Theology of the Heart- Life of the Saints- Saint Mother Teresa of Calcutta

1910-1997 AD

Foundress of the Order of the Missionaries of Charity
Feast: September 5

"Intense love does not just gives."


“I have found the paradox that if I love until it hurts, then there is no hurt, but only more love.”

Life of St. Mother Teresa
Official Vatican Biography
Her Early Years
Reflections on Her Life

Saint John Paul II on St. Mother Teresa
Beatification Homily of St. Mother Teresa

Words and Thoughts of St. Mother Teresa
Quotations and Thoughts

The World is Hungry for Love

Prayers and Meditations
I Thirst

Mother of Teresa of Calcutta Center - Official Site of the Missionaries of Charity
A Tribute to Her Life
B. Mother Teresa - A Sign for the Times

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