VI Edition January
Heart to heart
"Mary, our blessed mother, dawn of light for
modern times"
EDITORIAL Mother Adela Galindo,
Foundress, SCTJM
© Only for
personal use
Dear Brothers and Sisters:
The year 2000 began
with great enthusiasm around the world, between songs, candles, and
beautiful fireworks. Many of us waited for the new year while we
were praying, entrusting it to Christ the King and Lord of human
history. There was a multitude of young people waiting for the new
year at Saint Peter’s Square, and from his window, the Holy Father
gave us a much needed message. He reminded the entire world about
the true meaning of this particular time in history. “To the eyes
of faith, time acquires in itself a religious significance, more so
during this Jubilee Year which has just started. Christ is the Lord
of Time. Every moment of human time is beneath the sign of the
Lord’s Redemption, who has immersed Himself, once and for all....
You, oh, Christ, are the end of human history, you are the focal
point of all the expectations of human beings. The years and the
centuries belong only to you. Time is yours, Oh, Christ, You who are
the same yesterday, today and always."
The Holy Father
reminded us of the Christian sense of time. “But when the
fullness of time had come, God sent his Son, born of a woman, born
under the law” (Galatians 4:4). Time has come to its
fullness because God became man and entered into it. God acts in
time and manifests His Presence and Providence within human time. This
is why the Lord chooses specific moments or times in history to
manifest His grace in a particular way, just as He is doing it with
this Holy Year.
It is worth noting
that January 1, 2000, has a particular providential and significant
detail. The beginning of this new century and this new year of
transition into the new millennium has taken place on a day which is
profoundly Marian. January 1, 2000 besides being the Solemnity of
Mary, the Mother of God, it is also the First Saturday of the Month
which is dedicated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. How
Providential is this! Wasn’t this Holy Year, the commemoration
of the birth of our Savior? Wasn’t the Blessed Mother the first one
to receive in Her Heart the Mystery of the Incarnation? The Lord
wanted us to begin this new phase in history having our eyes fixed
on the One who has opened wide the door of Her Heart to the Redeemer.
That is why she became the bearer par excellence of Christ to
It is precisely on
this Marian Solemnity on January 1, 2000 that the Holy Father opened
the Holy Door of the Basilica of Santa Maria the Greater One, the
first one in the West dedicated to the Mother of Christ. In his
Homily, the Holy Father told us: “If the fullness of times
consists of the coming of the Son of God, born of a woman, then we
should remember that Mary has also contributed to the coming of the
fullness of times. She has contributed in a particular way, by
allowing human time to be fulfilled in the Incarnation of the
Word.” Yes, she contributes in such a unique way in this
fullness of times. We can even say the Lord has entrusted the
Blessed Mother as the Mother of Christ and Mother of the Church.
Therefore, she can exercise Her maternal care in all the events of
human history.
The Holy Father
concluded by saying: “We entrust to your maternal care each and
every single day of this new year, the future of the Church,
humanity and the entire universe.” He also entrusted us to the
Blessed Mother at the opening of the Holy Door at Saint Peter’s
Basilica, which marked the beginning of the Jubilee. “As we begin
our Journey into this new Jubilee Year, Mary, Dawn of Light for
modern times, stay with us while we entrust ourselves into your
maternal care.”
And, the day when
we celebrate the Three Kings Day, “At the beginning of this new
year, while living intensely the Great Jubilee, we entrust to Mary,
“the morning star,” the evangelizing mission of the Church and the
path of all Christians towards the fullness of unity desired so much
by our Redeemer”.
With these simple
acts of trust and surrender to the Blessed Mother, His Holiness John
Paul II seems to reveal us a sure path on how we should live out
this Holy Year. We have to be united with our Blessed Mother inside
Her Immaculate Heart, and allow ourselves to be guided by Her so
that she can take us to a more intimate contemplation of the Mystery
of the Incarnation. She participates in the Incarnation in such a
unique and singular way. May all of us entrust our lives, our
history, our years and our circumstances to the Maternal care of the
Virgin Mary. May we travel the road of this Great Jubilee Year, a
year of grace and mercy united in and with Mary.
May this new
Millennium belong to the Two Hearts!
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