Homilies - Homily Archive 2007-2011 - Fr. Joseph Rogers


Fr. Joseph Rogers is a priest of the Archdiocese of Washington (DC) and graduate of the Pontifical John Paul II Institute for Studies on Marriage
 and Family at The Catholic University of America. Fr. Rogers recently completed an STL in Biblical Theology at the Pontifical Gregorian University.
     Fr. Rogers serves as parochial vicar at St. Patrick Catholic Church in Rockville, MD. He was ordained a Priest on May 26, 2007.

2012 - Year B
34th Wednesday in Ordinary Time - On Pilgrimage to Heaven - The Song of Moses and the Lamb
34th Tuesday in Oridnary Time - In the Midst of Suffering - The Remedy of Silence before the Lord
34th Monday in Ordinary Time - Gratitude: The New Hymn of the Heavenly Jerusalem Begins Here
Solemnity of Christ the King - "I Have Come to be a Martyr for the Truth"- Following Christ Our King with Courage and Fidelity
33rd Wednesday in Ordinary Time - The Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary - Loving the Lord with the Purity of a Child's Heart
33rd Monday in Ordinary Time - Trusting in the Lord, Living in His Providence - We Walk by Faith
32nd Saturday in Ordinary Time - When the Lord Comes Will He Find Faith, Will He Find Marian Hearts
32nd Thrusday in Ordinary Time - Memorial of St Albert the Great - The Science of Faith Illuminates the Truth of Reason
32nd Monday in Ordinary Time - I am sorry, I forgive you - Jesus Teaches Us True Freedom of Heart
32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time - Gazing at the Cross We See - What Matters in the End Is to Give Everything to God
31st Saturday in Ordinary Time - Memorial Mass for Deceased Members of Knights of Columbus - By Faith Heaven Is Already Present on Earth
31st Tuesday in Ordinary Time - The Wisdom of the Cross - In the End Love Is Victorious
31st Monday in Ordinary Time - Opening Our Hearts to the poor, the lame, and the blind in Our Own Home
30th Friday in Ordinary Time - All Souls Day - Through Sacrifices Offered in Faith We Too Can 'Give Birth' to Jesus in Others
30th Thursday in Ordinary Time - Solemnity of All Saints - In the Saints God Is on Earth as He Is in Heaven
30th Wednesday in Ordinary Time - Vigil Solemnity of All Saints - Learning from Bl. John Paul II, Holiness Is the Maximization of Human Potentialities
30th Tuesday in Ordinary Time - The Eucharist Is Love - Only Eucharistic Love Can Restore Our Families
30th Monday in Ordinary Time - The Fundamental Correction of the Sabbath - Recipients and Witnesses of the Resurrection
29th Tuesday in Ordinary Time - You have been brought near to God - We Find Peace When We Return to Him
29th Monday in Ordinary Time - Memorial of Blessed John Paul II - Contemplating the Face of Christ with the Eyes and Heart of Mary
28th Tuesday in Ordinary Time - Feast of St Margaret Mary - Petals Among Thorns - The Sacred Heart Always Blesses Obedience in Our State of Life
28th Monday in Ordinary Time - Feast of St Teresa of Jesus - Contemplation, Interior Union with Jesus, Is the Most Noble Act of the Soul
27th Tuesday in Ordinary Time - In the Home of Martha and Mary Jesus Affirms the Dignity of Women
27th Sunday in Ordinary Time - (Youth Mass) - Hearing the Voice of God and Following Him - Learning from the Simple Choice of a Young Man Named
Joseph Ratzinger
27th Sunday in Ordianry Time - Anniversary Mass of Church Dedication - Salvation has come to this house - On the Conversion of Zacchaeus and the Rectification of Conscience
26th Saturday in Ordinary Time - Like Job We See by the Light of Faith - Preparing for the Year of Faith in the Heart of Mary
26th Tuesday in Ordinary Time - Feast of the Guardian Angels - Our Friends in this Life and Forever in the Next
25th Thursday in Ordinary Time - Feast of St Vincent de Paul - To Pray and to Serve, Two Forms of the Same Love for Christ
25th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Conversion of Heart, Always a Gift of Our Lady - Bringing Our Souls into Focus
25th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Youth Mass - The Gift of the Stigmata - Embracing Tried Relationships with Love, Learning from Padre Pio
24th Saturday in Ordinary Time - Daily Conversion, Path of the Resurrection - Following Jesus with Our Lady
24th Tuesday in Ordinary Time - Lord Have Mercy - the Healing of the Mystical Body of Jesus
24th Sunday in Ordinary Time - (Spanish Homily) Nuestra obra primaria es cargar con nuestra cruz con Jesús
23rd Wednesday in Ordinary Time - Mary, Woman of the Beatitudes , Path to a Truly Free Heart
23rd Monday in Ordinary Time - Jesus Frees Us for the Sabbath
23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time - Healed to Evangelize - Our New Creation through the Sacraments of Jesus
22nd Thursday in Ordinary Time - Like Peter, Let Us Allow Ourselves to be Caught by the Lord's Love and Mercy
22nd Monday in Ordinary Time - Feast of Pope St Gregory the Great - The Gift of Ordinary Work, All for the Love of Christ
22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time - Leaving the Hypocrite Behind to Be an Authentic Witness of Christ - A New Life Begins with a Good Confession
22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time - Prayer, the Path of Interior Union with Christ - To Live, Enter, and Possess the Promised Land of His Heart
21st Monday in Ordinary Time - Celebrating the Feast of St Monica and the Conversion of St Augustine - The Gift and Task of Handing on the Faith
20th Saturday in Ordinary Time - Like the Heart of Jesus - The Virtue of Smallness Opens Our Hearts to God's Peace
20th Thursday in Ordinary Time - Vesting for the King's Banquet - The Wedding Garment of Smallness and Humility
20th Monday in Ordinary Time - 'What Good Must I do' - The Commandments Are the Liberation of Our Hearts
19th Saturday in Ordinary Time - Our Lady's Maternal Heart Is Close to Us Because She Is Close to God
19th Wednesday in Ordinary Time - Solemnity of the Assumption - By Her Faith Mary Precedes the Church in the Resurrection
19th Tuesday in Ordinary Time - Feast of St Maximillian Kolbe, Martyr of Charity - In Our Lady's Hands He Became the Eucharist
19th Monday in Ordinary Time - Apostolic Companionship - Matthew's Testimony of Peter, Disciple of Christ, Witness of Faith
19th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Arise and eat or the journey will be too much for you' - Loving Jesus with the Eucharistic Faith of Mary
19th Sunday in Ordinary Time - In Silence, Our Love for the Eucharist Is Born - Being Dispossesed of Ourselves so that We Can Be Filled with Him
19th Sunday in Ordinary Time - I am the bread of life - The Church Draws Her Life from the Eucharist, So Should We
18th Thursday in Ordinary Time - Memorial of St Teresa Benedicta of the Cross - Love Can Only Respond with Love
18th Wednesday in Ordinary Time - The Lord Prepares Our Pilgrimage of Faith, We Simply Walk in Trust
18th Tuesday in Ordinary Time - Feast of Pope St Sixtus and Deacons, Martyrs - Gazing on Christ We Walk through the Storms of History
18th Monday in Ordinary Time - Feast of the Transfiguration - Ascending the Mountain of Prayer, Encountering Christ in the Eucharist
18th Sunday in Ordinary Time - The 'Olympic' Discipline of Preparing for Homily - Working for Food that Endures for Eternal Life
18th Sunday in Ordinary Time - A Tale of Two Stadiums - Learning from the First Christians What It Means to Follow Christ
17th Sunday in Ordinary Time - The Heart of Evangelization - Trust in the Eucharist and Be Reconciled with Others
17th Sunday in Ordinary Time -When We Are Broken, Tired, and Spent the Eucharist Is Our Greatest Strength
16th Wednesday in Ordinary Time - The Transformation of Our Will in Christ - Seeking to Be Last and Serving All
16th Tuesday in Ordinary Time - Receiving and Keeping the Father's Word - Sisters, Brothers, and Mothers of the Lord
16th Monday in Ordinary Time - Learning Conversion from Micah - Duty, Gratitude, Keeping the Commandments
16th Sunday in Ordinary Time - (Spanish Homily) El Señor Es Mi Pastor, Nada Me Falta
16th Sunday in Ordinary Time - In a Fallen and Broken World, We Find Rest Is In the Eucharistic Heart of the Good Shepherd
15th Friday in Ordinay Time - Offering Our Time to the Lord, Living in His Eucharistic Heart
15th Thursday in Ordinay Time - As Beloved Disciples, We Find Rest in the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus
15th Monday in Ordinary Time - Peace and the 'Sword' - Belonging to the Family of Jesus Brings Order to Our Natural Families
