Pope Benedict XVI - Addresses 2010

Papal Addresses

Look at the One they Pierced!

December 21 - "We do Not Possess the Truth, the Truth Possesses Us"
Address to Roman Curia
December 20 - "It is God Who Can Give us a True and Solid Peace"
Address to Youth of Catholic Action
December 8 - "Mary Immaculate Teaches Us to Listen to the Voice of God that Speaks in Silence"
Address on the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception
October 28 - "The Lord is Present and Powerful"
Intervention during the last day of Synod of Bishops
October 9 - "When We Serve the New Evangelization, It is Always in Cooperation with God"
Meditation during First General Congregation of Synod of Bishops
July 11 - "Music is a Harmony of Differences"
at the end of a concert in his honor
July 9 - "Remembering Vatican II"
Address during Visit to 'Ad Gentes Center" in Nemi, Italy
May 31 - "Her Faith Invites Us to Look Beyond Appearances"
Address at Conclusion of the Marian Month of May
May 19 - On the Logic of the Gift
Address to Three Lay Associations
May 18 - On the Truth of Christ
Address to US BIshops on Ad Limina Visit
May 13 - On Hope for the Future
Address at Sansepolcro
May 13 - On Contemplating the Cross
Message sent to the community at La Verna
May 5 - "Providing young people with a sound education in the faith represents the most urgent internal challenge facing the Catholic community in your country"
Address to US Bishops on Ad Limina Visit
April 6- "In Tmes of Trial and Tribulation, We Are Not Alone...
Jesus is Present With His love"
at Colosseum on Good Friday after the Way of the Cross
April 2 - "Christ Needs You by His Side to Extend and Build His Kingdom of Charity"
to WYD Pilgrims
March 9 - "The New Evangelization thus also Begins in the Confessional"
at Annual Conference with Apostolic Penitentiary on Confession
March 9 - "There is an Urgent Need for the Entire Christian
Community to Recover an Appreciation for the Virtue of Chastity"
Address to US Bishops
February 24 - "Charitable Service Becomes a Privileged Form of Evangelization"
Address on Receiving Peter's Pence
January 27 - "The World Awaits Saints: This Above All"
Address to Three Regional Seminaries in Italy
January 26 - "Patient Waiting does not Entail Passivity but a
Response to Every Possibility of Communion"
Closing of Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
January 19 - ""The Legitimate Separation of Church and State
Cannot Be Taken to Mean That the Church Must Be Silent"

to US Bishops during Ad Limina Visit
January 9 - "Education is a Crucial Theme for Every Generation"
to Diplomatic Corps

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Look at the One they Pierced!

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