Treasures of the Church- Holy Sites - Paray le Monial

PARAY LE MONIAL and The Sacred Heart of Jesus
Place of the Apparitions
Of the Sacred Heart to St. Margaret Mary


Paray le Monial is a small town in the Bourgogne region of eastern France. It is the place where the Sacred Heart of Jesus appeared to St. Margaret Mary of Alacoque. The apparitions and subsequent devotion to the Sacred Heart took place in the late 17th century. St. Margaret Mary’s spiritual director was St. Claude de la Colombiere. Both consecrated themselves to the Sacred Heart and promoted the devotion with much suffering. This devotion was strongly opposed in and out of the Church and suppressed in many places. In 1856, Pope Pius IX proclaimed the Feast of the Sacred Heart for the entire Church and exhorted the faithful to consecrate themselves to the Sacred Heart (1875). St. Margaret Mary was canonized on May 13th, 1920.

The Apparitions
Since childhood St. Margaret was formed by the Blessed Virgin. When she was ill she did many corporal penances with great charity. In 1671, she entered the Visitation Convent. One day while she was before the Blessed Sacrament, Jesus allowed her “to rest for a long time on His Divine Heart,” revealing to her “the marvels of His love and the unexplainable secrets of His Sacred Heart” ( Dec. 17th, 1673, Feast of St. John the Apostle).

Jesus said: “My Divine Heart is so passionate of love for humanity and in particularly for you that it is not able to contain itself in the flames of this ardent love. It’s necessary for you to be enriched with His precious treasures . .I have chosen you. . “ And taking her heart, He placed it in His “like a small particle consumed in the burning furnace.”

Since that day the Sacred Heart appeared to her regularly, especially on First Fridays.
Jesus said: “Here is the Heart which has so deeply loved men, it has spared nothing even exhausted and consumed itself to show them my love and in return all I receive from the majority of them is ingratitude.”

First Fridays
Jesus: “ I promise you in the excessive of the mercy of My Heart, that His omnipotent love will grant to all those who receive Holy Communion on the first nine Fridays of consecutive months, the grace of final penance.” (Benedict XV at her canonization)

“Sadly, we can say, Devotion to the Sacred Heart has diminished in some people; from now on, may it flourish more each day, may it be regarded by all as an authentic , excellent and secure devotion which our times demand according to the Second Vatican norms.” (Pope Paul VI).

The Chapel of the Visitation
The Chapel is located in the Monastery of the Visitation - Rue de la Visitation 71600. This is the actual place where the apparitions of Jesus to St. Margaret Mary took place in 1673. Here are housed relics of the Saint.

In the Area
The Sacre Coeur Basilica (Sacred Heart) was built by the Cluny monks in the 11th century. Today it is a very active center for pilgrimages and great religious celebrations. As well, the Chapel of la Colombičre is close by. Here are housed relics of St. Claude de la Colombičre, confessor of St. Margaret, who along with her ardently spread the devotion to the Sacred Heart. He was canonized on May of 1992.

More on the Revelations of the Sacred Heart to St. Margaret Mary>>>

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