14th Saturday in Ordinary Time - Christ Confesses Us to the Father, We Confess Christ to the World
14th Thursday in Ordinary Time - Abiding in His Sacred Heart, Witnesses of the Kingdom
14th Wednesday in Ordinary Time - We Are God's Children, His Commandments Our Way
14th Tuesday in Ordinary Time - The Lord's Heart Is Open for Us
12th Tuesday in Ordinary Time - The Name of Jesus - 'Narrow Path' of Happiness, Life, and Peace
12th Monday in Ordinary Time - The Merciful Heart of Jesus Is the True Light on the Path to Union with Others
12th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Nativity of St John the Baptist - 'Getting Back to the Basics' of Remembering God and Placing Our Trust in Him
11th Monday in Ordinary TIme - Guarding the Gift of a Filial Heart - Non-Retaliation and the Wisdom of the Cross
10th Tueday in Ordinary Time - Called to Be Salt of the Earth and Light of the World - Homily for Teachers Closing the School Year
10th Monday in Ordinary Time - Feast of St Barnabas - Sent by the Eucharistic Lord to Encourage the Church
Solemnity of Corpus Christi - A New Covenant of Love - The Eucharist Is the Greatest Gift in the Life of the Church
9th Tuesday in Ordinary Time - Purity of Intention, Purity of Heart - Giving to God What Belongs to God
9th Monday in Ordinary Time - Building Our Lives on Rock - Faith Must Be Worked Out in Love
Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity - The Central Mystery of the Faith, Living a Trinitarian Life
8th Thursday in Ordinary Time - Feast of the Visitation - 'Blessed is she who believed . . .' the Four Marian Dogmas - Path of Holiness, Path of the Church
8th Monday in Ordinary Time - Memorial Day - Remembering that We Are Disciples of Christ, Proclaiming the Gospel with Our Lives
Pentecost Sunday - The Chuch, Sacrament of Holiness - Learning from Our Lady to Be Witnesses of the Healing Power of the Blessed Trinity
Pentecost Sunday - Life in the Spirit, from Self-Seeking to God-Seeking - We Find 'Ourselves' When We Find God and Help Others Find Him
7th Wednesday of Easter - It Is Not We Who Possess the Truth But the Truth Who Possesses Us
7th Tuesday of Easter - The Essence of the Christian Life - From the Ego-Drama to the Theo-Drama
7th Monday of Easter - Life in the Spirit - Growing in the Virtues
6th Wedneday of Easter - Attentiveness to the Spirit - Proclaiming the Gospel in the Areopagus of Our Personal Lives
6th Tuesday of Easter - Trust in the Spirit - Breaking Free without Fleeing the Prison of Our Daily Struggles
6th Monday of Easter -The Apostolic Faith - Sent by Christ so that Others May Believe in Him
6th Sunday of Easter - Love one another as I have loved you - The Gift of Christian Friendship
6th Sunday of Easter - Mother's Day and First Communion - The Eucharist - Love that Is Kept and Love that Remains
5th Friday of Easter - Visit of Pilgrim Virgin Statue - Consecration to Our Lady, Triumph of the Father's Love
5th Thursday of Easter - Life in the Spirit - How We Remain in the Lord
5th Wednesday of Easter - Living in the Vine of Christ - Father, not my will but Yours be done
5th Tueday of Easter - Following the Way of the Messiah - Embracing Our Suffering as a Gift
5th Monday of Easter - Living the Easter Season - In Silence the Spirt Begins to Teach Us to Pray
5th Sunday of Easter - Jesus I Trust in You - The Marian Path of Being a Fruitful Branch Rooted in Jesus, the True Vine
5th Sunday of Easter - Spanish Homily - El Camino Fecundo de Union con Jesus, La Vid Verdadera
4th Thursday of Easter - Feast of Sts Philip and James, Apostles - Through the Holy Spirit, Two Very Different Men Became the 'Same Man,' Christ the Lord
4th Wedneday of Easter - Feast of St Athanasius - Living in the Truth of Faith, We Enter into the Truth of Christ, We Have Life
4th Tueday of Easter - Feast of St Joseph the Worker - St Joseph, Immersed in the Spirit, Anticipates the Life of the Church
4th Monday of Easter - The Gift of Life-Giving Repentance - Life in the Holy Spirit
4th Sunday of Easter - The Eucharist is my life - Love Includes the Spousal Meaning of the Human Body
3rd Wednesday of Easter - Feast of St Mark - In the Light of the Resurrection There Is Always Hope
3rd Tuesday of Easter - Living in the Light of the Eucharist - Praying as the Apsotles Prayed
3rd Monday of Easter - Living in the Light of the Risen Lord - Deliverance from Self-Pity
Easter Tuesday - Living in the Eighth Day of the Risen Lord as We Make the Pilgrimage of Our Daily Lives
Easter Monday - Living the Dispositions of Easter - They approached . . . they embraced . . . they worshipped Him
Easter Sunday - Living in the Light of the Risen One - The Church Exists to Prepare Our Hearts for Heaven
Easter Vigil - The Pilgrim Journey of the Baptized Anchored in the Risen Lord
Holy Week Wednesday - Living the Sacred Triduum with Our Lady - Offering to God the 'Fiat' of a Pure Hear
Holy Week Tuesday - Returning to Christ Like Peter - For Us too There Is Hope
Holy Week Monday - Preparing for Christ with the Extravagence of Love
Passion Sunday - Seeking to satisfy the crowd or Standing with the 'I am' of Jesus - Living the Passion in Our Daily Lives
Passion Sunday - Entering into the Silence of the Holiest of Weeks - At the Cross We Too Can Hear the Voice of the Father
5th Saturday of Lent - Gathering Our Hearts and Minds to the Lord - Preparing for the Holiest of Weeks
5th Monday of Lent - Solemnity of the Annunciation - The Yes of Mary to God, Cause of Our Joy, Cause of Christ Bring Formed in Us
5th Sunday of Lent - Receiving and Learning from the Eucharist the Strength and Path to Remain Faithful to Love
5th Sunday of Lent - Embracing the Church's Teaching on the Unity and Pro-Creativity of Conjugal Love
4th Tuesday of Lent - The Healing Waters of the Spirit Flow upon Us from the New Temple of the Heart of Christ
4th Monday of Lent - Solemnity of St. Joseph - St. Joseph - Just Man, Husband of Our Lady, True Paternal Heart in the Home of Nazareth
4th Sunday of Lent - Caminando en la Luz de Cristo - El Sacramento de La Iluminacion
3rd Wednesday of Lent - I have come not to abolish but to fulfill . . . - The Amazing Gift of Living in the Will of God
3rd Tuesday of Lent - The Path of Forgiveness - Removing the Thorns from Our Hearts
3rd Monday of Lent - Bathing in the Waters of Forgiveness - The Simple Task of a Good Confession
3rd Sunday of Lent - Like the Samaritan Woman and St. Augustine, Jesus Seeks to Reconcile Our Relationships with the Truth
2nd Sunday of Lent - In a World with So Many Voices, Firmly Deciding to Listen to the Voice of Christ
1st Sunday of Lent - Forty Days of Prayer from the Heart - Discovering through Our Lady that the Words of Scripture Are Life
Saturday after Ash Wednesday - To Be the Heart of God - Vocation of the Priest, Vocation of the Christian
Ash Wednesday - Forty Days to Enter More Deeply into Friendship with Christ
Ash Wednesday - Season of the Disciplines of Joy

7th Tuesday in Ordinary Time - If you seek to be first you must be last and the servant of all - To Be Formed as Christians, Jesus Points Us to the
School of Our Lady's Heart

7th Sunday in Ordinary Time -'They were dialoguing in their hearts' - A Time to Examine Our Conscience before the Lord -
On Human Love and the Divine Plan
6th Thursday in Ordinary Time - You are the Messiah - Jesus Is Always and Only Son
6th Wednesday in Ordinary Time - Feast of Claude La Columbiere - The Path of Perfect Selflessness
6th Tuesday in Ordinary Time - To Understand with the Heart - Beginning with Grace
6th Monday in Ordinary Time - Coming to the Lord for His Plan . . . Not Ours
5th Thursday in Ordinary Time - Learning from the Syrophoenician Woman - Following the Lord One Choice at a Time and Insisting that He Hear Us
5th Wednesday in Ordinary Time - The Grace of Conversion - Changing the World Begins with a Change of Heart
5th Tuesday in Ordinary Time - The Joy of Seeking God with a Simple Heart - Memorial Homily for Seminarian Michael Fallon
5th Monday in Ordinary Time - St Andrew Kim and Companions - Witnesses of the Cross of Christ, Martyrs of the Pilgrim Church
4th Monday in Ordinary Time - Going Home as a Christian - Sharing with Our Families What the Lord Has Done
4th Sunday in Ordinary Time - The Authority of Christ and the Courage to Be Catholic - On the Recent Letter of Cardinal Donald Wuerl,
Religious Liberty Is in Jeopardy
