Recompiled by SCTJM

"In the Womb"
By National Geographic Channel

"Diary of an Unborn Baby"
Gianna Jessen: Abortion Survivor Interview with Gianna Jessen
"The Drop Box" Documentary Trailer Video of Gianna Jessen, Abortion Survivor, in Australia: Part I
Video of Gianna Jessen, Abortion Survivor, in Australia: Part 2 Watch them Change Their Mind about Abortion
Related Documents and Articles
* Humanae Vitae - Encyclical Letter by Venerable Paul VI
* Evangelium Vitae - Encyclical Letter by Bl. John Paul II
* Encyclopedia Acknowledges Fetal Pain as a Scientific Fact
* Distinction Between Direct Abortion and Legitimate Medical Procedures - USCCB
* History of Church Teaching on Abortion - US Bishops Fact Sheet
* Voting Pro-Abortion Called Cooperating in Evil- Bishops Kevin Farrell & Kevin Vann
* 3D Atlas of Human Embryology
* The Roman Catholic Church and Abortion: An Historical Perspective
* Fr. Barron Comments on Abortion: Shocking Numbers Out of New York
* Hope after Abortion


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