Theology of the Heart: Teachings of the Saints

Loving the Lord Our God
Blessed Angela de Foligno

This reading on loving the Lord was taken from the Magnificat for Friday, March 20.

God, our uncreated, incarnate, supreme, and perfect Good, is total love. He loves totally and wants to be loved totally. Hence, he wants his [children] to be totally transformed into him by love... Therefore God, noble by nature, wants the heart of his [child] not partially but totally, without intermediary, and without any rival companion. Our God, however, is so full of courtesy toward the soul that if a soul gives its heart to him totally, he accepts it totally, but if it gives it to him only partially, he accepts that, even though it is in the nature of perfect love to want all and not just a part. We know that a husband who loves his wife cannot bear the the thought that in her secret heart he might share her affections with another. But if a [child] of God would only get to know and taste the love that is divine - that of the uncreated, incarnate, and suffering God, who is the supreme Good - he would give himself totally to him, and take leave not only of himselfbut of other creatures as well. He would love this loving God so totally that he would transform himself completely into this God-man, the supreme Good, and beloved one. This is why, if a soul wishes to attain this perfection of love--in which it gives itself completely and serves God without the thought of a reward in this world, or even in the next, but gives itself to God and serves hi for himself alone, as the one who is totally good and the total good, and worthy to be loved for himself alone--such a soul must enter through the straight path and walk along it with a love that is pure, upright, fervent, and ordered.


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