3rd Saturday in Ordinary Time - Feast of St Thomas Aquinas - The Genius of Innocence of Heart
3rd Tuseday in Ordinary Time - Feast of St Francis de Sales - God's Love Is Greater
3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time - Repent and Believe in the Gospel - The Simple and New Beginning for Every Christian, Always
3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time - Spanish - Conversion y Testimonio - El Camino de Pecadores que Llegan a Ser Pescadores de Hombres
2nd Thursday in Ordinary Time - From Galilee of the Gentiles the Light Shines in Our Hearts
2nd Wednesday in Ordinary Time - Why David Ran to Face Goliath - Trusting God in All Things
2nd Tuesday in Ordinary Time - The Meaning of the Sabbath - God 'Exists' to Give us Life
2nd Monday in Ordinary Time - New Wine, New Wineskins - Grace and an Obedient Heart
1st Tuesday in Ordinary Time - Jesus Teaches Us with Authority - Entering the Green Pastures of Ordinary Time
Monday Baptism of the Lord - Living in the Truth of Christ's Filial Heart
Solemnity of the Epiphany of the Lord -In the Incessant Search for God We Offer the Gold of Obedience to the Christ-Child
Saturday January 7th Of Christmas - Do whatever He tells you - Our Lady Directs Us to the Voice of Jesus
Sunday Christmas Octave - The Motherhood of Mary - III - A New Year, A Marian Year - Making Room for Prayer with the Word Each Day
Sunday Christmas Octave - The Motherhood of Mary - II - Living in the Fullness of Time - Holding and Keeping the Word in Our Hearts
Sunday Christmas Octave - The Motherhood of Mary - I - A Resolution for the New Year, Offering Each Day to Our Lady - Totus Tuus, Totally Yours
Pentecost Sunday I - Living in the Spirit of Christ: Identification with the Immaculate, "Maternal Face" of the Holy Spirit - On Daily Consecration to Our Lady
Pentecost Sunday II - Breath, Wind, and Fire: Relating to the Holy Spirit in the Cenacle of Our Lady's Heart - On the Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary
7th Friday of Easter - Saints Peter and Paul: Disciples of Christ, Witnesses of Love
7th Thursday of Easter - "I Consecrate Them in Truth": Interior Immersion in God
7th Wednesday of Easter - The Gospel of God's Grace
7th Monday of Easter - The Victory of Jesus: The Gospel of God
Ascension of the Lord I - The Logic of the Ascension: Christ is With Us and In Us Because He is With the Father
Ascension of the Lord II - The Ascension of the Lord: A Mystery of Joy that Leads to Our Lady
6th Wednesday of Easter - Feast of St. Justin Martyr - The Custom for the Christian is to Live Always in the Truth
6th Monday of Easter - 'Making Memory' as a Nation: Faithful Citizens and God's First, Learning from St. Paul
6th Sunday of Easter II - "The One Who Loves Me Will Keep My Commandments": Loving and Living the Commandments, We Love and Live in Christ
6th Sunday of Easter I - "You Will Know that You Are in Me and I Am in You": Christ Teaches Us to Know and to See the Spirit of Truth in Our Lives
5th Saturday of Easter - "No Servant is Greater than His Master": Disciples of Christ, Living 'Signs of Contradiction'
5th Friday of Easter - Friends of His Sacred Heart: The Life and Mission of a Priest of Jesus Christ
5th Monday of Easter - Life in the Spirit: Hearing and Remembering the Word in the Communion of the Church
5th Sunday of Easter I - Forgiveness: The Way of Truth that Leads to Life
5th Sunday of Easter II  - "Jesus, I Trust in You": The Gift of Faith and the Simple Path of Our Hearts
4th Saturday of Easter - 'Eucharistic Prayer': Praying in the Name of Jesus
4th Friday of Easter - Jesus is Risen: "Today I Have Begotten You"
4th Thursday of Easter - The Washing of the Feet: "Go and Do Likewise"
4th Tuesday of Easter - 'Christians': Anointed with the Spirit, Life in the Church
4th Sunday of Easter - The Gift of Conscience, Hearing the Voice of the Good Shepherd: Christ Left Us an Example, that We Might Follow in His Footsteps
3rd Saturday of Easter - We Believe, We Adore, We Hope: Gathered by Our Lady in Communion with the Faith of Peter
3rd Friday of Easter - Feast of Our Lady of Fatima: The Triumph of Her Immaculate Heart in Three Shepherd Children Who 'Saved' the Pope
3rd Tuesday of Easter - Receiving the Gift of the Eucharist, Making a Gift of Ourselves
3rd Monday of Easter - Man is the Way of the Church, the Church is the Way of Man
3rd Sunday of Easter I - Open Wide the Doors to Christ: Our Faith and Hope are Rooted in God - On the Beatification of Blessed John Paul II
3rd Sunday of Easter II - Totus Tuus: Mary's Faith Precedes the Faith of Peter in a Singular and Perfect Way - On the Beatification of Bl. John Paul II
2nd Friday of Easter - The Multiplication of Holiness
Wednesday in the Easter Octave - Christ is Risen in the Mass: Three Privileged Forms of Encounter
Monday in the Easter Octave - In Galilee We Will See Him: Returning to Joy, Our Life in Christ
Easter Sunday I - Jesus Christ is Risen from the Dead: Confirmed by the Faith of Peter, We Too Are Witnesses of Love
Easter Sunday II - Alleluia - Like Peter and Paul, We Live by Faith in the Risen Christ
Holy Thursday - "Do This in Memory of Me": The Humility of Christ Heals Our Memory and Opens Our Hearts to God
Tuesday of Holy Week - The Tears of Peter: Sign of Hope in Christ's Love for Us
Monday of Holy Week - Allowing the Prayer of Christ, Prayer of the Church, to Pray through Us
Passion Sunday I - Obedience to the Word, Disciples of the Lamb: Living the Holiest of Weeks in the Heart of the Church
Passion Sunday II - The Divine Science of Redemption: Entering into the Prayer of the Heart of Christ, Living the Holiest of Weeks
5th Sunday of Lent I - As Christians We Have a Goal: To Be Risen from the Dead with Christ
5th Sunday of Lent II - In the Holy Eucharist We Receive Christ, We Receive Eternity
4th Saturday of Lent - The Light of Christ Shines in the Darkness of Our Hearts
4th Friday of Lent - The Way of the Cross: Uniting Our Lives with the Hour of Jesus
4th Wednesday of Lent - The Father's Will Is Always Just
4th Tuesday of Lent - The Father's Love Defines Who We Are
4th Monday of Lent  - The Sacraments: Seven Infallibly Efficacious Signs that God Is with Us
4th Sunday of Lent I - The Beauty of the Gift of Baptism: Renewed by the Light of Christ
4th Sunday of Lent II - From Darkness to the Light of Christ: The Waters of Siloam and the Purification of Desire
3rd Friday of Lent - Preparing for the Anniversary of Venerable John Paul II: Making a Sincere Gift of Our Lives
3rd Tuesday of Lent - The Authentic Sacrifice: A Heart Rent Open by the Mercy of God
2nd Sunday of Lent I - The Gift of Baptism and the "Mt. Tabor" of Daily Prayer: Being Healed of the Disorder of Activism that We Might Hear the Voice of God
2nd Sunday of Lent II - The Transfiguration and Rite of Election: Fulfillment of the Prayer of Jesus that We May Be One
2nd Sunday of Lent III - The Itinerary of Prayer and the Gift of Suffering: Hearing the Voice of the Father
Solemnity of St. Joseph - A True Husband and Father in the Home of Nazareth
1st Friday of Lent - The Eucharist: Origin and Goal of the Cycle of Divine Mercy
1st Wednesday of Lent - A Humble and Contrite Heart: Let Us Hear the Word of the Lord and Act on It
1st Sunday of Lent I - Lent: 40 Days - Living from Every Word that Comes from the Mouth of God
1st Sunday of Lent II - Baptism: The Gift of the Obedience of Christ and the Task of Christian Conversion
1st Sunday of Lent III - "Ad Altare Dei"
Ash Wednesday - Living the Love of the Cross: The Logic of the Gift, Our Lenten Itinerary, Lived through Almsgiving, Fasting, and Prayer
9th Monday in Ordinary Time - Memorial of Sts. Perpetua and Felicity: A Revolution of Love
9th Sunday in Ordinary Time I - The Gift and the Task of Christian Holiness: The Importance of Fasting in the Season of Lent
9th Sunday in Ordinary Time II - Life on the Rock: A Spiritual Itinerary for the Lenten Renewal of Our Baptismal Consecration through Prayer, Fasting, and Almsgiving
8th Saturday in Ordinary Time - The Legacy of the Path of Love, School of the Pierced Heart of Our Lady: School of Wisdom, School of the Cross
8th Friday in Ordinary Time - The Fiat of Our Lady: Perfect Prayer in Union with the Sacred Heart of Jesus
8th Wednesday in Ordinary Time - Simply...We Are Called to Serve One Another
8th Tuesday in Ordinary Time - The Oblation of Our Hearts to Christ: A Sacrifice of Trust and Praise
7th Saturday in Ordinary Time - "He Gave Us the Law of Life as Our Gift": Venerable John Paul II's "Law of the Gift"
