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"On Our Lady of Comfort"
May 13, 2012

Dear brothers and sisters!

At the conclusion of this eucharistic celebration, the time of the Marian prayer invites us all to go in spirit before the image of Our Lady of Comfort in the cathedral.

As Mother of the Church, Mary Most Holy always wants to comfort her children in moments of great difficulty and suffering. And this city has experienced her maternal succor many times. Thus, today also, we entrust to her intercession all of the persons and families of your community that find themselves in situations of great need.

At the same time, through Mary, we ask moral comfort of God that the community of Arezzo and all of Italy reject the temptation of discouragement and, strong in the great humanistic tradition also, decisively set out again upon the path of spiritual and ethical renewal, which alone can lead to an authentic improvement of social and civil life. Everyone can and must make a contribution to this task.

O Mary, Our Lady of Comfort, pray for us!

[Translation by Joseph G. Trabbic]


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