Sacred Scriptures/Liturgy: Commentaries Sunday's Readings

Fr. Thomas Rosica, CSB

Taken from
Setting Out Into the Deep and Casting Nets - 5th Sun OT, year C
The Beatitudes: Blueprint for Holiness - All Saints Day
Master, I Want to See! - 30th Sun OT, year B
Christ and the Priesthood - 29th Sun OT, year B
How to Inherit Eternal Life - 28th Sun OT, year B
Marriage and the Family: Humanity's Future - 27th Sun OT, year B
The Importance of Self-criticism and Humility - 26th Sun OT, year B
The Meaning of Christian Wisdom - 25th Sun OT, year B
Affirmation, Identity and Purpose of Jesus' Mission - 24th Sun OT, year B
Quality Communication - 23rd Sun OT, year B
Caught Up in the Externals - 22nd Sun OT, year B
Do You Also Wish to Go Away? - 21st Sun OT, year B
Health Food For the Soul - 20th Sun OT, year B
Elijah's Power Food, and Ours - 19th Sun OT, year B
Give Us This Bread Always! - 18th Sun OT, year B
It is Never Enough, Until We Give it Away - 17th Sun. OT year B
Jesus the Compassionate Shepherd of God - 16th Sun. OT year B
Jesus Sends Us to Teach and Heal - 15th Sun. OT year B
Is Not This the Carpenter, the son of Mary? - 14th Sun. OT year B
Arise, Live and Love Again! - 13th Sun. OT year B
Between the Sadness of the Cross and the Joy of Easter
Embracing the True Science of the Cross
The Bare Facts and Bare Feet of the Last Supper
The Passion of Jesus Is Our Reason for Hope
Gazing Upon the Face of Jesus
A Burning Love for the Father's House
Moriah, Tabor, Calvary: Darkness Can Be Radiant


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