7th Friday in Ordinary Time - Friends of Jesus, Witnesses of His Word
7th Tuesday in Ordinary Time - Feast of the Chair of St. Peter, Apostle: The Authority of Love
7th Monday in Ordinary Time - Prayer: Immersion in the Heart of Christ through the Holy Spirit
6th Saturday in Ordinary Time - Prayer in the Light of Faith: The "Art" of the New Evangelization
6th Friday in Ordinary Time - The Way of the Cross: Building a New Civilization in Reality
6th Tuesday in Ordinary Time - The Gift of the Holy Eucharist
6th Monday in Ordinary Time - Feast of Sts. Cyril and Methodius: Bringing the Holy Eucharist, the Great Sign of Christ, to All People
6th Sunday in Ordinary Time I - Only Love Ascends the Mountain of Holiness: Frequent Confession and a Daily Visit to the Blessed Sacrament
6th Sunday in Ordinary Time II - "You Have Heard it was Said...but I Say to You": The Artform of Daily Prayer with Scripture, Encountering the "I" of Christ
5th Thursday in Ordinary Time - Feast of St. Scholastica, Co-Patroness of Christian Civilization
5th Wednesday in Ordinary Time - Mass for Children: By the Gift of the Holy Spirit, We Can Choose Love
5th Tuesday in Ordinary Time - Feast of St. Josephine Bakhita: Witness of Love, Witness of Hope
5th Monday in Ordinary Time - Drawn by the Word through Our Lady before the Face of the Father
4th Friday in Ordinary Time - En el Corazón de Nuestra Señora, aprendemos la libertad gloriosa de los hijos de Dios
4th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Blessed Are the Poor in Spirit . . . Theirs Is the Eucharistic Faith of Mary
3rd Saturday in Ordinary Time - Total Entrustment to God - Our Lady, Type and Fulfillment of the Faith of Abraham
3rd Friday in Ordinary Time - Feast of St Thomas Aquinas - Doctor of the Church, Child of God
3rd Thursday in Ordinary Time - Our Lady Prepares Our Hearts to Be Filled with God
3rd Wednesday in Ordinary Time - Our Lady Prepares the Soil of Our Hearts to Receive the Seed of the Word
3rd Tuesday in Ordinary Time - Feast of the Conversion of St. Paul - The Ecclesial Form of Faith, Baptism, and Mission
3rd Monday in Ordinary Time - Feast of St. Francis de Sales - The Gentle Teacher: Witness of Divine Grace, Hope of Human Life
3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time I - The Light of Christ Shines in the Darkness: Reaching out to Women Wounded by Abortion
3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time II - The Light of Christ and the Language of Love: Witnesses of the Eucharist, Witnesses of the Gospel of Life
2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time - Baptism, Immersion in the Holy Spirit: Source of the Peace that Lasts and Strength to be Witnesses, Servants, and Disciples of the Lamb
1st Saturday in Ordinary Time - The Word of God is Living and Active through Our Lady's Heart
1st Friday in Ordinary Time - Remember the Mighty Works God Has Done
1st Wednesday in Ordinary Time - Pray for Us Now and at the Hour of Our Death, Amen.
1st Tuesday in Ordinary Time - The Path of Conversion: Jesus Teaches Us with Authority
1st Monday in Ordinary Time - Repent and Believe in the Gospel: The Enthronement of the Sacred Heart in Our Hearts
The Baptism of the Lord I - Christ Immerses Himself in Our Sins that We May Be Immersed in the Father's Love
The Baptism of the Lord II - Baptism, the Coronation of Christ: Sacrament of Our Hope, Our Peace, and Our Freedom
Friday after Epiphany - The Testimony of His Water, Blood, and Spirit: In Christ There Is Always Hope
Wednesday after Epiphany - Silence: Home of the Father's Love and Strength of the Proclamation of Christ
Tuesday after Epiphany - Drawing Strength from the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus, Our Hearts Become an Epiphany for Others
Monday after Epiphany - The Anointing of the Holy Spirit: Openness to God and His Kingdom
Solemnity of the Epiphany of the Lord I - A Resolution for the New Year: Contemplating the Scriptures Each Day Following the Star of Our Lady
Solemnity of the Epiphany of the Lord II - Walking the Path of the Gospel, Seeking the Star, and Holding the Word in Our Daily Lives
Holy Family Sunday I - The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph: Home and School of Love for Every Family
Holy Family Sunday II - St. Joseph: Witness of the Love of Jesus and Mary and Model of Christian Manhood
Christmas Day - A New Family is Born in Bethlehem: The Love of Christ Reveals the Dignity of Every Human Life
Christmas Midnight Mass - The Eucharist is Enough: Christ is Still Given to Us in the Bethlehem of the Church, Our Mother
4th Friday of Advent - He Has Remembered His Promise of Mercy
4th Thursday of Advent - Preparing the Interior Manger for the Lord
4th Monday of Advent - Preparing for the Nativity of the Lord
4th Sunday of Advent I - St. Joseph: Guardian of the Advent Journey of the Church
4th Sunday of Advent II - Preparing Bethlehem for the Hearts of Jesus and Mary with the Heart of Joseph
3rd Friday of Advent - The Book of the Genealogy of Jesus Christ: Book of Hope
3rd Monday of Advent - Preparing for Bethlehem: Purity of Intention
3rd Sunday of Advent I - The Joy of Christian Witness: God is With Us and So is His Mother
3rd Sunday of Advent II - Our Lady of Guadalupe, Star of the New Evangelization: From the Exile of Sadness to the Joy that God is With Us
2nd Wednesday of Advent II - Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception - Totus Tuus: Her Presence Communicates the Healing Waters of the Holy Spirit
2nd Tuesday of Advent - Feast of St. Ambrose - Beauty is the Wisdom and Power of God
2nd Monday of Advent - Reconciliation: A Gift of the Penitential Season
2nd Sunday of Advent I - Spe Salvi - Prayer: Poor and Simple Manger of Christ Our Hope
2nd Sunday of Advent II - Spe Salvi - Suffering: School of Mary, Star of Hope
2nd Sunday of Advent III - Spe Salvi - Judgment and Conversion: The Veil and Tears of Our Lady, Preparing for the Coming of Christ, King of Hope
1st Friday of Advent - Fiesta de San Francisco Javier - Profetas, siervos, y testigos de esperanza
1st Tuesday of Advent - Feast of St. Andrew, Apostle - Awaiting Christ in Hope, Sharing Christ in Faith
1st Sunday of Advent - In Christ God Comes to Meet Us - Let Us Prepare to Meet Him
Solemnity of Christ the King I - Faithful Love in Suffering: Reigning with Christ from the Cross - On the Elevation of 24 New Cardinals
Solemnity of Christ the King II - The Gift of Salvation: From Cross to Cross Christ Reigns in Our Hearts
33rd Saturday in Ordinary Time - "Consistory": "Being with" Jesus and Mary at the Cross - Sharing in the Martyrdom of Saints Peter and Paul
33rd Tuesday in Ordinary Time - The Word of the Lord Knocks at the Door of Our Hearts
33rd Monday in Ordinary Time - Witnesses of the New Evangelization: Those Who Have Learned to See God Again
33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time I - Nature, Sacred Scripture, and the Liturgy: "Three Books" of the New Temple of Christian Life
33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time II - "The Word of the Lord Endures Forever": Living Stones in the Temple of Christ's Body
32nd Saturday in Ordinary Time - Co-Workers of the Truth
32nd Tuesday in Ordinary Time - Feast of the Dedication of St. John Lateran: Union with the Church of Rome Safeguards the Freedom of the Local Church
32nd Monday in Ordinary Time - Forgiveness: An Essential Gift and Task of Our Hearts
32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time I - The Resurrection of the Body: The Surpassing Fulfillment of the Language of Love Written in Our Bodies
32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time II - The Resurrection of the Body and the Responsible Generation of Human Life: On In Vitro Fertilization
31st Thursday in Ordinary Time - Feast of St. Charles Borromeo: Sharing the Joy
31st Wednesday in Ordinary Time - When God is First in Our Hearts We Can Sincerely Give Ourselves to Others
31st Monday in Ordinary Time - Solemnity of All Saints: Drawing from the Treasury of the Saints
31st Sunday in Ordinary Time I - Salvation Has Come to this House: The Power of the Eucharist Transforms Our Hearts
31st Sunday in Ordinary Time II - It Matters What We Choose: Taking a Stand Personally and Publicly for Christ
30th Saturday in Ordinary Time - "I Rejoice in God My Savior": The Marian Path of True Joy and Freedom
30th Friday in Ordinary Time - "Love Solved Everything for Me..."
