Video Clips
By Sr. Mary,sctjm
What is the Plan of God for Man? | Why does Man have a Desire for God? |
Why and in What Way is Divine Revelation Transmitted? | Why does Sacred Scripture Teach the Truth? |
How is Sacred Scripture to be Read? | Canon of Scripture, Role that Sacred Scripture plays in the life of the Church |
Man's Response to God | What are the Characteristics of Faith? |
Why is Faith a personal act, and at the same time ecclesial? | What are the symbols of faith? |
Why does the Profession of Faith begin with the words, "I believe in God?" |
With what name does God reveal Himself? |
What does it mean to believe in only one God? | What is the central Mystery of the Christian Faith and life? |
What is the importance of affirming that God created the heavens and earth? |
What is Divine Providence? |
Who are the Angels? | If God is Omnipotent and Provident, why does Evil Exist? |
What does Sacred Scripture teach about the creation of the visible world? |
In what sense do we understand man and woman as created “in the image of God”? |
How do the Soul and Body form a Unity in the Human Being? |
What is the Original Condition of the Human Person in the Plan of God? |
In what sense is the life of Christ a Mystery? | What does the hidden life of Jesus in Nazareth teach us? |
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