Theology of the Heart: Wisdom of the heart- Guillaume of Saint-Thierry

Wisdom of the heart

“You shall see the sky opened”
Guillaume of Saint-Thierry (around 1085-1148),
Benedictine, then Cistercian monk
Meditative prayers VI, 5-7

If it is enough to see two or three united in your name here below so as to see you in their midst (Mt 18:20) …, what can we say about the place where you have united all the saints who have “made a covenant with you by sacrifice” and who have become like “the heavens that proclaim your justice”? (Ps 50:5-6)

Your beloved disciple was not the only one who found the path that ascends to heaven; he was not the only one to whom an open door in heaven was shown (Rev 4:1). For you declared it to everyone by your own mouth: “I am the door. Whoever enters through me will be safe.” (Jn 10:9) So you are the door, and according to what you added, you open it to everyone who wants to enter.

But of what use is it to us to see an open door in heaven while we are on earth, if we don’t have the means to ascend there? Saint Paul gives us the answer: “He who ascended is the very one who descended.” (Eph 4:9) Who is he? Love. For, Lord, it is love that goes up to you from our hearts, because it is love that came down from you to us. Because you loved us, you came down to us; by loving you, we will be able to ascend to you. You who said: “I am the door,” in your name I beg you to open yourself before us. Then we will see more clearly to which dwelling you are the door and when and to whom you open it.


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