30th Wednesday in Ordinary Time - The Gift of Salvation: Some Who Are Last Will Be First
30th Tuesday in Ordinary Time - The Contemplative Seed of the Word: Heart of the Kingdom of God
30th Monday in Ordinary Time - Entering the Sabbath Rest of the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus
30th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Those Who Humble Themselves are Exalted: The Truth of Christ that Sets Us Free
29th Wednesday in Ordinary Time - His Blood and Water Make All Things New
29th Tuesday in Ordinary Time - Feast of St. John de Brebeuf and St. Isaac Jogues: A Land Consecrated by the Blood of Priests
29th Monday in Ordinary Time - Feast of St. Luke, Apostle and Martyr: Man of the Church and Missionary of Christ
29th Sunday in Ordinary Time I - The Church Cries Out for Justice: Defending the Human Person
29th Sunday in Ordinary Time II - Cry of Israel, Cry of Christ: Praying for Peace in the Holy Land of the Human  Heart
28th Saturday in Ordinary Time - Feast of St. Margaret Mary: Contrition, Perfection, Union - Living Reflections of the Three Rays Emitted from His Divine Heart
28th Friday in Ordinary Time - Feast of St. Teresa of Jesus: Prayer - School of the Secrets of His Heart
28th Tuesday in Ordinary Time - Feast of Our Lady of the Pilar: Behold Your Mother
28th Monday in Ordinary Time - The Gift of the Spiritual Maternity of Our Lady: Mother and Image of the Church
28th Sunday in Ordinary Time I - Fidelity to the Word of Christ: Deliverance from the Chains that Bind Us
28th Sunday in Ordinary Time II - Gratitude: Sure and Steadfast Conviction of Our Faith in Christ
27th Friday in Ordinary Time - Consecration to the Immaculate Heart: Spiritual Armor of the Church and the Third Christian Millennium
27th Thursday in Ordinary Time - Feast of the Holy Rosary: The Holy Rosary - School of Christ and Prayer of the Church
27th Monday in Ordinary Time - Feast of St. Francis of Assisi: A Bright Star in the Constellation of Christ in History
27th Sunday in Ordinary Time I - The Gospel of Life: Witnesses of Hope Reconciled and Formed in the Spirit for a New Culture
27th Sunday in Ordinary Time II - Choosing the Gospel of Love: The Truth, Beauty, and Goodness of Human Life
26th Friday in Ordinary Time - Feast of St. Therese: Love - School of the Child Jesus and the Holy Face
26th Thursday in Ordinary Time - Feast of St. Jerome: Living Translations of the Word
26th Sunday in Ordinary Time I - Witnesses and Servants of the Gospel of Life: From Joseph of Arimathea to Our Own Day
26th Sunday in Ordinary Time II - Pierced by the Prophetic Word of God: Heart Speaks to Heart
25th Tuesday in Ordinary Time - Feast of St. Matthew - 'Gift of God'
25th Monday in Ordinary Time - The Light of Silence: Hearing Jesus in Our Hearts
25th Sunday in Ordinary Time I - Christ Jesus: True Wealth of the Church in Her Marian Splendor
25th Sunday in Ordinary Time II - Cor ad Cor Loquitur: The Heart of Jesus Speaks to Our Hearts - Simple Path of the Revolution of Love
24th Friday in Ordinary Time - Feast of  St. Robert Bellarmine - The Kingdom of God is at Hand
24th Wednesday in Ordinary Time - Memorial of Our Lady of Sorrows - Mystical Death,  Fountain of Life, Hope in Suffering
24th Tuesday in Ordinary Time - Feast of the Triumph of the Cross - Triumph of the Cross, Triumph of Trust
24th Monday in Ordinary Time - The Healing Love of Our Lady: Immaculate Fountain of the Father's Unconditional Love
24th Sunday in Ordinary Time I - The New Evangelization: Witnesses of the Father and His Love, Witnesses of Christ
24th Sunday in Ordinary Time II - Confession: Sacrament of the Father's Love for "Both Sons"
23rd Saturday in Ordinary Time, St. Joseph Mass and Prayer Breakfast Homily - St. Joseph: Husband of Mary and Virginal Father of Jesus
23rd Friday in Ordinary Time - From the Plank in Our Own Eye to the Wood of the Cross
23rd Tuesday in Ordinary Time - Always...Love
23rd Monday in Ordinary Time - Labor Day - To Work for God: True Measure and Dignity of Human Labor
23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time I - When God is First, Our Hearts are Truly Free
23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time II - The Love of the Cross: School of Christian Discipleship, True Freedom, and Authentic Liberation of Heart
22nd Saturday in Ordinary Time - The Immaculate Heart of Mary: School of the Triumph of God in Us
22nd Friday in Ordinary Time - Memorial of Pope St. Gregory the Great: Holiness: The Authentic Reformation of the Church
22nd Wednesday in Ordinary Time - Go, She is Sent: Christ Still Proclaims the Kingdom through His Body, the Church
22nd Tuesday in Ordinary Time - Discerning the Spirit of God: Having the Mind of Christ
22nd Monday in Ordinary Time - Resolving to Know Only Christ and Him Crucified
22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time I - Humility: Path of Christ Our Hope, Path of Our Hearts
22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time II - The Eucharist: School of the Heart of Blessed Teresa of Calcutta, School of Our Hearts
21st Friday in Ordinary Time - Feast of St. Monica - Tears of Faith and Conversion
21st Monday in Ordinary Time - Living as Temples of God
21st Sunday in Ordinary Time I - Striving for the Narrow Gate of the Cross of Christ: Suffering as the Discipline of Righteousness
21st Sunday in Ordinary Time II - The Uniqueness of Christ, Universality of the Church, and Redemptive Path of Human Suffering
21st Sunday in Ordinary Time III - The Splendor of Truth in Love: Christ Crucified, Narrow Way of the Human Heart
21st Sunday in Ordinary Time IV - Lectio Divina: Praying with Sacred Scripture in the Heart of the Church: Narrow Door to the Face of Christ
20th Wednesday in Ordinary Time - Suffering: From Self-Pity to Self-Abnegation: The Great Wage of the Visitation of Christ
20th Tuesday in Ordinary Time - To Be a Child: Essence and Path of Christian Discipleship
19th Wednesday in Ordinary Time - Feast of St. Clare - Light for the Whole Church: Her Entire Wealth was Jesus Christ
19th Tuesday in Ordinary Time - Homily for Holy Hour Adoration, Vigil of the Feast of St. Clare - Woman Made Church, Church of the Eucharist
19th Tuesday in Ordinary Time - Feast of St. Laurence - To Become Eucharist: The Mission of Every Catholic
19th Monday in Ordinary Time - Feast of St. Theresa Benedicta of the Cross - Union with the Truth: Christ, Her Spouse, Set Her Free
19th Sunday in Ordinary Time I - Servants Ready for the Lord: Full, Active, and Conscious Participation in the Sacred Mass
19th Sunday in Ordinary Time II - Heaven is the Treasure of the Human Heart: Preparing for Sunday Mass, Preparing for God
18th Friday in Ordinary Time - Feast of the Transfiguration - Perceiving the Light of Christ through the Flesh of the Sacred Page: Contemplation with Sacred Scripture
18th Wednesday in Ordinary Time - Feast of St. John Vianney - Loving God Heart to Heart
18th Tuesday in Ordinary Time - Be Not Afraid: Trust in the Sacred Name of Jesus
18th Monday in Ordinary Time - The Eucharist is the Kingdom of God
18th Sunday in Ordinary Time I - Gratitude for Life, Gratitude for Suffering: True Elevation of the Human Heart
18th Sunday in Ordinary Time II - God, True Wealth of the Human Person: The Gift of Self, True Life in Christ
17th Wednesday in Ordinary Time - Maturity of Heart, Maturity of Desire: Seeking and Finding, Choosing and Guarding the Pearl of Great Price
17th Tuesday in Ordinary Time - Forgiveness: The Power that Unleashes the Freedom of the Good Soil of the Human Heart
17th Monday in Ordinary Time - Feast of Sts. Joachim and Anne - The Mustard Seed Grows Perfectly in the Immaculate Heart of Mary
17th Sunday in Ordinary Time - On the 42nd Anniversary of "Humanae Vitae" - The Vocation of Eucharistic Love: Total Self-Giving and Natural Family Planning
16th Saturday in Ordinary Time - The Good Seed is Love
16th Friday in Ordinary Time - Meekness: Entrusting Our Hearts Totally to the Lord, Becoming Fertile Soil for the Seed of the Word
16th Sunday in Ordinary Time I - To Start Afresh from Christ: Prayer: Strength and Essential School of the New Evangelization
