Saints and Theology of the Heart - St. Vincent Ferrer

Religious of the Dominican Order

Feast: April 5

He was born in Valencia in 1350.  He entered the Dominican Order at the age of seventeen, living the life of the Rule with great discipline, of which he left a clear testament in his treatise entitled, “On the Spiritual Life”, which contains a perfect theology of the apostolate and of the ardent desire for perfection. 

He primarily dedicated himself to teaching philosophy and theology, subjects on which he published some other treatises. 

His virginal purity, his frank and jovial character and his love for austerity had prepared him for great apostolic mission, which he began already in the years 1380-1390; he was occupied with numerous missions entrusted to him by the Cardinal Legate Pedro de Luna and the King, Juan I of Aragon. 

In this period he was dedicated to preaching, first at the side of the Pope in Avignon and later in the south of France and Northern Italy.

Finally, in the year 1399, he entirely dedicated himself entirely to the mission of itinerant preacher, as “representative for Christ” since, as he testified in a letter to the antipope Benedict III, he had received this mission from Christ Himself.


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