Consecration of a School to the Pierced Hearts of Jesus and Mary

Consecration of a School
To the Pierced Hearts of Jesus and Mary

Mother Adela Galindo, Foundress sctjm

“It is appropriate in our times, to profoundly understand and have a greater conscience of the intimate relationship that exists between the Two Hearts, and of the immense value that an authentic devotion and consecration to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary have in our lives.”
(Pope John Paul II, November 23, 1987)

O Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, you have loved humanity to the extreme and have not spared anything to bring about our salvation and to give us your love, your life, your grace, and your truth.  You have loved man to the point of allowing your Heart to be pierced so as to become the source of living waters from which all graces are poured forth in abundance. We recognize that your Heart is the open fountain from which flow, with power and strength, the Blood and Water that purify, transform, vivify and liberate our hearts, bringing us to conversion.
Your Pierced Heart is the narrow door through which we enter and participate in the Kingdom of Heaven. It is in your Divine Heart that we learn the virtues of humility and meekness, of obedience and abnegation. It is in your Most Sacred Heart there that we find the fullness of love and peace. Your Heart is also the Divine School where we learn to live the virtues of love, humility, meekness, sacrifice and peace. It is for this reason that we consecrate this Catholic School to your Heart, so that your designs and your love may be present here and so that, in this school and guided by your Wisdom, true sons and daughters of God may be formed.

O Jesus, by means of this consecration, we ask you to keep in your Heart, the entire Family of this School. May they find in you their guide, their light, their strength and their reward. We ask you that each one of the teachers may live within your Heart, so as to be channels of grace and of love for the children that have been confided to them. In virtue of this consecration, may each one of them be a model of goodness, nobility, wisdom, truth and justice. May the graces of mercy, conversion and peace that flow from your Heart reach the heart of each one of their students by means of the joyful, caring and dedicated service of each teacher. Through the efforts of all, may the civilization of love, so desired by the servant of God, John Paul II, be formed here.

O Immaculate Heart of Mary, by your total disposition to God’s plan of salvation, you accepted with generosity, fidelity and obedience, the work of forming and of teaching Jesus how to speak, to walk, to read and to love. Through your maternal attention, Jesus “grew in stature and in grace before God and before men.” You have become for us the Seat of Wisdom by which we all come to know the true face of your Son. By your perfect union of love with the Heart of Jesus, you are the sure path that leads us to obtain the same communion of heart. May your Heart be, O Mother, our refuge and the place of grace where we are transformed, by the power of the Holy Spirit, into living images of Jesus, your Son.

We desire to consecrate to your Immaculate Heart, this Catholic School, all of its teachers, students, and families; all of its directors and staff, and all of its ministries and services. In virtue of this consecration, all in this school recognize and accept your spiritual maternity. All take you into their hearts and into their lives, into their efforts, struggles, work and apostolates. They commend themselves to your care, guidance and maternal protection. In light of your example, may they too be faithful to their mission of being formators and educators, in a spirit of generosity, and conscious of the grace that they have received by being called to be such a necessary and fundamental part in the lives of so many families.

O Hearts of Jesus and Mary, only hope of humanity! You are our hope since in your perfect union of love for God and for humanity, you have given yourselves for the salvation of the world. This Catholic School desires to participate, from its own littleness, in the designs of mercy that the Two Hearts are manifesting in the world. In virtue of this consecration, they commit themselves to make of this school, a place of grace; a small sanctuary where prayer is the source of all strength; where the Word of God is the motivating force behind all decisions and actions; where common effort is the guarantee of fostering true spiritual and human development; where the love of the Pierced Hearts is the measure of all relations; and where all can proclaim together--with their lives, words and works-- the Reign of the Pierced Hearts of Jesus and Mary. Amen!

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