16th Sunday in Ordinary Time II - Preparing for the 42nd Anniversary of the Encyclical "On Human Life": Receiving the Prophet and Hearing the Prophetic Word in Our Own Day
15th Sunday in Ordinary Time I - Compassion: The Simple Word of the Truly Human Heart
15th Sunday in Ordinary Time II - Making Room in Our Hearts for Suffering: Witnesses of the Cross, Witness of Compassion
14th Saturday in Ordinary Time - The Love of the Crucified is Our Strength
14th Wednesday in Ordinary Time - The Twelve Apostles: Living Faces of the Kingdom of Heaven
14th Tuesday in Ordinary Time - The Gift of Life in Death: A Grain of Wheat that Bears Much Fruit
14th Monday in Ordinary Time - True Miracles, True Presence: Jesus Comes to Us and Heals Us in the Sacraments
14th Sunday in Ordinary Time I - The Declaration of Dependence: The Gift and Task of True Freedom
14th Sunday in Ordinary Time II - Self-Evident Truths, Inalienable Rights, and the Call to Christian Maturity
13th Saturday in Ordinary Time - Feast of St. Thomas the Apostle - Conversion: The Triumph of the Immaculate Heart in Us
13th Friday in Ordinary Time - I Desire Mercy, Not Sacrifice: A Priest after the Heart of Jesus
13th Monday in Ordinary Time - Feast of St Irenaeus - Defender of the Principle of Unity, Witness of Fidelity to Christ and the Church
13th Sunday in Ordinary Time I - You Are My Inheritance, O Lord - Ascending in the Fiery Chariot of the Celibate, Priestly Love of Jesus
13th Sunday in Ordinary Time II - For Freedom Christ Set us Free - The Fire of Love in the Truth, Freedom of the Human Person
12th Friday in Ordinary Time - Word and Sacrament: The Personal Encounter with Christ
12th Wednesday in Ordinary Time - Good Heart, Good Fruit: Fidelity in Suffering to the Heart of Christ
12th Tuesday in Ordinary Time - Feast of Sts. John Fisher and Thomas More: Martyrs of Fidelity
12th Monday in Ordinary Time - Sincerity of Heart, Sincerity of Discipleship
12th Sunday in Ordinary Time I - The Way of Salvation: Renounce Yourself, Take Up Your Cross Daily, and Follow Me
12th Sunday in Ordinary Time II - Saved in Hope: God Reveals Himself in Christ through Innocent Suffering
11th Friday in Ordinary Time - The Purification of Our Hearts, the Training of Desire
11th Thursday in Ordinary Time - Forgiveness: The Gift and Path of Christian Discipleship
11th Wednesday in Ordinary Time - The Summit of the Mountaintop
11th Sunday in Ordinary Time I - Faith in the Mercy of God: Jesus, I Trust in You
11th Sunday in Ordinary Time II - The Art of Being a Human Person: I Live by Faith in the Son of God Who Loved Me and Gave Himself for Me
10th Tuesday in Ordinary Time - Salt and Light, Faithfulness and Joy
Solemnity of Corpus Christi I - The Eucharist: Source, Summit, and Logic of Our Daily Lives
Solemnity of Corpus Christi II - The Body and Blood of Christ: Gifts of Our High Priest and King that Become the Gift of Our Own Heart
9th Tuesday in Ordinary Time - Feast of St. Justin Martyr - Witness of the Truth: Giving to Caesar What Belongs to Caesar, and Giving to God What Belongs to God
9th Monday in Ordinary Time - Feast of the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary - Going Across the Mountains of History with Faith as Our Strength and God as Our Joy
Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity I - Union with the Blessed Trinity in the Heart of the Church with the Heart of Mary
Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity II - Immersed in Mary, Immersed in the Trinity
8th Friday in Ordinary Time - In the Temple of the Human Heart, Love Covers a Multitude of Sins
8th Tuesday in Ordinary Time - The Last Shall Be First
8th Monday in Ordinary Time - You Lack One Thing...Follow Me
Solemnity of Pentecost - The New Covenant of the Spirit Revealed in the Face of Mary
Vigil for the Solemnity of Pentecost - Ascending the Sinai of the Interior Life in the Spirit of Jesus through Mary
7th Week of Easter, Friday - Do You Love Me?...Follow Me
7th Week of Easter, Tuesday  - The Sanctification of Ordinary Work, Priestly Vocation of All the Baptized
7th Week of Easter, Monday - Union with the Holy Spirit Conquers the World
Ascension Sunday I - Witnesses of Hope, Realists of Christ, Evangelists of Joy
Ascension Sunday II - Jesus Christ the High Priest Ascends to Give Us His Priesthood
6th Week of Easter, Saturday - The Fullness of Faith Comes to Us in the We of the Church
6th Sunday of Easter I - Salvation Comes to Us through Jesus Christ in and through Our Holy Mother the Church
6th Sunday of Easter II - Abiding in the Will of God, God Abiding in Us - The Peace that the World Cannot Give or Take Away
5th Week of Easter, Saturday - On to the Macedonias of Our Day
5th Week of Easter, Friday - The New Covenant, the New Way of Love
5th Week of Easter, Tuesday - Do Not Let Your Hearts Be Troubled
5th Week of Easter, Monday - Feast of the Apostles Sts. Phillip and James, Co-Founders of the Heavenly Jerusalem
5th Sunday of Easter I - The Sacraments: Healing Strength of the New Commandment of Love
5th Sunday of Easter II - The Holy Rosary: School of the Heart of Mary, School of the Gospel, School of Love
4th Week of Easter, First Saturday of May - Feast of St. Joseph the Worker, the Totus Tuus Man
4th Week of Easter, Friday - God the Father: the One Our Hearts Long for in Christ
4th Week of Easter, Wednesday - Totus Tuus: The True Devotion to Mary of St Louis Marie Grignon de Montfort
4th Week of Easter, Tuesday - Christians: Children of the Anointed One
4th Week of Easter, Monday - Jesus the Good Shepherd - Gateway and Path of Abundant Life
4th Sunday of Easter I - Prayer: the Lifestyle, Habit, and Art of Hearing the Voice of God
4th Sunday of Easter II - Solitude and Solidarity - Light of the Pilgrim Church in the Cloud of Secularism
Easter Thursday - The Way of Christ Who Opens Us into All Truth
Easter Wednesday - Jesus Is Risen and Encountered in the Scriptures and the Holy Eucharist
Easter Tuesday - Jesus Christ Is Risen - He Is Truly Risen
Easter Monday - The Heart of Peter - Living Sign that Jesus Christ Is Risen
Easter Sunday I - Jesus Christ Is Lord and We Are His Family
Easter Sunday II - The Church - Anchored in the Risen Christ and Built on the Rock of Peter
Holy Week, Holy Thursday - Unless I Wash Your Feet, You Will Have No Inheritance with Me: Priests of the New Covenant of Love
Holy Week, Tuesday - The Way of the Lamb
Holy Week, Monday - This is My Body Given Up for You
Holy Week - Passion Sunday I - The Triumph of the Lord's Passion - Choices of Love in the Truth
Holy Week - Passion Sunday II - The Eucharist: Gift and Sign of the Heart of Jesus and Path of Our Hearts
5th Week of Lent, Saturday - Living the Holy Days of the Heart of Jesus in the Cenacle of the Heart of Mary
5th Week of Lent, Friday - Witnesses of the Works of Christ
5th Week of Lent, Wednesday - The Word of Truth Sets Us Free
5th Week of Lent, Tuesday - Born from Above We Walk as Children of the Father
5th Week of Lent, Monday - Abiding in the Light of Truth We Lay Down Our Lives for Each Other
5th Sunday of Lent (readings for Year A) I - Life Is the Glory of God
5th Sunday of Lent (readings for Year A) II - The Gospel of Life
Solemnity of St. Joseph - Joseph: Husband of Mary and Virginal Father of Jesus
4th Week of Lent, Tuesday - Take Up Your Mat and Walk - Responsibility Comes with Healing
4th Week of Lent, Monday - We Believe into Jesus Christ Our Lord
4th Sunday of Lent, Vespers - God So Loved the World that We May Totally Trust Him
4th Sunday of Lent I (readings for Year A) - It's Totally Worth It to Follow Christ and Be Sent by Him as Witnesses of His Light (Second Scrutiny for RCIA)
4th Sunday of Lent II - In the Revelation of the Father and His Merciful Love Jesus Reveals Our Dignity and Our Most High Calling
3rd Week of Lent, Saturday - Humility of Heart: Gateway of Mercy, Gateway of Conversion
3rd Week of Lent, Friday - The Question We Seek and the Answer We Long For -- With Our Whole Heart
3rd Week of Lent, Wednesday - The Heart of Jesus: Fulfillment of the Law and the Prophets
