Consecrations to the Pierced Hearts of Jesus and Mary- Priests

Mother Adela Galindo, Foundress sctjm

“It is appropriate in our times, to profoundly understand and have a greater conscience of the intimate relationship that exists between the Two Hearts, and of the immense value that an authentic devotion and consecration to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary have in our lives.”
(Pope John Paul II, November 23, 1987)

O Sacred heart of Jesus , you have loved man to the extreme of allowing yourself to be pierced and to become a living fountain from which flow, in abundance, graces of salvation and of conversion. Jesus, from your Pierced Heart flows the Blood and the Water which purifies, transforms, vivifies and liberates my heart. Your Heart, offered on the Cross, is the sacrificial seal of the New Alliance of love between God and man. Your Pierced, Priestly Heart is the perfect victim offered to the Father for the salvation of man. You are the living sacrifice, the pure victim, the Lamb who has been slain for love of us. Your pierced Heart is the most beautiful pearl, the eternal heritage and the sure hope of all those of us who, with an unmerited grace, participate in your priesthood and victimhood.

It is my desire to consecrate my life and my priesthood to your Priestly Heart. May the fruit of this consecration be a fuller communion of love with your Heart. May your Heart be the primary source of my affections; may my actions be moved by the interior inspirations of your own Heart; may my sentiments, discernments and desires be moved by the sentiments of your Heart. May the rule of my life be your virtues and your holiness and may the knowledge of your mysteries be the principal object of my life. May your charity inspire my apostolic mission and my service to the souls. May your purity always inspire my conduct. May your Heart, truly present and living in the Eucharist, be, O Jesus, my treasure, my refuge and my peace.
In virtue of this consecration I pray that my priesthood may be lived in accordance to the designs of the Pierced Hearts. May I live each Eucharistic celebration with all of my heart, in profound love and reverence. May my always direct my life to the contemplation of your Eucharistic Heart and so, learn how to listen to the beats of your heart and its desires. In all of my life, and most specially in the dark moments, may I, like Saint John, know how to recline my head upon your Eucharistic Heart, and so filled with your grace, remain faithful at the foot of the Cross, and thus be able to participate, with greater intimacy, in the graces of your pierced Heart. May my priesthood, consecrated totally to your priestly, Eucharistic and pierced Heart, become an instrument of love, grace, holiness, truth, forgiveness and mercy to a world so in need of your love and of the merciful flame of your Heart. May the unconditional offering of my life, my priesthood and my sacrifice to the designs of your Heart, contribute in the edification of the civilization of love and life

O Pierced Heart of Mary, through your perfect communion of love with the Heart of Christ, you are the living school of total consecration and dedication to His Heart. I desire to live n your Heart, O Mother, so as to be able to learn how to love without division the heart of Jesus; to obey Him with diligence and exactness; to serve Him with generosity and to cooperate actively and responsibly, in the designs of His Heart. I desire to live my priesthood within your Immaculate Heart, allowing you to form, transform and mold me into a living image of the priestly Heart of your Son.

I desire to consecrate myself totally to your Immaculate and Pierced Heart as the prefect and sure path to the Heart of Jesus. Your Heart is a sure refuge of grace and holiness, where I am liberated and healed of all the shadows and miseries of my heart. It is your Heart, O Mother, perfectly united in the love and redemptive sacrifice of your Son, which can best teach me how to live the dimension of victimhood present in my priesthood. It is to your Heart, O Mother, that Jesus gives the priestly heart of the Beloved Disciple. Through this consecration, I desire to be like Saint John, and receive you in my heart, so that all of my interior life, my vocation, my priesthood and my offering as a victim may be protected, nourished, guided and formed through your maternal mediation. I desire to belong to your Heart, O Most Holy Virgin, without reserves and in a total disposition of love towards the designs of the Heart of your Son, which will be manifested to my heart through your own. In virtue of this consecration, may I be protected within your maternal Heart from all spiritual and physical harm. May my priestly heart burn with the fire of the Holy Spirit, as your Heart does. United to you, who are the most perfect channel through which Christ comes to the world, and filled with the power of the Holy Spirit, may I be an instrument to make known and loved, in the hearts of all men, the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus and your own Immaculate Heart.

O Hearts of Jesus and Mary, hope of humanity! Hope because it is in your perfect communion of love for God and for man, that you have offered yourselves. Through this consecration, I desire to participate with my priestly life and from my littleness, in the merciful designs of the Pierced Hearts, which are being manifested over the world. I desire to offer my life and my priesthood as an offering of reparation and consolation to the their Hearts. With my life, prayers, sacrifices, fidelity, purity and faithfulness to the Church and the Vicar of Christ, I desire to promote and establish in all hearts, the Reign of love of the Pierced Hearts of Jesus and Mary. Amen!


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