Consecration to the Immaculate Heart--of Individuals

Mother Adela Galindo, Foundress SCTJM
May 13, 2000

(Consecrate yourselves, your families, your communities, cities and nations, entering and taking in your heart in a spiritual way, all those who you desire to bring into the Ark of the Immaculate and Maternal Heart of Our Blessed Mother)

Oh Immaculate Heart of Mary, sure path to the Heart of Christ, sure refuge of sinners, New Ark in which we find refuge in the great storms that are lashing us. Today we wish to consecrate ourselves (your name and all those whom you wish to consecrate, including cities and nations) to your Immaculate Heart, Oh Blessed Mother; we desireto be hidden and protected within your Heart, while the many floods and dangers that threaten humanity today pass by.

Oh Holy Mother, we want to be totally yours. We ask you to defend us, to protect us, to guide us, and to lead us towards perfect communion with the Heart of your Son, our only love and our only treasure. We entrust and consecrate ourselves to your Immaculate and Maternal Heart, sanctuary filled with grace and light, love and holiness, filled with peace and with the presence of God.  Within your Immaculate Heart, may the forces of evil, in all the ways that they are manifested, not harm us or touch us. We are your property and your possession, guard, defend and protect oh Mother of Love, your children, all those who are consecrated to you. We are totally yours; guard and protect what is yours, O Mother and Queen.

Blessed Mother, we ask that your Heart may triumph, triumph in our hearts, triumph in the Church, triumph in the world, triumph over the scourge of this virus that threatens human life and the scourge of the virus that threaten our souls: sin and rejection of God and his Commandments.

May your Immaculate Heart triumph so as to prepare the luminous triumph of the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus. So that by the triumph of your Heart, may grace triumph over sin; light over darkness; love over selfishness and faith over unbelief, rectitude of life over destructive permissiveness.

All of us, your children around the world, in union of hearts, we enter today, and we take with us as many souls as we can, into the Ark of your Maternal Heart. Thank you, Oh Blessed Mother, for embracing us and protecting us with a motherly Heart. Totus Tuus! I am all yours, Mother, and all that I am and all that I have is yours! 

Immaculate Heart, New Ark of our difficult times, pray for us!

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