3rd Week of Lent, Tuesday - Divine Mercy: The Father's Will for Our Hearts
3rd Week of Lent, Monday - Repenting for the Gifts Not Treasured
3rd Sunday of Lent I - The Prophetic Vocation of Woman in the Order of Love
3rd Sunday of Lent II - The Gift of God: New Covenant, New Temple, New Hearts
2nd Week of Lent, Friday - Eucharistic Adoration - Surrendering We Receive Him
2nd Week of Lent, Monday - The Mercy of God Expands Our Hearts . . . to Be Like His
2nd Sunday of Lent I - Gazing upon the Face of Christ, Ascending the Mountain of His Prayer
2nd Sunday of Lent II - Prayer: Ascending the Holy Mountain, Beholding the Face of Christ, and Hearing the Voice of God
1st Week of Lent Saturday - The Freedom of Love
1st Week of Lent, Friday - The Call to Reparation: Seeking to Repair the Effects of Our Sins
1st Week of Lent , Monday - Feast of the Chair of St Peter - New Abraham, New Father and Teacher of Many Nations
1st Sunday in Lent I - Living from Every Word that Comes from the Mouth of God
1st Sunday in Lent II - Poverty, Meekness, Humility -- Path of the Heart of Jesus, Path of Our Hearts
1st Sunday in Lent III - The Church Has a Heart . . . and Lungs
Friday After Ash Wednesday- The Path of Divine Mercy
Ash Wednesday - The Only Victory that Is Eternal -- Everything Else Is Ashes
6th Tuesday in Ordinary Time - The False Leaven of Total Self-Sufficiency
6th Monday in Ordinary Time - The Veil that Impedes Our Hearts from Seeing the Signs
5th Wednesday in Ordinary Time - The Human Heart, Home of Wisdom - Free in the Will of God
5th Tuesday in Ordinary Time - Covenant of Mercy - Covenant of the Heart
4th Friday in Ordinary Time - La escuela de la libertad del corazón humano: la cruz de Cristo
4th Thursday in Ordinary Time - Receivers and Believers of the Kingdom in Our Hearts
4th Wednesday in Ordinary Time - His Heart Remains Open to Us
4th Tuesday in Ordinary Time - Feast of the Presentation: The Light of the Truth Sets Us Free
4th Monday in Ordinary Time - The Lord Makes Room for Us in His Heart
3rd Friday in Ordinary Time - Consent - Allowing the Seed to Grow in the Soil of Our Hearts
3rd Thursday in Ordinary Time - Feast of St Thomas Aquinas - Who Is God
3rd Wednesday in Ordinary Time - The Gift of Childhood
3rd Tuesday in Ordinary Time - Memorial of Sts. Timothy and Titus - Successors of the Apostles: Hope of the Church
3rd Monday in Ordinary Time - Feast of the Conversion of St. Paul - In Dying We Live
3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time  I - The Spirit of the Lord Sets Us Free
3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time II -The Church - Home and School of the Word of God
2nd Saturday in Ordinary Time - Purity of Heart - Faithfulness to God in Our Daily Life
2nd Friday in Ordinary Time - Witnesses of Love for a Civilization of Life
2nd Tuesday in Ordinary Time - Life Is the Gift of the Sabbath
2nd Monday in Ordinary Time - Giving the Father Room to Provide for Us
2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time I - The Lord Loves Married Love
2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time II - The Blessed Virgin Mary - Mediatrix of Love, Sign Who Precedes the Signs - Still Tells Us, Do Whatever He Tells You
2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time III - Do Whatever He Tells You - The School of the Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary
2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time IV - The Path of the New Millennium - Do Whatever He Tells You and Put Out into the Deep
1st Saturday in Ordinary Time - The Fiat of Mary - Path and School of the Christian Vocation
1st Friday in Ordinary Time - The Home of Jesus
1st Thursday in Ordinary Time - The Kingdom of God Is Always God's
1st Tuesday in Ordinary Time - The Kingdom of God is at Hand: from the Inside Out
1st Monday in Ordinary Time, Year C - Two Movements of the Heart for Entering into the Kingdom of God
Baptism of the Lord I  - Making Straight the Rough Road of Our Hearts
Baptism of the Lord II - If We Die with Him, We Rise with Him; The Two Movements of Human Cooperation with the Work of God
Friday after Epiphany, Year C - Wholeness of Heart: The Path of Perpetual Conversion
Thursday after Epiphany - The Scriptures are Fulfilled in Our Hearing
Wednesday after Epiphany - The Light that Transforms Our Hearts
Tuesday after Epiphany - From His Heart through Ours
Christmas Day - Christmas Hope - The Family - The Way of the Church
Christmas Midnight Mass - The Good Shepherd Lays Down His Life in a Manger
4th Thursday of Advent - Simply to Praise Him
4th Tuesday of Advent - Where the Lord is Magnified
4th Monday of Advent - All Because the Blessed Virgin Mary Said Yes
4th Sunday of Advent, Year C, I - Receiving the Mother We Prepare to Receive the Child
4th Sunday of Advent, Year C, II - Blessed Is She Who Believed
3rd Thursday of Advent - The Genealogy of Jesus - Priest and Messiah-King
3rd Wednesday of Advent - Lord and Savior of Our Personal History
3rd Tuesday of Advent - Yes and Yes to the Lord
3rd Monday of Advent - Feast of St. John of the Cross - The Cross in Our Hearts - A Living Flame of Love
3rd Sunday of Advent, Year C I - The Blessed Virgin Mary - Summit of Love - and the Interior Discipline of Joy
3rd Sunday of Advent, Year C II - The Spiritual Maternity of Mary - Summit of Love and Summit of Joy
2nd Tuesday of Advent - Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception - Children's Mass - Conceived without Sin to Conceive the Son of God
2nd Monday of Advent - Feast of St Ambrose - The Gift of Unity
2nd Sunday of Advent, Year C, I - The Sacrament of Confession - Re-vested by Christ in the Gifts of Salvation
2nd Sunday of Advent, Year C, II - Totus Tuus Oh Maria - The Way of the Lord - The Way of the Church
1st Wednesday of Advent - Children's Mass - Advent and the Three Comings of Christ
1st Tuesday of Advent - Going to Joseph This Advent
1st Monday of Advent - Feast of St Andrew - The Apostolic Virtue of Patience - Joyful Expectation of Encountering and Drawing Others to the Lord
1st Sunday of Advent, Year C, I- Preparing in Hope for the Coming of Christ Our Lord
1st Sunday of Advent, Year C, II - Preparing the Manger of Our Hearts for Christ Who Comes
33rd Wednesday in Ordinary Time - Cooperators of the King
33rd Monday in Ordinary Time - The King Asks Us - What is it That we Ask Him
33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time I - Stars that Shine in the Sky of History - Hearts Made Holy by His Love for Us
33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time II - Anchored in Christ We Become Witnesses of Hope - Stars in the Sky of History
32nd Tuesday in Ordinary Time - The Profession of Peter - The Rock of the Church - The Rock of Our Lives
32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time I - Jesus Christ - High Priest and Victim - Gives His Life for Us - We Give Our Lives to Him
32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time II - Jesus Christ - High Priest and Victim - We Are Reconciled to God through Him
31st Saturday in Ordinary Time - The Obedience of Faith - Placing Ourselves Under God and Listening to Him
31st Wednesday in Ordinary Time - Taking Up Our Cross and Following Jesus
31st Tuesday in Ordinary Time - The Banquet is Love
31st Monday in Ordinary Time - Praying for All Souls
31st Sunday in Ordinary Time I - Solemnity of All Saints: The Kingdom of God in Our Hearts: Living the Fruits of the Spirit
31st Sunday in Ordinary Time II - Blessed Are the Pure of Heart for Their Hearts Have Become One With the Heart of Christ
30th Saturday in Ordinary Time - Let It Be Done unto Me according to Your Word - The Humble Are Exalted
30th Thursday in Ordinary Time - Nothing Can Separate Us from Him
30th Wednesday in Ordinary Time - The Prayer of Jesus - Heart, Origin, and Sustenance of Our Daily Lives
30th Tuesday in Ordinary Time - The Blessed Mother Gives Birth to Christ in Us
30th Monday in Ordinary Time - Standing in the Synagogue of the Living God We Cry Out Abba
30th Sunday in Ordinary Time I - Lord That I May Love
30th Sunday in Ordinary Time II - What Do You Want Me to Do For You?
