Video Clips

By Sr. Mary,sctjm

What is the Plan of God for Man? Why does Man have a Desire for God?
Why and in What Way is Divine Revelation Transmitted? Why does Sacred Scripture Teach the Truth?
How is Sacred Scripture to be Read? Canon of Scripture, Role that Sacred Scripture plays in the life of the Church
Man's Response to God What are the Characteristics of Faith?
Why is Faith a personal act, and at the same time ecclesial? What are the symbols of faith?
Why does the Profession of Faith begin with the words,
"I believe in God?"
With what name does God reveal Himself?
What does it mean to believe in only one God? What is the central Mystery of the Christian Faith and life?
What is the importance of affirming that
God created the heavens and earth?
What is Divine Providence?
Who are the Angels? If God is Omnipotent and Provident, why does Evil Exist?
What does Sacred Scripture teach about the
creation of the visible world?
In what sense do we understand man and woman
as created “in the image of God”?
How do the Soul and Body form a Unity
in the Human Being?
What is the Original Condition of the Human Person in the Plan of God?
In what sense is the life of Christ a Mystery? What does the hidden life of Jesus in Nazareth teach us? 


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