration to the Blessed Virgin that was proposed to
us by two great Marian saints: Saint Louis Marie Grignon de Montfort
and Saint Maximilian Maria Kolbe. Therefore, I am convinced that in
order to fully live the grace of this Marian Year, it is necessary
that we make and regularly renew our consecration to Mary.
To contemplate Christ necessarily requires a greater identification
with Him. This work is realized by the Holy Spirit with the fruitful
cooperation of the Virgin Mary. Let us read the words of Saint Louis
de Montfort: “The Holy Spirit, through the mediation of the Blessed
Virgin Mary, of whom He deigns to make use of, even though He does
not need her absolutely, makes present His fruitfulness, producing
in Her and through Her, Jesus Christ and His Members. A mystery of
grace that is unknown to many, even to many of the wise.” (True
Devotion to Mary, Part I, Ch. 1, Article 2)
Saint Louis, in his work, “True Devotion to Mary”, explains to us
how the Holy Spirit works great wonders in the souls that open their
hearts fully to the maternal presence of Mary. He tells us: “When
the Holy Spirit finds Mary in a soul, He flies to it, enters into it
fully, communicating abundantly to that soul, and one of the mayor
reasons why the Holy Spirit does not now work wonders in souls is
because He does not find in them a sufficient union with His
faithful and indissoluble Spouse, Mary.” (Part I, Ch. 1, Article 2)
Let us open our hearts to the powerful action of the Holy Spirit,
which in a most special way, the Blessed Virgin Mary, through her
powerful intercession and maternal mediation, desires to bring upon
all souls and upon the entire world during this Year of the Holy
Rosary. Saint Louis tells us: “She will produce the greatest things
during the last times. The formation and education of the great
saints that will come during the last times are reserved to Her
because only this most excellent and miraculous Virgin can produce,
in union with the Holy Spirit, great and extraordinary things in the
Church of Jesus Christ.” (Part I, Ch. 1, Article 2)
But Marian consecration does not only promote and facilitate this
work of interior sanctification; it also communicates a special
grace of missionary ardor, of evangelical ardor, so as to extend,
through Mary, the Reign of the Sacred Heart in the entire world.
These men and women, Saint Louis tells us, will ignite the world
with the fire of the Holy Spirit. They will fight with one hand,
with the power of divine charity, all evil, darkness and error, and
with the other hand, will construct with great ardor, the Church of
Jesus. They will conduct all men to the true knowledge and love of
Jesus and Mary. They will lovingly embrace sinners so as to lead
them down paths of sure conversion and return to the Church. They
will animate and sustain those who remain faithful and immutable in
their faith. They will have a great interior light that will help
them to discover the works of the father of lies. “They will have
upon their lips the double-edge sword of the Word of God; they will
carry upon their shoulders the Banner of the Cross, the Crucifix in
their right hand and the rosary in their left hand, and with the
Sacred Names of Jesus and Mary on their hearts and the modesty and
sacrifice in all of their conduct.” (True Devotion to Mary, Part I,
Chapter 1, Article 4)
I exhort you, my dear brothers and sisters, to take advantage of
this unmerited grace of the Marian Year dedicated to the Holy Rosary
which is a coronation of the Jubilee Year. I believe that it is most
significant that it has been defined as a “crown”, which is an
object that has always symbolized a reign. Through the Marian
consecration lived in fullness, may we “become in the most pure and
merciful hands of Mary Most Holy, useful instruments to increase in
cold and indifferent souls, as much as it is possible, the reign of
the Sacred Heart.” (Saint Maximilian M. Kolbe)
May the Two Hearts Reign!
Mother Adela, Foundress SCTJM
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