29th Saturday in Ordinary Time - In the Spirit We Reign With Him Now
29th Thursday in Ordinary Time - The Peace That the World Cannot Take Away
29th Wednesday in Ordinary Time - Much Will be Required of the Person Entrusted With Much
29th Tuesday in Ordinary Time - The Path of Joy
29th Monday in Ordinary Time - The Wealth of Faith
29th Sunday in Ordinary Time I - The Path of the Free Heart
29th Sunday in Ordinary Time II - The True Greatness of Our Hearts
28th Thursday in Ordinary Time - Feast of St. Teresa of Avila - Doctor of the Church and Patroness of St. Joseph
28th Wednesday in Ordinary Time - All the Rules are About Love
28th Tuesday in Ordinary Time - Living by Faith from the Inside Out
28th Monday in Ordinary Time - Having the Heart of a Servant
28th Sunday in Ordinary Time I - We Lack One Thing
27th Saturday in Ordinary Time - The Blessed Virgin Mary - She Who Perfectly Hears the Word of God and Keeps It
27th Thursday in Ordinary Time - The Gift for Which We Pray
27th Wednesday in Ordinary Time - Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary - Remembering Jesus With Mary
27th Tuesday in Ordinary Time - Only One Thing is Necessary - To Love the Lord With All Your Heart
27th Monday in Ordinary Time - Feast of St. Faustina - Divine Mercy in Our Souls
27th Sunday in Ordinary Time - No Longer Two but One Flesh - The Law of Fidelity Is Written in Our Bodies
26th Thursday in Ordinary Time - The Kingdom of God is at Hand for You
26th Wednesday in Ordinary Time: Feast of St. Jerome - Ignorance of Scripture is Ignorance of Christ
26th Tuesday in Ordinary Time - Feast of the Archangels - Our Protectors and Friends on the Path of Life
26th Monday in Ordinary Time - Two Virtues of a Free Heart
25th Friday in Ordinary Time - Take Courage and Work - Letting the Lord Build His Temple
25th Wednesday in Ordinary Time - Feast of Saint Pio of Pietrelcina- La Cruz es la identidad de cada sacerdote
25th Wednesday in Ordinary Time - Feast of St. Padre Pio -  Living Image of Jesus - High Priest and Victim
25th Tuesday in Ordinary Time - BVM, Mother and Disciple of Jesus,  Who Hears the Word of God and Keeps it Perfectly in Her Heart
25th Monday in Ordinary Time - Feast of St. Matthew - the Gift of God - Received His Life Back
25th Sunday in Ordinary Time II - The Marriage of Man and Woman: Where the Child is Received in His Name
25th Sunday in Ordinary Time I - Hearts that Respond to the Father
24th Sunday in Ordinary Time II - The Sacred Professions that Save
24th Sunday in Ordinary Time I - To Follow Christ is Life
23rd Saturday in Ordinary Time - In Her We Inherit the Victory of God
23rd Friday in Ordinary Time - Our Inheritance is Christ
23rd Tuesday in Ordinary Time - The Nativity of Mary: God Has a Home in the World
23rd Monday in Ordinary Time - The Redemptive Labor of Suffering in Christ
23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time I - Be Opened to the Truth that Heals Us
23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time II - Man is Redeemed by Love
22nd Saturday in Ordinary Time - We Need Help, We Need Mary
22nd Friday in Ordinary Time - Welcoming the Bridegroom
22nd Wednesday in Ordinary Time - The Gestures of Healing
22nd Tuesday in Ordinary Time - What is There About His Word
22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time I - The Human Heart - Temple of God, Temple of Love
22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time II - Nothing Can Separate Us From the Love of God
21st Sunday in Ordinary Time I - The Dignity of Married Love
21st Sunday in Ordinary Time II - As For Me and My House We Will Serve the Lord
21st Sunday in Ordinary Time III - Mutual Subordination: The form of Christian Love
20th Saturday in Ordinary Time - The Queenship of Mary: May She Reign to Bear Christ in Us
20th Sunday in Ordinary Time - The Eucharist: God Gives Us His Life
19th Sunday in Ordinary Time I - The Word of God and the Most Holy Eucharist
19th Sunday in Ordinary Time II - Covenantal Father of the Eucharistic Lord
19th Friday in Ordinary Time - Gran Señal: La Mujer Coronada Con Doce Estrellas
18th Sunday in Ordinary Time I - Faith as an Experience is Subordinate to Faith as a Virtue
18th Sunday in Ordinary Time II - Faith in Christ - Bread from Heaven - Living Torah of the Father

17th Sunday in Ordinary Time I - Eucharist: Unitive, Creative Total and True Love. On the 41st Anniversary of Humanae Vitae

17th Sunday in Ordinary Time II - Eucharistic Love - Humanae Vitae and the Universal Call to Conjugal Love

15th Sunday in Ordinary Time - The Identity of Freedom - Word, Name and Healing

14th Sunday in Ordinary Time I - My Grace is Sufficient For You
14th Sunday in Ordinary Time II - God's Grace Made Sufficient in Us
11th Tuesday in Ordinary Time - To be Perfectly Loved
Domingo de Pentecostés - De Nuestros Corazones Brotaran Ríos de Agua Viva
Ascension Sunday - The Theological Virtues: Center of Our Christian Life
5th Sunday of Easter III - Children of God - Children of Mary
5th Sunday of Easter II - Mary - the Way of the Church
5th Sunday of Easter I - Jesus Remains in Us through Mary
4th Saturday of Easter - The Word Becomes Flesh in Us Through Mary
4th Sunday of Easter I - The Shape and Form and Gestures of Love
4th Sunday of Easter II - A New Name - A New Identity
4th Sunday of Easter III - Love in the Truth is Possible
3rd Sunday of Easter I - Understanding the Scriptures of the Church
3rd Sunday of Easter II - The Gift of Sacred Scripture - Witness of the Word
2nd Sunday of Easter I - Faith - A Gift of the Church
2nd Sunday of Easter II - His Mercy Endures Forever
2nd Sunday of Easter III- Peace be with You - The Path of Divine Mercy
Easter Sunday I - The Power is Love
Easter Sunday II - Our Dignity is Love
Holy Thursday - Love is Possible--to the Extreme
Passion Sunday - How He Died
Passion Sunday - Truly This Man Was the Son of God
5th Sunday of Lent - The Sacraments: Seven Signs of the New Covenant
5th Sunday of Lent - Faith that Gives Life
5th Sunday of Lent - Evening Prayer: The Grain of Wheat is Love
4th Sunday of Lent - The Sacraments: Efficacious signs of Love and Responsibility
4th Sunday of Lent - Faith is Light
3rd Sunday of Lent - The Samaritan Woman
"El Corazón de San José "- Santa Casa de Loreto, Feb. 16, 2009
"Holiness: Path of Love" - Solemnity of All Saints, 2008
"Nothing Can Separate Us from His Love" - August 3, 2008
"Totally Yours, oh Mary", Chapel of the Miraculous Medal - April 2, 2008
"To Acquire the Heart of a Child", Basilica of St. Therese of  Lesieux - April 1, 2008
"Peace Be With You", Chapel of Apparitions, Paray le Monial - March 30, 2008
"Behold the Heart that so Loved Men", Chapel of Apparitions, Paray le Monial - March 29, 2008
"His Mercy Endures Forever", Church of the Cure of Ars - March 28, 2008
"The Gift of the Eucharist", The Church of the Eucharistic Miracle of Avignon - March 26, 2008
"Marian and Petrine Principles, Signs of the Power of Love", The Grotto, Lourdes - March 24, 2008
"Alleluia, the Summary of Our Lives", The Crypt, Lourdes - March 23, 2008
"La Misericordia de Dios, Luz del Mundo", Pontevedra - Marzo 18, 2008
"Love is Triumphant", Chapel of apparitions, Fatima - March 16, 2008    
"San Jose, el Hombre Justo", Capilla de las Apariciones, Fatima - Marzo 15, 2008
From Despair to Hope: "This is My Body Given Up For You" - August 5, 2007
Solemnity of Sts. Peter and Paul - June 29, 2007


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