Theology of the Heart: Wisdom of the heart- Bl. Charles de Foucauld

Wisdom of the heart

Father I entrust myself to you
Blessed Charles de Foucauld (1858-1916)

“Father, into your hands I commend my spirit.” (Lk 23:46) That was our Master’s, our Beloved’s last prayer. May it be ours. And may it not only be the prayer of our last moment, but that of all our moments: “Father, I place myself into your hands; Father, I entrust myself to you; Father, I abandon myself to you. Father, do with me as pleases you; whatever you do with me, I thank you. Thank you for everything. I am ready for everything, I accept everything, I thank you for everything so long as your will is done in me, my God, so long as your will is done in all your creatures, in all your children, in all whom your heart loves. I want nothing else, my God. Into your hands I commend my soul, I give it to you, my God, with all the love of my heart, because I love you, and because in my love I need to give myself, to place myself into your hands beyond all measure. I place myself into your hands with infinite trust, because you are my Father.”

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